Breath of the Dead

Chapter 366: A battle with the King of Wells (please subscribe)

 Chapter 366: Battle with King Jinglong (please subscribe)

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 “Are you ready?”

At the main city gate, Gu Xi looked at the Minotaur carrying a stone bullet and said speechlessly.

Looking at the way these Minotaurs were transporting trebuchets, Gu Xi thought he had found a way to use these Minotaurs.

I didn't expect that these blood cows were not very smart in addition to being weak in combat. It was no problem to command them to do physical work, but they really couldn't do anything if they were asked to do it.

In the end, Gu Xi personally adjusted the angle of the trebuchet and asked the Minotaur to throw the stone bullets up. Only then did Gu Xi fire his first shot since becoming a necromancer.

The stone that was thrown did not fall on the city wall that Gu Xi wanted to attack, but on the castle behind.

When the bang came, Gu Xi reacted. It seemed that he had forgotten the range of the trebuchet. The current location of the trebuchet was only about a hundred meters away from the opponent's city wall.

With such a short distance, and the fact that Gu Xi was using a trebuchet for the first time, it was already quite good to be able to hit the stone bullets, but it was almost impossible to hit the right place.

This bullet hit the balcony where King Jing Long came out to watch the battle just now.

This balcony was completely made of crystal. It was shattered on the spot after being hit.

 Looking back at his balcony, King Jinglong's face instantly turned red when he thought that he was watching the battle there just now.

 “You are all going to die!”

Jing Long King roared and did not deal with the undead that rushed in. He took a big knife and strode towards the city gate. He wanted to kill Gu Xi and kill anyone who dared to destroy his bedroom.

At this time, on the gate tower of the main city gate, Gu Xi also noticed the situation of King Jing Long.

It was something that didn't look like a Dragon King, with white powder on his face, long cyan hair, a tall black hat on his head, wearing a god-controlling robe, and holding a long sword in his hand that was even taller than him. knife.

 The blade of this knife is made of polished crystal, but the handle is the horn of some kind of creature.

 When you swing the knife, you can see the water flowing through it.

When he rushed towards Gu Xi, Gu Xi's men also discovered his presence.

 All the skeleton archers and skeleton mages focused their fire on the Well Dragon King at the same time.

Jing Longwang is not the kind of being who is famous for his speed. Facing the arrows and magic directed at him, he held up the long knife with both hands and charged forward.


 With his sword strike, all the arrows and magic in front of him were cut off by him.

At the same time, he took this opportunity to arrive in front of his city wall, and now he was less than a hundred meters away from Gu Xi.

At such a distance, Gu Xi stared and locked the position of the Jing Dragon King.

 “Magic Arrow!”

 “Bone spur!”

 “Fire Trap!”

 “Storm of Bones!”

Gu Xi took this opportunity and kept releasing various spells, some to attack Jing Long King, and some to prevent Jing Long King from approaching him.

 Actually, the reason why he worked so hard was not because he wanted to kill King Long Jing, but because Gu Xi wanted to consume his own mana and was preparing to become the incarnation of death.

Jing Longwang doesn’t know this.

 Looking at Gu Xi constantly using magic to hit him, King Jing Long thought that Gu Xi was afraid.

Facing Gu Xi’s attack, Jing Longwang also used his own skills. Forget about cutting away magic with the long knife in his hand, he can also release clouds around him, allowing him to fly off the ground for a short period of time.

 This is obviously coming from the strange power of the water attribute.

At the same time, Gu Xi also discovered that there was a layer of battle armor made of water around him, which was also a strange power of water attribute.

 It is these two powers that have blocked many attacks for him.

The Bone Storm released by Gu Xi could not be cut open by Jing Dragon King with one strike, so most of the attacks from the Bone Storm fell on Jing Dragon King. It was for this reason that Gu Xi saw the water ripples on Jing Dragon King's body. War Armor, knowing the powerful defense of this thing.

 A battle armor that could withstand two bone storms was something Gu Xi had never encountered before.

But Gu Xi is not worried about this at all. In Gu Xi's opinion, if two Bone Storms can't penetrate it, then three Bone Storms or four Bone Storms will be needed.

 Gu Xi has enough mana to consume, and he even hopes that his mana can be consumed faster.

After discovering that bone spurs and magic arrows would be chopped away by the opponent, Gu Xi would only use bone spurs to deceive the opponent's attacks, and the rest of the time, he would use Bone Storm.

 He discovered that the opponent's armor had the function of self-repair, but it took time.

And after repair, about two and a half times of Bone Storm can penetrate the armor again.

 So three Bone Storms stacked on top of each other will definitely hurt each other.

After discovering this situation, Gu Xi simply stacked the three Bone Storms on top of each other and blocked the way of King Jing Long.

After two encounters, Jing Longwang also knew that he could not withstand this, so he lowered his altitude and prepared to move around the attack range of the Bone Storm from the ground.

 But as soon as he descended, he ran into the flame trap that Gu Xi had laid in advance.

In this explosion, although the effect was not as good as the Bone Storm, it also injured King Jing Long.

At this time, Gu Xi discovered a situation, that is, Jing Longwang has many abilities, but not only does he have no resistance to range magic such as explosions, but it will also cause him more damage.

This discovery made Gu Xi's eyes light up, and he understood how he was going to deal with the Jing Dragon King.

 But at this time, King Jing Long reacted even faster than Gu Xi. He rushed forward immediately, and a huge cyan dragon shadow appeared behind him.

 When he flew forward, the dragon shadow still had the effect of ice and heavy rain, as if it wanted to destroy all the fire traps Gu Xi had set.

It seemed that King Jing Long had also discovered Gu Xi's preparations. He was afraid that Gu Xi had other plans in front of him, so he used his own trick to dismantle all the flame traps.

By doing this, King Jing Long really succeeded in Gu Xi's plan.

 Gu Xi had set up fire traps here more than ten times before, but now they have all been detonated.

Looking at the flames exploding, King Jing Long laughed.

 The trap he discovered, is it still called a trap?

 Now is a good opportunity for him to step forward and kill everyone.

With this thought in mind, King Jing Long rushed towards Gu Xi.

Seeing that Jing Long King was about to rush to a position about ten meters in front of Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi pointed downward at this time.

 Tendrils of the dead!

 A large number of arms stretched out from the ground, trying to catch the Jing Dragon King.

But King Jing Long turned his hand and cut off all the arms on the spot with the long knife in his hand.

Then he jumped up and walked through the clouds to the height of the city gate tower. He raised his long knife and was about to slash at Gu Xi.

 (End of this chapter)

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