Breath of the Dead

Chapter 368: The long purple sword left by King Jing Long (140177)

Chapter 368 The purple sword left by King Jing Long (140177)

Gu Xi still overestimated the courage of the strange people under the water. After his men killed all the fish-men monsters and dragged out the corpses, there were no changes in the area. It was as if this place was a forbidden area. There was no change at all. People dare to come.

 With no one coming to destroy it, things will go much smoother after Gu Xi.

All the corpses of the murlocs were dragged over. There were a total of 2,100 murloc corpses with all their equipment taken away. In addition to the more than 700 corpses of the undead who died in the battle, this was all that needed to be summoned. .

Because of the Eternal Slavery Altar, Gu Xi will not use it to summon souls as long as he has more than level 7 undead.

 Instead, he was taken to the altar of eternal slavery and resurrected directly.

The souls that can be brought here to summon souls are all undead with ordinary attributes and low levels.

With the three thousand corpses so close to each other, Gu Xi summoned more than 1,900 new undead souls.

 Among these undead, skeleton shooters and zombies are the most numerous, and the rest are all ghosts.

 Skeleton Archers were transformed from those Murloc Crossbowmen. As soon as they were transformed, they were divided among several Skeleton Archer bosses.

As for the zombies, it was because some of the murloc corpses were relatively strong. Using them as ghosts would be a waste of their bodies, so Gu Xi turned around and turned them into zombies.

  After asking his undead leader to separate these undead souls, Gu Xi looked at what he had harvested this time.

 The thing that attracted Gu Xi's attention the most was naturally the half-section of the white-bone dragon corpse that was pressed under the steel city gate.

When Gu Xi came over, he initially wanted to remove the steel city gate and pick up the white bone dragon corpse of the Jing Dragon King, and then go back and try to see if he could piece together a new bone dragon.

But he never expected that because he was crushed to death under the steel city gate, the body of King Jing Long would actually become a part of the steel city gate.

As soon as he removed the steel city gate, the bodies were removed with him.

 Such a situation left Gu Xi quite speechless.

But in the end, this was all he could do. He planned to use some means to deal with the remaining bones of the Jing Dragon King after he returned, and see if he could reuse the waste and turn it into an undead beast guarding the steel city gate.

 If possible, this thing is better than a moat.

 When the Steel City Gate and the body of King Jinglong were removed, several things were left at the scene.

  One is the long knife carried by King Jing Long, a torn imperial guard uniform, and a high black hat.

 The royal guard uniform and high hat have lost their original functions and turned into gray garbage, but the long sword is still quite intact and is a purple weapon.

 When it was inserted into the ground, the crystal blade was still dripping with water.

 【Evil Knife-Jing Longyin (purple, main hand weapon)】

  【Attack: 22-34】

 【After equipped: Strength +4, Agility +3】

 【Equipment requirements: Strength 9, Agility 9, Constitution 5】

  【Special 1: Cut in two with one blade. When attacking frontally, everything in front of you can be cut into two pieces, including flying arrows and magic (cannot cut rivers, seas or area spells). 】

  【Special Effect 1: After wearing equipment and activating the double-cut effect, you will be seriously injured once a day, and your life will be reduced to 10% (can be restored through blood replenishment or other means). 】

 【Special 2: Dragon in the mirror, there is a 30% chance of eliciting a mirror image when attacking and launching a secondary attack on the enemy. ]     【Special Effect 2: After wearing equipment and activating the Dragon in the Mirror effect once, the eyes will be affected, and all items will become ghosts when viewed (this effect cannot be eliminated by various means). 】

【Special 3: Knife Cleansing Ceremony, after each kill of an enemy, the sword can be cleaned with the enemy's blood and wine. After cleaning, the sword's durability will be restored, and its attack power will be +1. 】

  【Special Effect 3: After wearing the equipment and activating the effect of the Knife Cleansing Ceremony once, the knife must be washed with blood every day, otherwise the knife will automatically cut the user's blood and **** blood to clean itself. 】

  【Explanation: If you hold this knife in your hand and hurt the enemy first, it is not a good knife. 】

After looking at the properties of this evil sword, Gu Xi's eyes lit up, and he understood that it was a good sword.

And the attributes are also quite good. The effects of the three special effects have solutions.

It can be seen how much effort King Jinglong put into this sword.

 This has reduced the special effects to a level that ordinary people can accept.

It’s just that his method of reducing the special effect may not work. The special effect of this knife seems to have become weaker, and it doesn’t look like a purple suit.

It's a pity that no matter how good or bad the sword is, Gu Xi has no chance of using it.

It's not that he doesn't want to use it, it's that he simply can't equip it. Gu Xinu might be able to use the 9-point strength attribute if he works hard, but the 9-point agility attribute is beyond Gu Xinu's reach.

 Plus he also has weapons and off-hand equipment, this knife becomes useless.

 So it’s no surprise that this weapon must be exchanged for benefits.

However, Gu Xi has thought carefully about it this time. This weapon cannot be sold cheaply this time.

 Gu Xi plans to change into a purple dress or other purple outfits. It is best if the attributes match Gu Xi's.

 Otherwise, Gu Xi would rather rot in his hand than hand it over.

 After putting away the evil sword, Gu Xi casually glanced at the imperial uniform and high hat.

[Broken Water God’s Royal Guard Clothing (Gray Garbage): The original divine clothing of a Water God was woven with water and dragon scales, but it has been damaged for some reason and has lost its proper function. It can be used to perform some special rituals. . 】

  【神 Hunting Black Hat (gray garbage): It comes from the crown of a god. There was originally a strange power sealed in it, but for some reason, the strange power has passed away and can be used to perform some transformation rituals. 】

Just as Gu Xi judged, these two things were of little use.

However, seeing as these two items were originally worn by King Jing Long, Gu Xi still put them away.

At this time, the undead who were cleaning the battlefield had also brought the equipment they had cleaned up to Gu Xi for review.

 The situation of King Jing Long is only slightly better than that of Gu Xi.

Most of the various weapons and equipment are white versions.

Some of them can be used directly by Gu Xi’s undead men, while some need to be taken back to the blacksmith shop and re-melted before they can be used.

At the same time, Gu Xi's undead troops also found many different things from Jinglong Palace, including a large amount of food and supplies, which filled some gaps in Alidovi City.

Just when Gu Xi was about to count the food here, there seemed to be some confusion over at Jinglong Palace.

 (End of this chapter)

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