Breath of the Dead

Chapter 373: The first purple item available immediately (please subscribe)

Chapter 373 The first purple outfit that is immediately available (please subscribe)

“There’s no problem with surveillance, but it’s going to be a little difficult for us guys to fully monitor everything.”

Luna also understood Gu Xi’s thoughts, but she still put forward some opinions.

  After all, if you want to monitor players, you must at least be undead at the boss level or above.

 Ordinary undead troops cannot be used for surveillance.

“Don’t worry, that’s what I think, Alidovi City is not open to the outside world, but we need a space to connect with the outside world, and right now there is a weird mirror space that can be used to connect with the outside world.

And this space is all under your control. If there are any problems, it is very convenient whether it is to mobilize troops from Aridovi or to drive people out directly. "

 Luna decisively understood the meaning of Gu Xi's words.

“Sir, do you want those players to come in?”

“Yeah, no one has ever seen what a dead city looks like. I pointed at the weird mirror space and said it was a dead city, and they had to recognize it.

Think about it, nineteen nodes can be regarded as nineteen large buildings. How come this is not a city. "

Listening to Gu Xi's words, Luna was a little dumbfounded, but what Gu Xi said was reasonable. No one has ever seen what a dead city looks like, so who can dictate what kind of development style a dead city should follow.

 “It can be done.”

“Then, I’ll write to them right now.”

Gu Xi is also the kind of person who does what he says. When he saw Luna agreeing, he directly took out her contact information and started to contact people.

Of course, because there are only five owls in the Owl House, even if you use other contact methods, you can only contact five people at the same time.

 Gu Xi simply contacted Zuo Ya, Xia Yi and a few others he knew, told them about the situation here, and asked them if they were willing to come. If they were willing to come, then bring more players.

After sending these letters, Gu Xi turned to Luna and said, "It will take a while for them to reply. Anderson just made a high-pressure air hammer. Let's go smash the golden eggs."

After seeing that the matter was confirmed, Gu Xi was also quite happy. He waved to Luna and took her towards the blacksmith shop.

 At the same time, Gu Xi also told Luna about some things he got in Jinglong Palace.

  When Luna heard that there was a quite large land deed, she wanted to immediately integrate the land deed into Alidovi City.

“Don’t worry, everything is there, and I can’t run away. This time I also took the holy objects and level 3 building stones. Then I will give priority to Dimi’s needs. I think she can’t bear it anymore.”


Hearing Gu Xi’s advice, Luna suppressed the idea of ​​leaving quickly and followed Gu Xi to the blacksmith shop.

Standing in front of the blacksmith shop, Luna did not go in.

Just watching there, the blacksmith Anderson was adjusting what he called a high-pressure air hammer, but from Gu Xi's point of view, this thing should actually be a hydraulic press.

Seeing Gu Xi coming over, Anderson quickly stood up and wiped his hands with a piece of cloth.

 “Sir, you are here.”

"How is it going?"

“It has been debugged, just waiting for the adults to break the golden eggs.”

 “Okay, let’s put the soul stone on it.”

 Gu Xi nodded with satisfaction.

At Gu Xi's order, the zombie who had been helping in the blacksmith shop came over carrying a huge soul stone and installed the soul stone on the hydraulic press.

 Gu Xi stood far away at the other end of the hydraulic press and pressed the switch. The power hammer of the hydraulic press fell automatically and pressed heavily on the soul stone.

Then Gu Xi heard a harsh squeaking sound, and large cracks began to appear on the soul stone.

Gu Xi stared at the soul stone closely, fearing that he would miss every detail.

Soon the soul stone could not withstand the pressure of the hydraulic press, the cracks became wider and wider, and finally exploded on the spot.

 Gu Xi and the others were relatively far away and were not affected by the impact of the soul stone. However, the hydraulic press was not so lucky and was directly blown into pieces.

 Among the fragments, Gu Xi saw a large number of vermilion gems scattered on the ground, and a twisted ball of metal rolled into a corner.

But what caught Gu Xi’s attention the most was a vermilion flake on the ground.

Gu Xi immediately felt that this thin piece was the purple equipment this time.

 Gu Xi quickly walked over and reached out to pick up the sheet.

 In the next moment, the information about this thin piece appeared in front of Gu Xi.

 【Seal-Mirror of Demonic Blood Sacrifice (purple, short staff)】

  【Attack: 10-13】

 【After equipped: Intelligence +4, Charisma +4】

 【Equipment requirements: Intelligence 6, Perception 6, Charisma 6】

  【Special 1: Mirror King, can learn mirror-type spells, all mirror-type skill levels +3. 】

  【Special Effect 1: After wearing the equipment and activating the King of Mirrors effect, a mirror image will be automatically generated every day. If the mirror image is not processed, when the mirror image reaches ten, it will devour the main body. 】

[Special 2: Seal - Blood Sacrifice Technique, which can temporarily seal enemies whose strength does not exceed level 15 into the mirror (only one enemy can be sealed at a time. After the enemy is released, it cannot be sealed again within three days). The user can Call upon the power of the sealed enemy. 】

  【Special Effect 2: After wearing equipment and activating the sealing-blood sacrifice effect once, you will be affected by the effect of the soul leaving the body once a day. If you cannot return to the body, the body will be occupied by the sealed enemy. 】

  【Special 3: Bloody Aurora Kill, use the mirror to aim at the enemy, emit a **** light, causing 500 points of life damage to the enemy (the attack power will increase as the player level increases). 】

  【Special Effect 3: After wearing equipment and activating the Bloody Aurora killing effect once, the life recovery effect will be reduced by 30%. 】

[Explanation: This is a stone used to seal demons. I don’t know when, but someone actually made it into a mirror. However, please note that sealing demons in mirrors is not a good choice. 】

After taking a look at the [Seal-Mirror of Demonic Blood Sacrifice], which was called a short staff but was actually a mirror, Gu Xi always felt that this was sent for Luna.

 Among these three skills, Mirror King can just improve the level of various strange mirror skills that Luna has just mastered.

 As for the birth of a mirror image every day, Luna can handle this kind of thing quite easily.

 The matter of sealing is not a problem for Luna. She is a ghost herself. Before her soul can leave her body, she must have a body first.

As for the final Bloody Aurora Kill, the negative effect is just that the life recovery effect is reduced, but it does not mean that it cannot be restored.

  It can be said that these three negative effects have little impact on Luna, but the three special effects are of great help to Luna.

 He lowered his head and glanced at the [Seal-Mirror of Demonic Blood Sacrifice]. Gu Xi glanced at Luna again, and an idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

 He seems to have never given any equipment to his contracted undead.

 After realizing what went wrong, Gu Xi raised his head and waved to Luna.

 “Luna, this mirror is yours.”

 (End of this chapter)

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