Breath of the Dead

Chapter 371: Targeted underwater architecture (141180)

Chapter 371 Targeted Underwater Architecture (141180)

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 【Corpse Bay (Large): Use 2500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a Corpse Bay (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 20 floating corpses can be trained every week.

 Before construction, a level 1 evil temple (large) needs to be built.

 Buildings must be built underwater. 】

  【Floating Corpse (Level 2): ​​Experience (0/200), attack 3, defense 4, life 15, skills: underwater combat, undead creature, heavy hit. 】

Looking at the information about the Corpse Bay, Gu Xi knew that this thing, together with the previous Mermaid Garden, were on the same level as the cemetery.

 The trained floating corpses and mermaids start at level 2, but after they are built, you can find that at level 4, they will have corresponding new arms to choose from.

Just like skeletons start at level 0, skeleton soldiers need level 3 before they can take up their posts.

The building in front of him has not been built yet, and Gu Xi is not sure what type of troops will come out.

But it is not that important to Gu Xi. The land deed he got this time comes with three large plots. There are also many architectural design drawings. Gu Xi can always find some more suitable ones.

 After directing the men to send away the [Corpse Bay] and [Mermaid Garden], Gu Xi looked at the remaining things.

 Two large-scale architectural design drawings were published, and Gu Xi now always picks out the larger ones when looking for anything.

 In Gu Xi's mind, the chances of a big one producing large-scale architectural design drawings are very high.

Just like the Mermaid Garden this time and the green forest last time, the architectural designs are quite large.

 So Gu Xi’s eyes were on the remaining things, choosing the big ones.

After looking around, Gu Xi's eyes fell on a carpet in the corner.

This carpet is vermilion, and there are strange pictures drawn on it. It looks like many snakes coiled together.

As soon as Gu Xi saw this square carpet, he had the feeling that it was a snake's nest.

 He thought this would be the third large-scale architectural design drawing, but Gu Xi never expected it, and he still guessed wrong.

 【Meat snake farm (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a meat snake farm (medium-sized building) in the city, which can produce 30 units of edible meat snakes every day (can be upgraded)】

  【Explanation: This building must be built on the water. 】

Looking at the explanation in front of him, Gu Xi knew that his guess was wrong. He smiled speechlessly. He did not expect that he would make such a mistake based on experience.

Fortunately, Gu Xi only made a mistake. Then he did not judge based on his own experience. Instead, he carefully picked up the architectural design drawings one by one and judged the condition of each architectural design drawing.

 Among the remaining seven architectural design drawings, there is also a large-scale architectural design drawing.

  It is also the architectural design drawing of the mid-level military unit. It can be said that this small architectural design drawing is the biggest gain at present.

  【Gulf Temple (Large): Use 4500 resources, 10 units of stone, 10 units of wood, and 1 unit of crystal to build a Bay Temple (large building) in the city. Once completed, 10 seahorse cavalry can be trained per week.

 Before construction, you need to build 1. You need to build a level 1 magic tower (core building) and a level 1 blacksmith shop (core building).

 Buildings must be built underwater. 】

  【Seahorse Cavalry (Level 5): Experience (0/2500), attack 14, defense 8, life 45, skills: underwater combat, charge, water wave attack (inducing water flow to initiate a large-scale impact). 】

This kind of seahorse cavalry is almost at the level of the Silver Pegasus from the elves. It is an irregular knight and can be used as a cavalry, but its status is still a little inferior to that of knights.

If you put it on the undead side, it would be almost like a vampire.

But for Gu Xi, this is a good thing. Even if they are not an undead army, they can at least ensure the safety of the dock area and the new area that has not yet been built.

 At the same time, if there is a battle in the water, Gu Xi does not have to worry about not having any troops to use.

As for whether there will be underwater battles, Gu Xi is already sure.

Gu Xi could clearly see the situation on the other side of Alidovi City.

 In addition to connecting cities of multiple eras through Aridovita, the river on the other side of the dock area is also the key to connecting each era.

 So a navy army is very important to Gu Xi.

 Among the other six architectural design drawings, there are three medium-sized architectural design drawings and three small-sized architectural design drawings.

As soon as these architectural design drawings appeared, Gu Xi could be sure that there was no need to worry about the construction of the new city. Everything had been prepared very considerately.

 【Pearl base (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a pearl base (medium-sized building) in the city, which can produce 1 unit of pearls (can be used as gems) every day (can be upgraded)】

 【Sewer Inlet (Medium-sized): Use 500 resources and 20 units of stone to build a Sewer Inlet (medium-sized building) in the city, which can produce a large amount of sewage and garbage every day (can be upgraded)】

 【Murloc hut (medium-sized): Use 500 resources and 20 units of wood to build a murloc hut (medium-sized building) in the city. The training speed of all murloc creatures is increased by 50% (can be upgraded)】

These three things plus the previous snake farm, it can be said that the food needed by the mermaid and seahorse cavalry troops will not be a problem.

At the same time, Gu Xi is still not sure what race the seahorse cavalry is. If it is a fishman, the training speed can be improved to a certain extent.

As for the small buildings, the one that attracts Gu Xi’s attention the most is a city gate-like building.

 【Waterway Fence Design (Small): Use 200 resources and 10 units of metal to build a waterway fence (small building) in the city. This building can be used as a city gate in the water, but it cannot be used with a moat (can be upgraded)】

It can be said that with this, Gu Xi will have one more city gate. Although the city gate in front of him can only be used underwater, it is enough for Gu Xi.

 【Sea windmill design drawing (small): Use 200 resources and 10 units of wood to build a sea windmill (small building) in the city, which can attract treasure chests and floating objects swept into the sea by whirlpools (can be upgraded)】

[Lonely Reef Lighthouse Design (Small): Use 200 resources and 10 units of stone to build an Lonely Reef Lighthouse (small building) in the city. One victim can appear on the sea every week and can be rescued from the victim. Rewards (upgradeable)】

These two small buildings are used to increase supplies. Gu Xi estimates that after these two buildings are completed, the consumption in this area will be almost eliminated.

 It can be said that we made a lot of money by digging wells in the Dragon Palace this time.

 (End of this chapter)

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