Breath of the Dead

Chapter 372: The weird mirror space integrated into (142180)

 Chapter 372 The strange mirror space integrated into (142180)

 After packing all the things, Gu Xi took stock of the harvest in Jinglong Palace.

 There are more than 300 parts each of various stones, wood and common metals. Among rare materials, crystal has the largest number, reaching 103 parts. The remaining gems, mercury and sulfur have about 30 parts each.

In addition, Gu Xi's undead souls also found three dragon blood and an unknown strange blood in the Dragon Palace.

 All this blood was collected by Gu Xi and sent back to Alidovi City.

In addition, there are more than 5,000 units of food such as dried salted fish in the Dragon Palace. It can be said that these foods alone can support the consumption of Alidovi City for a long time.

Not to mention there are a lot of weapons and equipment here. Although they are all blank weapons and equipment used by fishmen, they are enough for Gu Xi.

These weapons and equipment only need to be taken to the blacksmith shop for modification, and the quality of the equipment of Gu Xi's undead troops can be improved.

In the end, Gu Xi also found a large number of medicinal herbs, inconspicuous garbage, books with words he couldn't understand, and some other random things in Jinglong Palace.

There must be good things in these things, but Gu Xi didn’t have time to sort them out.

He can only ask people to transport all these supplies back first, and then sit down and sort them out slowly when he has time.

 At this time, Gu Xi was more concerned about Luna's situation.

 Gu Xi has killed the Jing Dragon King, but he doesn’t know what the situation is like on Luna’s side.

If she hasn't captured the last two big weirdos yet, then Gu Xi needs to intervene in this matter.

Now there are only two big weirdos left in the weird mirror space. When the time comes, he and Luna will fight each other, which will definitely not be a problem.

With this thought, Gu Xi watched his men send everything into Alidovi City, and then he carried the cold wind staff and returned to Alidovi City in the evil coffin.

When he stepped into Aridovi City, Gu Xi could clearly feel that the whole city seemed to have become alive.

  Some wandering ghosts appeared on the originally empty streets.

 They are not Gu Xi’s undead troops, but existences living in the city.

When they see Gu Xi, they will bow their heads to Gu Xi as a courtesy to Gu Xi.

When facing these people, Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that they should be the souls that he had saved, but they seemed to have been affected by Alidovi City and had become Alidovi City. part of it.

Regarding the attitude of these ghosts, Gu Xi just nodded and quickly came to the front of the meeting hall.

 “Isn’t Luna back yet?”

 Pushing open the door of the meeting hall, Gu Xi walked in.

However, Luna saw no one at this time.

 Gu Xi felt somewhat worried.

 He thought for a moment, turned around and went to the tavern.

  After all, most of the information can be found in the tavern. If you want to ask something, it is definitely right to go to the tavern.

But as soon as Gu Xi left the door of the meeting hall, a skeleton soldier ran over.

“Sir, the blacksmith asked you to come over. The high-pressure air hammer over there has been made.”

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he knew what the blacksmith Anderson was talking about. Thinking that the soul stone could be processed, Gu Xi quickly headed towards the blacksmith shop without delay.

However, he had not gone far when Gu Xi felt the ground suddenly shake.

 Then Gu Xi found that the ground began to become smooth, and the sky turned into a mirror.

At this time, Gu Xi also understood that this was Luna dealing with the strange mirror space.

Gu Xi is not running around now, he is just standing where he is. About seven or eight minutes later, all the strange phenomena disappeared, and the city of Alidovi returned to its original appearance.

But Gu Xi noticed that the fog outside the city seemed to have faded a lot, and at the same time, the entire Alidovi seemed to be shrouded in a huge defensive cover.

 Such a change made Gu Xi feel happy. It seemed that Luna had succeeded.

While Gu Xi was thinking about this, Luna suddenly appeared in front of Gu Xi.

Gu Xi noticed that Luna seemed to have changed at this time. She was obviously bigger, and her eyes were no longer as empty as before. Her eyes were like mirrors, which could reflect people. come out.

"grown ups."

"How is it going?"

Gu Xi asked Luna.

“All nodes have been captured, and the strange mirror space has been integrated into Alidovi City.”

 Luna explained the current situation to Gu Xi seriously.

It turns out that with the integration of the weird mirror space, there is an additional mirror barrier outside Aridovi City.

 Beyond the mirror barrier is the misty and strange world before.

And the strange mirror space that Luna just took over is attached to the outside of Aridovi City. It is somewhat similar to Aridovi's sub-territory. It can be counted as part of Aridovi City, or it can be calculated separately.

 The energy orb has been integrated with this weird mirror space and has become the core of the weird mirror space.

Gu Xi can build a new city with the energy orb as the center and through the strange mirror space.

At the same time, this city will no longer be a city of death, and various non-undead buildings can be arranged to move in.

In addition, Luna also explained to Gu Xi all the weird mirror abilities she had just obtained.

 Because Luna took over the entire weird mirror space in one fell swoop, all the rules are in Luna's hands.

 So her level was quickly raised to her level limit of 4, and she mastered the core mirror abilities of the Nineteen Great Weirds.

 Just like the mirror barrier outside the city of Aridovi is one of them.

There are also mirror mazes, mirror assassinations, etc.

 It can be said that Luna grew up all of a sudden.

But Luna didn't seem to pay much attention to this. When Gu Xi asked, she would say a few words. If Gu Xi didn't ask, she wouldn't say anything or explain at all.

Gu Xi also understood that Luna’s thoughts were focused on the city of Alidovi, so he asked a few questions about what he cared about.

“Luna, now that the strange mirror space has fallen into your hands, can you freely monitor and enter and leave the real world through the mirror?”


 Luna nodded affirmatively, "You can do this from the beginning, why do you need it?"

“Yes, if you can, help me find the remaining players in Autumn Wind City and drag them to the weird mirror space.”

 Gu Xi has been waiting for Luna's weird mirror space for so many days just for this step.

The weird mirror space, where even the white-clothed Guanyin of Heaven cannot be seen, is the best opportunity to kill the players in Autumn Wind City during the day.

Of course, among the people to be killed is You Songsheng.

 As a traitor who betrayed Bailian City, he deserves to die!

 (End of this chapter)

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