Breath of the Dead

Chapter 367: Kill the Well Dragon King (139177)

Chapter 367 Killing the Jing Dragon King (139177)

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 “Death incarnate!”

 The moment Jing Long King rushed up, Gu Xi decisively released the incarnation of death.

 Then he poured a bottle of miniature magic potion into his mouth, turned over and jumped onto the evil coffin.

 The evil coffin took Gu Xi to the bottom of the city gate in a flash.

Jing Longwang felt his eyes go dark, and the incarnation of death with the Crystal Storm Kit on his body had already rushed in front of Jing Long King.

 As Gu Xi’s skill, Death Incarnation is also aware of the characteristics of the Jing Dragon King in front of him.

Flame and Bone Storm are both suitable means to restrain the Jing Dragon King.

 So this time he used Crystal Mo Storm first in order to break through the Jing Dragon King's defense.

Jing Longwang didn’t expect that he had avoided Gu Xi’s bone storm, only to encounter the same blow here again.

His body sank downwards, trying to dodge the attack range of the crystal storm.

But he didn't expect that when he was about to dodge, the incarnation of death opened his eyes, and two gray rays of melting light shot out, hitting Jing Long King's body.

At this time, King Jing Long could clearly feel that the incarnation of death might kill him.

Faced with such a situation, King Jing Long used his own level 9 BOSS template combat power.

He raised the knife upwards and struck it on the melting light. The next moment, the melting light was bounced back.

 It can be seen that the Jing Dragon King has the strange power of mirroring, and it is not just a trivial matter such as the entrance of the well.

 He also has the ability to rebound magic.

It's just that he didn't bounce back much. I think it's because this main weird ability has been taken away by Luna.

But then the incarnation of death opened its mouth, and the death dragon's breath spurted out on the spot.

At this moment, Jing Long Wang was just about to slash down with his sword. It was too late for Jing Long King to raise the sword again, and the death dragon's breath sprayed directly onto Jing Long King's body.

With this spurt, Jing Longwang felt his life being sucked away quickly.

 His ability cannot block the attack of the incarnation of death at all.

 The incarnation of death in front of you is a powerful existence exceeding level 10.

Jing Longwang had to shrink his body downwards and released the last ability he used to save his life.

 Shuangyong clone!

The Jing Dragon King's body suddenly exploded, and a giant dragon made of mirrors and a giant dragon made of river water rushed out from behind him at the same time, circling constantly in front of the incarnation of death.

Each time it hovers, it will block part of the death dragon's breath.

It's just that the two giant dragons will become smaller every time.

 When the death dragon's breath stopped, the giant dragon composed of mirrors and water flow had also disappeared.

At the same time, King Jing Long’s face looked quite ugly.

 His double dragon clones can actually be regarded as half of his life force.

 Now that the clone is gone, his vitality is naturally gone.

But fortunately, as long as he is still alive, he will have a chance to do it again.

The most important thing now is not the time to feel sorry for the Double Dragon clone. What he has to consider now is how to deal with the situation in front of him.

It is obviously impossible to fight the Death Incarnation head-on. You can tell from the appearance of the Death Incarnation in front of you. The Death Incarnation is a strong melee fighter.

Jing Longwang’s melee ability can hurt the incarnation of death, but it is almost impossible to kill him with one sword like he did with the undead before. Under this situation, if he rushes forward, he will definitely die.

Then King Long Jing dodged and prepared to escape.

As long as he escapes back to his Jinglong Palace, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

 There are also his arrangements in Jinglong Palace.

But the Incarnation of Death had no intention of letting the Jing Dragon King escape. He bit forward and bit the cloud layer at the feet of the Jing Dragon King. With the inhalation of the Death Incarnation, the cloud layer disappeared.

Jing Longwang, who wanted to escape through the clouds, jumped forward on the spot and hit the ground directly.

But King Jinglong wanted to escape. When he fell to the ground, he immediately spun around on the ground, and his body turned into a long blue dragon and rushed towards the direction of Jinglong Palace.

The speed of rushing forward was beyond the imagination of the incarnation of death.

 It can be seen that the appearance of this long blue dragon is the true form of the Well Dragon King.

 The avatar formed by the mirror and water flow was also formed in the shape of this dragon.

 The incarnation of death chased forward. He understood that Jinglong King would choose to escape at this time. There must be something inside Jinglong Palace.

If King Jinglong really escapes, this battle will not be so easy.

 So he had to speed up again.

But in order to cope with possible situations, Death Incarnation’s kit this time chose to thicken the bone part to enhance the protection and attack power.

 As a result, his speed will naturally slow down a lot.

 Starting again now is not as fast as Jing Longwang.

Just when King Jing Long was about to rush under the city wall of Jing Long Palace, a city gate suddenly appeared above King Long Jing.


The city gate was smashed down on the spot, and half of King Jing Long's body was crushed under the city gate.

Jing Longwang didn't expect that the city gate could be played like this. He kept twisting and struggling, but his lower body was tightly suppressed, and there was no possibility of pulling it out.

At the same time, the incarnation of death also came to the sky above Jing Long King.

This time the death incarnation did not have the death dragon breath available, but he glared, and the melting light fell on the Jing Dragon King.

Jing Longwang didn't even have a chance to dodge, let alone rebound.

Under the attack of the melting light, all the scales on the surface of Jing Longwang's body were melted away, revealing the flesh, blood and bones under the skin.

But Jing Long King was still struggling there at this time. The incarnation of death took a look and realized that melting the light once was not enough, so he had to do it again, and again.

Three times in a row, when only the white bones of King Jing Dragon’s body were left, the struggling King Dragon King Jing finally stopped.

[The Comprehensive Weird Domain Well Dragon King was killed by the player Gu Xi. Within three days, all weird things related to water, mirrors, and dragons will be affected, with a 50% loss of strength and a 50% loss of life! 】

 【You and your men have caused 100% damage to the Jing Dragon King. After three days, you will receive corresponding rewards (weird treasure chests and achievements)】

Looking at the information that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi's eyes lit up from far behind.

 The Jing Dragon King was finally killed, and I don’t know what happened to Luna.

With this thought, Gu Xi waved his hand.

 “The whole army attacks, kills the remaining enemies, sweeps the battlefield, and attacks Jinglong Palace!”

 After giving the order, Gu Xi looked up and looked around again, and issued a new order again.

“All the gargoyles set out to explore the surroundings. Now we are not in the weird mirror space, and we have to prevent other weird water systems from coming to **** the fruits of our victory.

And clean up the battlefield faster, drag out all the corpses, and prepare to summon spirits! "

 (End of this chapter)

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