Breath of the Dead

Chapter 375: Shake people to prepare for battle (143182)

Chapter 375 Shake people to prepare for battle (143182)

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 Gu Xi took a look at the letters he sent out. Among the five letters, Xia Yi and two other friends he met during the battle against the demon warlocks in Cold Wind City replied and said they were willing to help.

However, they don’t actually know many people, and they can only bring over thirty people at most.

 Gu Xi thought for a moment and realized that more than thirty people would be fine.

Judging from what I saw this morning, there are only about fifty players left in Qiufeng City.

And Gu Xi didn’t just drag all the fifty players into the weird mirror space at once.

 You must find, monitor, and lock the target in order to drag people in.

The final outcome is likely to be more than thirty people beating a few people.

This is enough for thirty or so people.

 Even if these thirty or so people want to earn some benefits, they have to take turns.

 Gu Xi, who wanted to understand this point, immediately stopped paying attention to Zuo Ya.

If Zuo Ya is willing to believe in himself, Gu Xi wouldn't mind giving him a hand.

He didn't believe in himself, and Gu Xi didn't have time to explain to him.

Gu Xi quickly wrote to Xia Yi and asked him to contact someone. As for the method of entry and exit, Gu Xi did not tell him how to enter the strange mirror space. He just asked them to find a relatively large glass or mirror nearby and put it there. Luna cult symbols are painted on the mirror.

 There is no need to worry about other things, Luna will take care of everything.

 After sending the letter again, Gu Xi and Luna went to the independent strange mirror space.

When he left Aridovi City, Gu Xi felt that there was a section of the road that was like a constantly changing kaleidoscope.

However, because this change did not affect Gu Xi's entry and exit, Gu Xi did not ask. At most, he felt the situation of the forward route and found that the route was a little off-road, so Gu Xi did not ask any more questions.

 Soon they entered a strange mirror space.

Compared to Aridovi, this place is a completely independent space.

 Because of the energy orb, the sky has turned light blue.

At the same time, among the nineteen nodes that originally belonged to the strange mirror space, except for the Jinglong Palace that was destroyed by Gu Xi, all the others were moved into the space in front of them.

Gu Xi saw a mirror maze here, a replica mountain filled with various replicas, and a glass school that was the origin of the weird mirror space.

However, each node position is relatively far away from each other. If it weren't for Luna's shortcut, Gu Xi felt that he would not be able to get out of this space for a day or two.

And between the nodes, there are many ordinary and weird abandoned sites.

  Just like the wash basin that was placed outside the city of Aridovi before.

 In this space, there are also abandoned buildings like this. These are the points where ordinary weirdness enters the weird mirror space.

Through here, Gu Xi can freely enter and exit reality and the weird mirror space. Of course, where the reality here refers to, it depends on what Gu Xi and Luna think.

It can be said that even if the big weirdos that were killed are resurrected, they can't take away this weird mirror space from Luna.

  They couldn't even get in.

And it was this kind of place that Gu Xi was planning to bring people to look for now.

Outside the temporary camp, Gu Xi and the others found a full-length mirror standing in the wilderness.

Luna casually drew the symbols agreed upon at the beginning, and then the function of the full-length mirror changed.

 Gu Xi saw Xia Yi in the mirror.

At this time, Xia Yi was sitting in front of the full-length mirror, waiting with his head propped up. He chose to believe in Gu Xi, partly because Gu Xi had not let him down before, and partly because it was daytime and the necromancers in Bailian City could not bring out their strongest combat power.

Anyway, idleness is idle, so just believe what Gu Xi said.

So he sat down in front of a dressing mirror and drew the symbols drawn in the letter on the dressing mirror.

 After that he just stayed there in a daze.

Just as he was talking, Xia Yi noticed that the situation in the dressing mirror in front of him had changed, and Gu Xi was waving to him.

Xia Yi stood up immediately. He looked around, thinking that he had fallen into a strange trap.

But he soon discovered that Gu Xi didn't even think about waving. He directly stretched out his hand from the mirror and dragged him outward, and he was dragged into the mirror.

  Without waiting for Xia Yi to resist, Gu Xi dragged Xia Yi aside.

 “Okay, come and help me, we still have a lot of people to drag over.”

Xia Yi finally reacted. He glanced at the surrounding situation and asked in surprise: "Brother Gu, where is this?"

 “My city of death.”

Gu Xi is right, the strange mirror space in front of him can really be regarded as Gu Xi's city of death.

 Because this was built near the city of Aridovi.

However, he did not tell the truth, nor did he introduce the situation of the strange mirror space to Xia Yi. He just dragged Xia Yi out to do things.

With the addition of Xia Yi, players who agreed to Gu Xi's request were dragged into the strange mirror space.

 Soon all the thirty or so players were brought here.

After everyone arrived, Gu Xi gathered the players together.

“Everyone has seen that this is my city of death. Under the glowing orb is the main city.

 We are not talking about the main city now. My city uses mirrors to monitor the real world. Not only here, but all the mirrors nearby can do this.

But you also know how difficult it is to find fifty people in a city.

 That’s why I invited you here, and asked you to help keep an eye on the real world.

No matter how well those order mages hide themselves, they can't avoid looking in the mirror, touching glass, or touching water, right?

As long as you find the Order Mage, just drag them over.

I can guarantee that as long as you find it, you can kill it, and I won’t take any of the harvest. "

 Hearing Gu Xi’s words, all the players’ eyes lit up.

 Gu Xi provided them with such a convenient method and a battlefield, but the final harvest was nothing at all. How could such a good thing happen to them?

At this time, Xia Yi walked to Gu Xi's side.

"Brother Gu, you don't have to do this for us. We know the rules and we will definitely pay for what we should pay."

 “Forget it, I really don’t need it this time.”

 Don’t want anything, this was what Gu Xi had agreed with Luna when they came over.

 Because they don’t want nothing. The process of these players finding, locating, and dragging enemies into the weird mirror space to kill them is a ritual magic designed by Gu Xi.

 The purpose is to strengthen Luna's overall control over the strange mirror space.

 In order to ensure the completion of the ritual magic, Gu Xi even had people carry the Death Mirror Immortal from the library.

It can be said that as long as all the enemies are killed this time, Gu Xi's request has been fulfilled, and Gu Xi does not care about the others.

 (End of this chapter)

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