Breath of the Dead

Chapter 370: Sacred property title deeds and architectural design drawings (please subscribe)

Chapter 370: Sacred Relic Title Deeds and Architectural Design Drawings (Please subscribe)

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 It was a level 4 holy object. Gu Xi's eyelids jumped and he immediately took out the holy object.

Compared to others, Gu Xi has more say in the sacred objects. Gu Xi has two sacred objects in his hand, one is level 1 and the other is level 3.

 These two sacred objects have brought great benefits to Gu Xi.

Now that a level 4 holy object suddenly appeared, Gu Xi would naturally be happy. He knew very well that judging from the appearance probability of the holy object, the level 4 holy object could be compared with purple or even orange quality weapons and equipment.

It seems that this is the focus of the weird treasure chest this time.

The holy object that Gu Xi took out from the strange treasure box was a colorful whirlpool with flashing brilliance. When Gu Xi held it in his hand, it felt like holding jelly.

  【Sacred Object - Magic Vortex (Level 4): It can be placed in the city and provides corresponding effects according to the level of the building where the sacred object is stored. 】

  【Sacred object effect (level 1): When placing a sacred object in a magic tower, the mana of garrisoned or visiting players, leaders, and heroes in the city can be temporarily doubled. 】

  【Sacred object effect (level 2): ​​The effect of the sacred object is strengthened, and the mana of all legal systems in the city, including but not limited to (players, leaders, heroes, legal system soldiers, legal system scientific researchers, etc.) is temporarily doubled. 】

  【Holy Object Effect (Level 3): The magic tower housing the holy object is affected by the holy object effect, and the power of the magic that can be learned and researched in this magic tower is doubled. 】

  【Sacred object effect (level 4): The effect of the sacred object is strengthened, and the magic power that can be learned and researched in all magic towers in the city is doubled. 】

  【Note 1: Holy objects can be upgraded through special methods or tasks. 】

  【Note 2: After the holy object is placed in the designated magic tower, this magic tower will undergo a certain transformation. 】

 After reading the attributes of this sacred object, Gu Xi started to laugh.

This is a good thing. Not to mention other things, it only has level 1 and level 2 effects. It is a treasure for Gu Xi.

 The mana is temporarily doubled, which is an excellent attribute for a big mana consumer like Gu Xi.

The temporary doubling here refers to someone's upper limit of mana being 100, but with the magic vortex, this person can have 200 mana available, and the upper limit will not change.

 But for Gu Xi, this is not a problem. With the city of death with him, he can go into the city to increase his mana at any time. Doesn't this mean that Gu Xi's mana limit is directly doubled?

 In this way, Gu Xi can do more things on the battlefield.

Want to understand all this, Gu Xi put away the holy object with a hint of excitement, and then looked at the purple mount Water Dragon.

This water dragon is a long blue dragon, but this dragon has no claws, and its mouth looks a bit like a fish's mouth. It has fish lips, and it looks a bit like Gyarados in Pokemon. .

But it is smaller than Gyarados, and has a leather saddle on its back.

 Gu Xi tried it, and found that the water dragon's moving speed on the ground could only be said to be average, which was incomparable to the evil coffin. At the same time, the water dragon couldn't fly off the ground or jump over some wider places.

 On the surface and underwater, this thing will move faster. The location where Gu Xi is now is considered an underwater world, so he can feel the movement characteristics of the water dragon.

 After riding the water dragon beast for a circle outside, Gu Xi returned to the Jinglong Palace.

 After collecting the water dragon beast, Gu Xi looked at the Jinglong Palace again.

At this time, Jinglong Palace had been evacuated, and even the floor tiles on the ground had been pried away.

Now that there was nothing in Jinglong Palace, Gu Xi walked into Jinglong Palace. [You take down a site that is occupied by strange things. During the day, you can get the corresponding attributes of this site. At night, you can take your troops to rest here and replenish the consumption of troops. If you choose to demolish this place, you will get 10 random buildings. Plans, a land deed. 】

 “Start demolition!”

At Gu Xi's order, Jinglong Palace, with only its frame left in front of him, began to collapse rapidly. Everything was concentrated on a few things, and finally fell in front of Gu Xi.

 What fell into Gu Xi's hands was something like a jade seal.

 【You get the title deed of the Underwater Dragon Palace, covering an area of ​​2.3 square kilometers, with 3 large plots, 5 medium plots and 7 small plots. 】

【Note: All building plots in this title are located under water or on the water surface, and buildings with corresponding attributes must be built. 】

 Can buildings only be built underwater or on the water?

 Gu Xi thought about it for a moment and had an idea in his mind. It seemed that the territory brought by this title deed could only be placed near the dock area.

Such a large body of water suddenly appeared in other places, and I'm afraid it won't be able to exist. If it were placed in other places without water channels, it might end up becoming a pool of stagnant water.

Instead, it is placed in the dock area. The river can bring the water from Xiemu Lake to this area. Then the stagnant water will become living water, and the entire area will come alive.

After accepting the land deed, Gu Xi looked at the remaining items on the scene.

Among these items, Gu Xi saw an item that did not belong to the style here. It was a stone sculpture of a prince with water plants on it.

Among so many architectural design drawings, Gu Xi immediately felt that there was something wrong with this stone sculpture. As soon as he stepped forward to touch it, a message popped up in front of him.

  【You have obtained the architectural design drawings of Mermaid Garden (large). 】

 Mermaid Garden (Large): Use 2500 resources, 10 units of wood, and 10 units of stone to build a Mermaid Garden (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 25 mermaids can be trained every week.

 After completion, it can produce 150 units of fish ingredients per week.

 After completion, all soldiers in the city will have +1 luck.

 Buildings must be built underwater. 】

[Mermaid (level 2): ​​experience (0/200), attack 3, defense 2, life 6, skills: underwater combat, luck (luck of all mermaids is always 1), singing (a certain chance of hypnotizing the enemy when attacking, allowing them to controlled for one turn). 】

 Looking at the information played in front of him, Gu Xi smiled.

 It seems that this is a unit suitable for underwater combat, but what I want more is the training camp of the snow girl before, the mermaid feeling is not interesting.

Especially this kind of mermaid that might have a fish tail, Gu Xi didn’t like it even more.

 Putting down the architectural design drawings of Mermaid Garden in his hand, Gu Xi looked at other architectural design drawings.

In the corner, a cement pier attracted Gu Xi's attention. Gu Xi did not expect that this kind of cement pier used to build breakwaters could also be used as architectural design drawings.

So Gu Xi walked to this cement pier and was about to step forward to check it out.

 I found a struggling corpse that seemed to be sealed in the cement pier.

  【You have obtained the architectural design drawings of Corpse Bay (large). 】

 (End of this chapter)

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