Breath of the Dead

Chapter 364: The Crystal Palace of King Jing Long (138177)

Chapter 364 The Crystal Palace of King Jing Long (138177)

The snow tornado caused by the joint efforts of all the snow girls was quite large, and it directly enveloped all the ghosts in the sky.

As the snowspout began to spin, the inconspicuous snowflakes inside turned into knife-tips.

At the same time, because the snow tornado is an elemental attack, the ghost's dodge against physical attacks will not work under such attacks.

At this time, Gu Xi finally felt what the enemy felt when he threw the Bone Storm into the enemy's combat troops.


Looking at a large number of ghosts dying like this, and the ghost teams disappearing one after another, Gu Xi's heart tightened.

 But he had no choice. At this time, the ghost could not be removed.

And Gu Xi also understood that the ghost just retreated, and the snow girl seized the opportunity to attack him.

  Necromancer can do anything, but cannot retreat.

Gu Xi gritted his teeth, raised the Cold Wind Staff, and pointed his finger at the sky.

 “Storm of Bones!”

Isn’t it just a snow tornado?

Isn’t it just a snowstorm?

 You can do it, and so can I!

This time Gu Xi Bone Storm used it as if he didn't need any mana.

Gu Xi did not control the direction of the Bone Storm, and just threw it into the snow tornado, one after another, without caring about the consumption of his own mana.

 Each bone storm will cause great harm to the snow girl who transforms into a snow tornado.

Because the Yuki Onna herself has transformed her body, the weak Yuki Onna has even been absorbed by the strong Yuki Onna.

 At present, their bodies are just affected by the Bone Storm.

The Bone Storm rotated faster and faster inside the snowspout, and finally broke up parts of the snowspout.

This time, the high-level snow girl who dominated everything was also frightened.

 They can turn into snow tornadoes because they believe that they can put their scattered bodies back together again.

  If the snowspout is dispersed, then they really will not be able to come back.

So the pressure was put on Yuki-onna, and Yuki-onna tried hard to drag her body back.

 But in this way, it is inconsistent with the characteristics of snow tornadoes.

 Snowspouts become bigger and better, and the more people they can drag in, the better.

 In this case, some of the surviving ghosts flew out of the snow tornado.

Just when Gu Xi kept releasing the Bone Storm, Gu Xi's mana finally bottomed out.

This time, Gu Xi did not hesitate as before, and immediately used his last mana to release the incarnation of death.

As the incarnation of death rushed out, the huge bone dragon immediately used the death dragon breath.

 This situation shocked Gu Xi.

However, Gu Xi still trusts the incarnation of death.

Gu Xi just released the Death Incarnation. Let the Death Incarnation fight how they want to fight, then let them do it themselves.

After spitting out the death dragon's breath, the snow tornado that had been spinning finally dispersed. The incarnation of death took this opportunity to rush into the snow tornado.

 Subsequently, Gu Xi noticed that a large amount of frost began to appear on the body of the incarnation of death.

But the incarnation of death didn't care about this. In the snow tornado, he frantically absorbed the cold air in the snow tornado until his bones turned white. Then he looked back at Gu Xi and hit him hard. On to the ground.

With this impact, the incarnation of death turned into crushed ice on the spot.

However, Gu Xi also understood that the incarnation of death did this entirely because he got great benefits from the snow tornado.

 This should be the same situation as the original Spark Shadow. In this way, Death Incarnation can get a kit with ice effects. Regarding the condition of this kit, Gu Xi was not in a hurry to check the situation.

 Now he rushed directly to the ghosts and inspected the losses of the ghosts this time.

  This time the power of the snow tornado was still greater. Only about thirty ghosts were left, and two of the ghost leaders disappeared on the spot.

 This was a pretty serious blow to Gu Xi.

At the same time, half of the Ghost Squad was lost. Now there are only about fifty ghost squads left. Of course, because of the special nature of the ghost squad, the current number of ghost squads seems to be between seven and eight hundred.

It’s just that compared to the previous large army of more than a thousand and close to two thousand people, the number of people now is much smaller.

 Such a loss made Gu Xi grit his teeth.

But I couldn’t say anything.

  After all, this loss was entirely due to my failure to control the situation.

He can’t blame anyone else.

“Clean the battlefield to see if they have anything left.”

 But the final result was disappointing to Gu Xi.

These snow girls are much poorer than the previous shark heads.

 After they die in battle, their bodies will turn into snow powder and nothing will be left behind.

Not to mention that the best part was taken away by the incarnation of death.

 It can be said that there is really nothing left of the Snow Girl now.

Gu Xi's men rummaged through the snow for a long time, but found nothing. In the end, Gu Xi could only shake his head helplessly, and once again sent the gargoyles to explore the way ahead, while he himself recovered the undead here. s life.

This time the gargoyles did not return immediately, but delayed for a while.

Approximately seventeen or eighteen minutes later, the gargoyles brought news to Gu Xi. They found a castle made of crystal stone ahead.

Hearing the news, Gu Xi knew that the gargoyles had found the Crystal Palace of King Jing Long.

It seems that the last troops of King Jing Long should stay in the Crystal Palace.

Gu Xi raised the Cold Wind Staff and pointed it at a point on the ground. The last bit of snow was swept away by the Cold Wind Staff. "The gargoyle leads the way and is ready to set off."

Under Gu Xi's order, the undead leaders quickly organized their troops and followed up quickly with their troops.

As for the giant-toothed zombies that Gu Xi had just summoned, they were also selected by zombie leaders and added to their respective combat teams.

  It can be said that except for the ghosts, all other troops have been fully replenished.

 Looking at the situation of his troops, Gu Xi nodded his head, jumped out of the evil coffin, and set off.

With the gargoyle leading the way, Gu Xi didn't waste much time along the way.

After walking for only more than ten minutes, Gu Xi saw the Crystal Palace belonging to King Jing Long from a distance.

As the gargoyle said, the Crystal Palace is a castle made of crystal.

 There are three arrow towers on the city wall.

Looking at the situation in front of him, a smile flashed across Gu Xi's eyes.

“Siege battle, this is my first time encountering it, but I’m sorry, in my case, siege battle may turn into a battle between two cities.”

 (End of this chapter)

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