Breath of the Dead

Chapter 359: Send troops to support Luna (135176)

Chapter 359 Send troops to support Luna (135176)

  The average order is 1769, keep going forward and work hard to update!


As Gu Xi stood by the fire, he saw a squeaking sound coming from the fire.

The sound was like someone polishing a weapon with stones.

 It seems that this time the people in the fire are refreshed.

 But when Gu Xi glanced inside, Gu Xi's brows couldn't help but frown.

 【Minotaurs*10 will be produced this week, requiring 200 units of resource recruitment! 】

[Minotaur (level 3 summoned troops): experience (0/350), attack 5, defense 2, life 31, skills: bravery (morale at least +1), double attack (actively attack the enemy twice), blood of the earth (Standing on the ground, you can recover 3 points of life per minute)]

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but press his forehead.

 Perhaps he directly spawned the red dragon last time and used up all his good luck. This time he encountered the weakest minotaur called the blood bull.

 Minotaur is a very common type of soldier, and it is also the basic condition for the spiritual transformation of certain Eastern ghost soldiers.

 So in the Netherbone Wind Academy, there is a special class about Minotaurs.

Minotaurs range from level 3 to level 6. The most common one is naturally the minotaur mixed with the shadow dragon. Starting at level 6, you can master initiative (counterattack before the enemy attacks), slash (not immune to counterattack, small Large creatures will be knocked back) and fighting spirit (each normal attack will increase its own morale by 6 points, with a maximum of 30 points).

This kind of tauren is called a ferocious bull.

 Then there is the Tauren series that mixes with the black dragon. They start at level 5. They have unlimited counterattacks and are invincible powerful bulls in melee combat.

  Next is the beef bull that starts at level 4, which is also a minotaur. At least the minotaur that starts at level 4 is full of muscles, has high strength, and has the ability to charge at short distances.

 Only the blood cow in front of you is the weakest. The only strong thing is that it has longer vitality and can replenish blood on the spot. It is the best material to act as a human shield.

 Gu Xi never thought that he would be able to spawn such a Minotaur. Even if he spawned a batch of beef cattle, it would be better than this.

However, since they have been spawned, Gu Xi will naturally not let these blood cows go. No, they are minotaurs. Gu Xi will naturally not waste such a good opportunity.

 He summoned these minotaurs on the spot.

Looking at the minotaur in front of him with a bull's head, a short axe, and no clothes on his body, Gu Xi didn't say anything.

Although these minotaurs don't look very good, one thing is good. Their morale can always be maintained at 1 point.

In other words, although they hate the undead troops, they are rare beings who can mix with the undead troops without reducing their morale.

Looking at these minotaurs, Gu Xi pointed at them.

 “You are here just in time, please help me transport the trebuchet and stone projectiles.”

Minotaurs are quite obedient. They all know that they have no fighting ability and they just rely on their muscular frame to scare people.

 So they did whatever Gu Xi asked them to do.

When Gu Xi asked them to carry the trebuchet, the two minotaurs directly lifted the trebuchet and walked forward.

 Each of the remaining minotaurs carried at least three stone bullets.

I have to say that their team of minotaurs is quite powerful. Even if they are carrying such heavy things, their movement speed is not slow at all.

 In this way, Gu Xi no longer has to worry about being unable to transport his war machinery.

After integrating all the new minotaurs into the army, Gu Xi glanced at the new troops under his command and waved decisively.

Following Gu Xi's movements, an owl fell into Gu Xi's hands.

Gu Xi wrote a note casually and stuffed it into the owl's talon.

"Go find Luna!" Gu Xi wanted to tell Luna that he had already dealt with a few big weird bodies, and now he didn't need to deal with the corpses of other big weird ones.

 At the same time, he also told Luna that this time he had already trained this week's troops, and the more than 1,200 undead soldiers he had brought back had also completed the transformation of their units.

 You can participate in the battle at any time now. If Luna needs it, you can have people arrange for troops to go there.

 After sending the owl away, Gu Xi returned to the library.

Now he doesn't want to create any more complications. While waiting, it is most appropriate to read a book and restore his mana.

 Only when he is studying here and something happens, he can put down the book in his hand and deal with it immediately.

 As for going back to Wu Dou’s house to rest?

 This idea has completely disappeared from Gu Xi’s mind.

 There was such a big fuss when I got back last night.

 Gu Xi was afraid that if he went back, he might cause some trouble.

Then he might as well read in Aridovi City and solidify his foundation.

 So in the library, Gu Xi took out a magazine, sat at the desk and read it carefully.

Sometimes he would put his hands on the table to show his innocence.

About half an hour later, an owl appeared at the window near the library, knocking against the window constantly, as if to draw Gu Xi's attention.

  After a pause, he stood up and took the owl into the library. Then he took out Luna's reply from the owl's talon.

‘Sir, there is a problem with the last three nodes, please support me! ’

 After seeing this letter, Gu Xi stood up immediately.

As soon as he loosened his grip, the owl flew away.

As Gu Xi walked outside, he started calling people.

His undead troops have already been gathered, and the evil coffin is waiting outside the library.

As soon as Gu Xi came out of the library, the evil coffin moved in front of Gu Xi. Gu Xi turned over and lay on top of the evil coffin.

 Then the undead army began to move forward, following Gu Xi, and rushed out of Alidovi City together.

 After leaving the city, the owl led the way. It seemed that Luna had discovered how to use the owl.

But at this time, Gu Xi was still thinking about the raven of Chaoyang Guild.

Before starting the Bailian Festival, the Chaoyang Guild gave Gu Xi five raven eggs and told Gu Xi that they would hatch slowly if they were placed in a place full of deathly energy.

It has been how many days, and the raven's egg has not hatched yet. If Gu Xi didn't have an owl hut of his own, he probably wouldn't have known how to contact other players.

Now Luna has discovered the function of an owl that can lead the way.

Looks like the Owl House will be upgraded soon.

With such thoughts, Gu Xi also looked back at Alidovi City with a smile on his face. As Alidovi City prospers, Gu Xi's Death City skill level will also steadily increase.

I believe it won’t be long before Death City reaches level 5.

Just when Gu Xi was thinking about good things, he suddenly discovered that the sky not far away was dyed blue.

 (End of this chapter)

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