Breath of the Dead

Chapter 376: Quick kill (144182)

Chapter 376 Quick Kill (144182)

Xiayi and the others tried to persuade Gu Xi for a long time, but they did not let Gu Xi take back his decision.

So they looked a little depressed on the surface, but they didn’t know how they were laughing in their hearts.

 After being told how to operate the mirrors, they quickly divided into groups and got started.

However, their progress was somewhat beyond Gu Xi's imagination.

 Just a few minutes later, they locked onto several order mages.

This situation surprised Gu Xi, but he immediately realized that the players Gu Xi called over this time were all players from small guilds. In the Bailian Festival, there is no difference between players like them and individual players.

 Normally they just want to get ranked.

 They have no way to deal with some powerful enemies.

All we can do is keep an eye on one or two enemies and prepare for a sneak attack at night.

In this way, as long as they can kill one enemy a day, they can get some things mixed in.

 So they have a few objects they suspect to be hostile players.

 With such a good monitor now, they locked onto their target immediately. The reason why it took them a few minutes was entirely because they were familiar with how to use the mirror.

 Otherwise, they would not have delayed it for so long.

As the first Order Mage was dragged into the strange mirror space, Gu Xi's eyes flashed with relief, and the ritual magic had begun.

 Gu Xi turned to look at Luna.

Luna understood that she had nothing to do here now, and there were still many things waiting for her to deal with in Alidovi City.

 The integration of land deeds, the construction sequence of new buildings, and the arrangement of various materials all require Luna's personal intervention.

 She can stay here entirely because the ritual magic requires her presence.

 Now that the ritual magic has begun, it doesn't matter whether she is there or not, then she can go down and do her own business.

After Luna left, Gu Xi himself came to a mirror and searched quickly.

 Gu Xi is different from those in Xiayi. During this period, Gu Xi has not appeared in the real world during the day, so he has not set any targets.

The person he wants to pursue this time is not the Order Mage from Qiufeng City. He has only one target, the traitor You Songsheng from Bailian City.

 Gu Xi knew very well that You Songsheng was a big plus this time.

 If nothing else, just seeing that he is still on the points ranking list, you can know his status in the hearts of the players in Bailian City.

Others may not be sure, but from Gu Xi's own point of view, the conflict between him and You Songsheng is irreconcilable.

This time around, Gu Xi can believe that more than half of the calculations in this Bailian Grand Ceremony are for him.

 You are not allowed to use the troops you brought with you. If you use them, you will be dropped directly from the ranking list.

This is obviously because he is worried about Gu Xi's ability to use the dead city to score crazy points.

Gu Xi didn’t think it would be a good thing to be cared about by such a person.

 When he has the opportunity to deal with such an enemy, Gu Xi will not let go of killing the enemy.

 So when other players were looking for the Order Mage, Gu Xi also began to look for You Songsheng's location through the mirror.

Gu Xi didn't know much about You Songsheng. The only thing he knew was that he mastered the skill of soul hunter.

In addition, before entering the Bailian Festival, Gu Xi also met some players from the Steel Ghost Claw Guild.

 Gu Xi more or less memorized a few faces.

Now Gu Xi plans to rely on some of his own ideas to look for someone like You Songsheng in the crowd. Seeing that Gu Xi was looking for him, the necromancers also sped up.

At the same time, they did not spread too far apart. Whenever someone locked on the Order Mage and dragged the Order Mage to the weird mirror space, the nearby Necromancers would come around to help hold down the formation.

 After all, it would be a shame if someone ran away with such a good opportunity.

 So they would rather have a slower speed on their side rather than allow the Order Mage to have a chance to make a comeback.

These order mages did not expect that they would encounter such a thing in broad daylight.

When dragged into the strange mirror space, they will be confused for the first time.

 At this time, the necromancers attacked with all their strength.

 Under their attack, these order mages didn't even have a chance to fight back and were killed on the spot.

 Speaking of which, these order mages are also relatively unlucky.

The battles in the past few days made them think that daytime was their home field, and neither the necromancers nor the demon warlocks who had been wiped out had any chance of taking action during the day.

 So what they have been guarding against is the weirdness in this city.

 And the methods they used were also the same.

  Unexpectedly, he was dragged into the mirror image. If it was just a weird mirror image, it would still be within the scope of their understanding.

 But what they encountered was the Necromancer ambushing here.

 When various attacks from the undead army fell on them, they naturally couldn't figure out why the necromancer could join forces with Weird.

Aren’t they the order mages who control weirdness?

 What's going on?

  It’s just that before they could figure it out, they were killed directly.

And as the first Order Mage player was killed, more and more Necromancers locked their targets.

 One after another, the order mages were dragged into the strange mirror space, and one after another was killed.

 Such a situation was quickly noticed by players who were still in the real world.

 The surviving Order Mages saw that the number of companions on the ranking list was rapidly decreasing, and they became nervous.

 They all quickly left their current location and hid themselves in a place they thought was safe.

 At the same time, release the weirdness that you control, and prepare to use weird power to protect yourself.

It’s just that they never knew why their companions were missing, so when they hid themselves, they were always accidentally exposed to the eyes of the necromancers.

As long as the enemy is locked, it is useless even if they can escape to the safe house. Even through the eyes, water or other reflective objects, the necromancer can drag the order mage to the strange mirror world.

 Hiding it is of no use.

 In less than an hour, the number of players in Autumn Wind City has dropped to less than ten.

 This situation also woke up Zuo Ya and the others.

"What Gu Xi said is true. He has a way to quickly find and kill the Order Mage. We have lost the opportunity again."

 Looking at the standings, Zuo Ya's face turned a little ugly.

 He understood that this opportunity was pushed out by himself.

"Shao Ren, we can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, nothing will happen to us this time."

 (End of this chapter)

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