Breath of the Dead

Chapter 374: Suitable inlays (please subscribe)

 Chapter 374 Suitable Inlay (Please subscribe)

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After Luna took the [Seal-Mirror of Demonic Blood Sacrifice], the round mirror she had been holding turned into vermilion, and at the same time, her mirror-like eyes suddenly lit up.

 “Sir, this is very good.”

However, Gu Xi did not respond to Luna's words at all at this time. Luna looked at Gu Xi curiously and found that Gu Xi was holding a long knife made of crystal and thinking about something.

 This long sword is naturally the purple weapon [Evil Sword-Jing Long Yin] that I got from King Jing Long last time.

 Gu Xi had been thinking about selling this evil knife and replacing it with a better purple piece of equipment.

Now Gu Xi has discovered another use of purple equipment. Luna can equip a purple equipment. There is no reason why Shaya can't use such an evil sword.

Although Shaya has never been around, Gu Xi is not the kind of person who favors one thing over another.

And Gu Xi believed that Sha Ya could control this evil sword.

After making up his mind, Gu Xi put away the evil knife. When he turned around, he saw Luna's worried expression.

“I’m fine, help me sort out the gem inlays here.”

As soon as Luna heard this, she stepped forward to help.

 After some counting, Gu Xi discovered that a total of eleven gem-like inlays had been opened this time.

Of course, most of them are white or green quality inlays, and most of their effects are not very good. The white ones mostly have the effect of +1 attack or defense, and the green ones have the effect of +1 some skill levels.

But the problem is that Gu Xi has never learned these skills or magic. From this glance, he can tell that it is the direction of the demon warlock.

The last thing that really catches Gu Xi's eyes are the three blue quality inlays.

The largest piece among them was the mechanical ball that was melted into a ball that Gu Xi first saw after the explosion.

  【Crusher (blue, inlaid): A crusher that crushes everything, with the effects of crushing, destruction and a little bit of luck.

 Inserted on the weapon, it can cause the attack to have effects such as crushing, crushing, and destruction.

 Inlaid on armor, it can resist some effects such as crushing, crushing, and destruction. 】

It can be seen that the attack and defense here are all based on effects such as crushing and destruction. Gu Xi himself will definitely not be able to use it, but this thing is useful for players who use weapons such as heavy swords and war hammers. For a hero, he is quite good.

Even if he doesn't need it, Gu Xi will keep this thing, maybe someone will need it one day.

Of the remaining two pieces, one is a red crystal the size of a fist. Three sides of the crystal are human faces. It is obvious that it contains the remnants of the devil's last power.

  【Twisted Life Body (blue, inlaid): The part of the devil's will that is sealed in the soul stone, with a twisted, weird and dangerous atmosphere.

 It is embedded in the weapon, and the attack has its own fire attack effect.

  Embedded in armor, it can prevent 50% of fire damage.

 Inlaid on jewelry, it can add some weird effects. 】

Gu Xi immediately took a liking to this twisted life object, and he embedded it in the cold wind staff.

 When the vermilion crystals of these three faces were embedded, the properties of the Cold Wind Staff instantly changed.

The originally cold wind suddenly became warmer in an instant.

At the same time, a little vermilion light appeared on the top of the cold wind staff, and at the same time, where the rotten head hung, there was a three-sided vermilion crystal head.

 【Cold Wind Staff (blue, main weapon)】

  【Attack: 16-19】

  【After equipped: Constitution +2. Intelligence +3】    【Equipment requirements: Strength 2, Constitution 3, Intelligence 3】

 【Special 1: Cold wind +3, with +3 cold and freezing effect when using spells. 】

 Special 2: Babel Vine, the length of the staff can automatically change between two and a half meters to seven and a half meters. When the length of the staff exceeds two and a half meters, the staff will actively launch attacks (physical attacks) against approaching enemies. 】

 【Mosaic position: Rotting Skull (Bone Shield +1), Twisted Life Body (Fire +3, when using spells, all spells have a +3 flame burning effect), empty, empty]

  【Explanation: Ice and fire, the combination of these two spells is very serious. 】

 Okay, it’s a very serious spell combination. Fortunately, it’s only +3 for cold wind and +3 for fire. If it were +9 each, I’d be afraid that there would be a Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire.

As for the last stick, it looked even weirder than the twisted life body. I don’t know how it was smashed in the first place. It was possible to smash out such a palm-like gem from such a large piece of soul stone.

   【Devil's right hand (blue, inlaid): The devil sealed in the spiritual stone can release a physical arm in order to control the outside world.

 It is embedded in the weapon. When attacking, you can bring an extra weapon to attack.

 It is embedded in the armor and can be used to control one arm to raise a shield or perform other defenses. 】

This demon's right hand is very interesting to Gu Xi. He can see that the demon's right hand can actually give him an extra arm, which is almost equivalent to a physical mage's hand.

 Just where to embed it depends on Gu Xi’s own thoughts.

Gu Xi thought about it seriously. The main weapon in his hand was the Cold Wind Staff. He might be able to get an extra one as a secondary weapon, but the problem was that it had to be the demon's left hand.

 So it is not appropriate to mount it on a weapon and get an extra weapon.

Then the position that can be embedded is the armor.

Gu Xi picked up the demon's right hand and put it on the shoulder of the reverse lich.

 An iron chain on the shoulder guard floated up on its own and tightly wrapped around the demon's right hand.

Then Gu Xi felt as if he had an extra right hand.

This right hand can be freely controlled by him to pick up various things, and can also cooperate with some of Gu Xi's movements. Gu Xi can even equip this right hand with equipment such as gloves or wrist guards, but it cannot hold weapons. .

This made Gu Xi, who was originally thinking about letting his right hand help protect the cold wind staff, a little speechless.

However, Gu Xi soon discovered the greatest use of this right hand.

When riding the evil coffin, this right hand can help hold the iron chain. As long as the right hand is grasped tightly, no matter whether Gu Xi is standing or lying down, he is holding the evil coffin and will not be thrown off by the evil coffin.

 In this way, Gu Xi could finally stand on the high-speed moving evil coffin and look cool.

 Except for these three inlays that could be put into the eyes, Gu Xi did not use the other inlays, but asked people to put them away.

 Perhaps when trading with players next time, someone will be willing to ask for this, or one of his subordinates may have such a need.

By the time things were done here, the reply from Zuo Ya and the others had arrived.

They were also unwilling to believe that Gu Xi was able to find the players in Qiufeng City during the day.

Xia Yi was okay, he said he was willing to help Gu Xi.

Zuo Ya said that he needed to see the real situation before shaking people off.

 At such a reply, Gu Xi smiled.

believe it or not!

 (End of this chapter)

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