Breath of the Dead

Chapter 377: The final goal (please subscribe)

 Chapter 377 The final goal (please subscribe)

As soon as Zuo Ya started to act, he naturally fell into the eyes of Gu Xi and the others.

 Other necromancers knew that Zuo Ya was trying to steal business, so they speeded up the selection and capture of order mages.

 Only Gu Xi kept staring at his left tooth.

 Gu Xi knew very well that Zuo Ya had a tool in his hand to find enemies. When they were finishing off the demon warlocks in Cold Wind City, they used this tool. In the last few hours, they killed the demon warlocks who did not gather but ran away.

Now that the number of order mages in Autumn Wind City is getting smaller and smaller, Zuo Ya will definitely use this item or ability again.

At the same time, Zuo Ya will also understand that it is too late to grab the order mages in Autumn Wind City. With less than ten people, it is useless even if they lock the target.

  There are at least 60 players on their side who need records.

Now there is only one person who can make up for their record.

 You Songsheng.

Only by killing You Songsheng can they earn back their face.

 So if you stare at Zuo Ya, you can find You Songsheng.

The moment he saw Zuo Ya, Gu Xi had such a plan in mind. He stared at Zuo Ya and Gu Xi's attitude relaxed obviously.

 As soon as he relaxed, the other necromancers were startled.

 They thought Gu Xi had found the remaining enemies.

 What if the last Order Mage is found by Gu Xi?

 Their achievements and their benefits, do you still want them?

So the necromancers quickly worked hard again, and the movements of switching mirror monitoring became significantly larger.

Looking at their appearance, Gu Xi couldn't help but shook his head.

 Then his eyes turned to the mirror again.

At this moment, Gu Xi suddenly noticed that Zuo Ya knocked on a door with seven or eight undead people dressed like ordinary people.

 While he knocked on the door, several other necromancers quickly took their positions.

Now they no longer care about taking action during the day. If they don't take action, they may not drink the last soup.

However, they never expected that You Songsheng's reaction was faster than theirs. When the door was knocked, he realized that something was wrong, so he opened the window and prepared to escape from the window.

As long as he runs to a crowded place, it will be useless even if someone is chasing him.

The Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven is watching over there, and no one dares to fight openly.

 But You Songsheng never expected that he would be captured by Gu Xi just as he approached the window.

 Gu Xi decisively activated the ability of the weird mirror space, and when You Songsheng jumped out, he dragged him into the weird mirror space.

Afterwards, Gu Xi thought about it and dragged Zuo Ya and the others over.

 After placing a few people in the open space, Gu Xi turned around and looked over there.

“Brother Zuo, we meet again, please help me see if that is You Songsheng?”

Seeing the situation in front of him, Zuo Ya's face became a little ugly.

 “Is this your city of death?”

“Yes, I have been busy connecting the mirror to the real world these days. You can see if you connect it, arresting people will be much faster.”

Gu Xi smiled at Zuo Ya, and then glanced at You Songsheng, "That one should be You Songsheng. Brother Zuo, I'm afraid I'm going to be a little short of a record, how about I give him to you?"

 “You’re not going to take action?”

Zuo Ya glanced at Gu Xi and knew in his heart that he couldn't fight Gu Xi this time.

 “That’s not necessary.”

Since Gu Xi can not take action, he does not intend to take action.

  The ritual magic was in progress, and Gu Xi was worried that something might go wrong with the ritual magic, which would affect Luna's progress. If he hadn't been afraid that You Songsheng would escape through the rankings this time, he might not have even made a move to capture You Songsheng.

 Leave this matter to Zuo Ya. In addition to remembering Gu Xi well, Zuo Ya also has to help Gu Xi withstand the thunder.

Sure enough, although he knew what Gu Xi was thinking, Zuo Ya still accepted the benefits from Gu Xi in order to ensure that he would get benefits from following his comrades.

 “Thank you very much, I will send you a thank you gift later.”

 After saying that, Zuo Ya led his men to surround You Songsheng.

 Because they are no longer in the real world, Zuo Ya and the others naturally released their troops.

Several undead men and thousands of undead troops formed a phalanx and rushed towards You Songsheng.

At this time, You Songsheng also knew that he had to go all out, and he quickly released his troops. Because he wanted to occupy the points ranking, he never used his original troops, and the number of troops under his command was not large.

 Excluding the dozens of undead that were originally arranged, there were more than 300 ghosts flying behind him.

At the same time, there were several ballistae beside him.

 This is the reason why he was able to get so many ghosts with this small amount of troops.

Those ghosts are all his skills, the characteristics of the soul hunter.

Whether he can survive now depends on whether the ghosts in front of him can compete with Zuo Ya and the others.

However, looking at Zuo Ya's seven or eight players and more than 4,000 troops, Gu Xi didn't think they would lose.

And even if Zuo Ya loses, there are still more than thirty players waiting here.

 More than half of their attention is now focused on this.

The purpose is to wait for Zuo Ya and the others to fail and see if they can come over and take advantage.

After all, there are not many order mages left this time, and there will always be someone among them who cannot get a new order mage. If they can get the credit of You Songsheng, their run this time will not be in vain.

 At this time, You Songsheng was not as scared or nervous as Gu Xi thought.

You Songsheng seemed to have made some decision. He waved his hand and sent all the ghosts under him to rush forward.

 And he himself stood at the back of the team.

 In fact, this situation is quite normal, and necromancers all play this way.

There are very few necromancers who charge forward with weapons in hand.

 But Gu Xi felt that something was obviously wrong.

 If he encounters such a situation, he will definitely not be so calm if he is not completely sure.

Is it possible that this guy wants to escape?

Gu Xi thought for a moment, then stepped aside and began to operate the mirror in front of him.

After a while, the picture in the mirror switched to the picture of Luna arranging things in the council hall.

Feeling Gu Xi’s gaze, Luna raised her head and asked, “Sir, what happened?”

“If someone wants to escape, he should have the ability to break through space and escape.”

 That's enough, Luna said decisively.

 “I’ll come right away.”

After speaking, Luna made a push forward and floated out of the mirror.

Because Luna is just a little ghost, even if she holds a red mirror in her hand, no one will notice.

After entering here, Luna held up the red round mirror in her hand and took a look at the mirror she just came out of.

 Without anyone noticing, the surrounding area turned a light red.

 “That’s it, no one can leave here within an hour, including me!”

 (End of this chapter)

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