Breath of the Dead

Chapter 365: Tactical delivery (please subscribe)

Chapter 365 Tactical Delivery (Please subscribe)

While Gu Xi was speaking, the Steel City Gate appeared less than a hundred meters in front of the Crystal Castle.

At the same time, the skeleton shooters began to retreat to the steel city gate, preparing to rely on the height of the city gate to launch an attack on the enemies in the castle.

Jing Longwang also didn’t expect that Gu Xi’s attack would come so close and be carried out like this.

 He thought he would encounter methods like ants attacking the city.

This time, it was equivalent to an attack between two city walls within a hundred meters.

What is this situation like, a confrontation between two gate towers?

  Yes, Gu Xi has no way to release the arrow tower and moat now.

But his skeleton archers can go up to the city gate.

 As a result, the height occupied by Gu Xi's troops was different.

 Gu Xi does not need to rush to send troops to attack the opponent's city wall. At the same time, he can also attack the enemies on the opponent's city wall.

 This directly changes the way of fighting.

It can be said that King Long Jing was completely confused this time.

 He has never encountered anything like this.

However, Jing Long King's reaction was quite fast. He immediately arranged for his men to shoot with Gu Xi.

He also has a group of shooters under his command, which are shooters similar to fishmen.

 Because these shooters have shorter hands, they hold a weapon similar to a light crossbow.

But the crossbow is much better than the bow and arrow.

 Their shooting range is about a hundred meters.

It can be said that at the same height, the battle here becomes a battle between shooters.

The only good thing about Gu Xi's men is that the skeleton soldiers have a relatively strong ability to dodge piercing attacks. Many of the crossbow arrows fired at them did not hit the skeleton shooter's body.

On the contrary, the skeleton archer can hit the enemy murloc crossbowman very accurately under the leadership of the boss.

 As soon as the two sides started fighting, the fishmen suffered serious casualties.

So King Jing Long began to mobilize the fishmen troops to go up the city wall to prepare for the battle behind.

In King Jing Long's view, as long as the opponent's firepower suppresses him, then the next step is to use a killing weapon such as a horizontal plank.

 When the people are sent to the city wall, the situation will be under their control.

But they also didn’t think about it. He, King Jinglong, was experienced in many battles and could lead so many demon troops to fight during the day. If he didn’t have any ability, how could he earn such a large Jinglong Palace.

 Thinking of this, King Jing Long, who had been in the castle at the back, reached out and touched the broadsword beside him.

This broadsword was made by him out of crystal and dragon horn. It grew up with him. It is also a treasure that has been refined with rules for many years. At the same time, it also has the confidence to win.

 Although he has not taken action personally for a long time now, he is not worried at all about the decline in his combat effectiveness.

 Because he has this big sword.

 At this moment, Gu Xi's second move came out.

 “The enemy invades!”

Jing Longwang heard the sound coming from outside.

He laughed and stood up: "Push all the troops to the city wall to prevent the enemy from using air troops to sneak attack. You should be faster. Don't be afraid because they think they have a city gate. We are the ones defending the city."

But when he walked to the balcony, he saw a scene that left him speechless. A city gate appeared in his castle. Gu Xi's soldiers were transiting through the city gate. They bypassed the wall of the Crystal Palace and appeared directly in Inside the city.

Because there may be street fighting later, Gu Xi did not arrange for the Black Spear Battalion suitable for large legion battles to enter. Instead, he sent out the remaining undead troops. They will be led by the undead leader, divided into combat teams, and fight according to their own fighting style.

As for what the final outcome will be, Gu Xi doesn’t have too many ideas.

Having sent people to the city, if they still can't achieve good results, then such undead will die.

 Gu Xi doesn’t feel sorry for them at all, just like Gu Xi lost a lot of ghosts this time.

 When the ghosts died, Gu Xi just felt sorry for the hard work of collecting ghosts these days, and reflected on his mistakes when taking action, but he did not say that he wanted to recover all these ghosts.

 The same is the case now.

By sending the city gate away, Gu Xi sent the undead troops into Jinglong Palace, where he watched everything on the battlefield closely.

Because they were far away, Gu Xi's attack methods couldn't be used on the battlefield, so he simply used his own blessing methods on the battlefield.

 Skeleton Priest.

 This time Gu Xi no longer just released one skeleton priest, but a large number of skeleton priests.

  Not only are there the city walls here, but there are also the gates that are thrown into the other side's city.

 Under the influence of the Skeleton Priest, the combat effectiveness of Gu Xi's undead troops was once again enhanced.

In addition, they suddenly rushed out of the city gate and rushed to various positions. Their number exceeded the troops in the Crystal Palace. The troops defending the city were attacked from all sides.

Especially the fish-man crossbowmen who were assigned to the city wall by King Jing Long.

 Because in Jinglong Palace, they are not guarding the inner city.

The stairs to the city gate tower are built here.

 The undead men under Gu Xi immediately rushed towards the stairs, preparing to attack the murloc crossbowmen.

In the eyes of these undead leaders, shooters who are approached by melee troops have little combat effectiveness.

When a large number of undead rushed towards the city wall, some undead found that they could not roll over their companions. They thought for a while, finally changed their goals and began to rush towards the city.

 Some stopped the murloc soldiers rushing out of the city, while others directly began to destroy the buildings of the Crystal Palace.

 Such an action made King Jing Long, who was standing on the balcony, feel very angry.

 “You all deserve to die!”

Jing Longwang roared loudly.

 From King Jinglong’s point of view, this was a slap in the face.

 Since he built Jinglong Palace, he has never encountered such a thing.

 This is the shame of King Long Jing.

Thinking of this, King Jing Long jumped down from the balcony with his sword in hand. With a sweep of the sword in his hand, at least a dozen undead nearby were cut into two pieces.

  After killing these undead, King Jing Long did not stop, but quickly rushed towards the city gate that fell into his city.

He has already seen that this city gate is the key. As long as this city gate is destroyed and the undead troops are prevented from appearing continuously, his Jinglong Palace will still have a chance.

But King Jing Long never expected that Gu Xi would send more than 2,000 troops this time.

Now that everyone is in place, Gu Xi no longer needs to place the city gate here.

So he waved his hand, and the other two city gates also appeared in front of the Crystal Palace, side by side with the original steel city gate.

It forms a platform where the skeleton shooter and the skeleton mage can stand and attack each other head-on.

 (End of this chapter)

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