Breath of the Dead

Chapter 379: Temporarily opened weird mirror space (145185)

Chapter 379 The temporarily opened weird mirror space (145185)

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“On behalf of the Skeleton Ichthyosaurus Guild, I would like to express my opinion that you will be the first to win the Bailian Festival.”

Zuo Ya’s words made Gu Xi smile.

It seems that Zuo Ya has softened up this time, but he still has a small thought.

 Only mentioned the attitude of the Skeleton Ichthyosaurus Guild, not the attitudes of other people.

And only said that Gu Xi’s performance was the first, and did not mention all kinds of weird and treasure things in the next few days.

I'm afraid he still wants to grab some weird things and treasures to go back to make up for the losses of this Bailian Festival.

 At this time, Gu Xi has no interest in those who have no achievements.

With a weird mirror space and the ability to remove the weird death rules, Gu Xi can take action whenever he wants to deal with the weird.

As for the weird treasures, you can deal with them during the day. Will you still be afraid of them at night?

Now that there are no players from other cities in the city, the necromancers in the city will definitely focus on those monsters at night.

At that time, there will be more and more information of all kinds. If you really want to grab the treasure, who can be faster than you?

So looking at Zuo Ya's serious look, Gu Xi just smiled and said to Zuo Ya, "You're welcome."

Looking at Gu Xi's look, Zuo Ya knew what Gu Xi was thinking. He could only smile helplessly and say nothing more.

 The other players then came forward one by one to express their gratitude to Gu Xi.

At the same time, they also made their own commitment, either to retreat when Gu Xi appears, or to be on call when Gu Xi is needed.

   Anyway, the main theme is that I am a coward, and I am willing to recognize you as the boss.

Those who can make decisions, make decisions for their friends; those who cannot make decisions, make decisions for themselves.

  Anyway, the atmosphere at the scene was quite harmonious for a while.

 Gu Xi also smiled at them, and then, as he said before, he didn't want any of the things the players got by killing them.

 Just glanced at Luna.

Luna nodded and said that the ritual magic was quite successful. Now Luna has stronger control over the strange mirror space in front of her.

At the same time, Luna could even feel that the weirdness and big weirdness that had died in Luna's hands before would not be resurrected in the real world as she had thought before.

 They will appear in the nodes one by one like earthbound spirits and become part of the power of the strange mirror space.

These weird and big weird things will be Luna’s exclusive troops.

However, these big weird things haven't appeared yet, and there are many other players here, so it's hard for Luna to express herself here. She just nodded to Gu Xi, which was regarded as acknowledging Gu Xi's look.

 Gu Xi laughed as soon as he saw it.

“Okay, everyone, just wait a little longer. When the confinement here is over, you can leave on your own.

By the way, there is still some time. Everyone can freely communicate here and trade any good things.

 There is no need to worry about safety issues, the mirror can send you to any location. "

  After hearing Gu Xi’s words, the players also breathed a sigh of relief, so they really regarded this space as a tradable space and discussed it here in twos and threes.

These players come from different guilds and take different routes, but there is always one good thing, that is, their talent and strength are pretty good.

 There are more or less good things on hand that I don’t need.

Especially during this Bailian Festival, none of them had taken action at night.

Now they have too many things in their hands, but usually they can't find other players to trade with them, so some things are almost falling on their hands.

Now Gu Xi provided them with a venue, and they immediately became excited.

Even Zuo Ya is thinking about whether some of the things he has on hand can be sold here and whether they can be sold at a higher price. Gu Xi also laughed as he watched the players setting up stalls and communicating with each other.

 He understands that starting from today, he has gained a basic base.

 In the future, even if these players will not be too close to him, they will not become his enemy.

After all, Gu Xi showed them something, which was beyond the normal level. There were too many players.

 Looking at the exchanges and transactions between the players, Gu Xi had a smile on his face, but an idea came to his mind.

  When the confinement of the strange mirror space disappeared, Gu Xi stood up.

“Brothers, the confinement has disappeared. You can leave on your own through these mirrors in the wild. Before leaving, I have an idea to say.”

As soon as Gu Xi’s words came out, all the players looked at Gu Xi.

At this time, Gu Xi smiled and asked, "How do you guys feel about my place?"

Zuo Ya, Xia Yi and others did not speak. They were smart enough to understand Gu Xi's thoughts.

On the other hand, several players didn't understand what Gu Xi meant, and they were still boasting.

 “This is such a nice place.”

 “Yes, the place is big and convenient.”

 “And it’s safe, you can come and leave whenever you want.”

Hearing what they said, Gu Xi also laughed, "So in the last few days of the Bailian Festival, I will open this place to the public for an hour every day for your trading and communication. Will anyone come?"

Hearing Gu Xi's words, Zuo Ya and Xia Yi both said to themselves: Sure enough.

 But they all think this is a good thing, and such a place is quite safe for all players.

 And those ordinary players responded one by one.

"This is a good thing. After fighting all night, I got some good stuff, which I can trade for free."

“That’s right, it saves me the trouble of finding a buyer.”

 “If it’s open, of course I’m willing to come.”

At this time, Gu Xi smiled and said: "Then it's settled. As long as the reminder sounds every day, I will give you a symbol. As long as the reminder sounds, you can draw the symbol on the mirror and you can enter my place.

However, there will be time restrictions. I can’t open it at any time without any conditions. Let’s do it for two hours.

 My place is open to the public for two hours every day. You can come and leave at any time.

 As long as you are in my city, I guarantee everyone's safety. "

 “Okay, Boss Gu, this is great.”

“Now I don’t have to worry about having nowhere to go.”

 “Yes, I think so too.”

“Brother Gu, whatever you say will be whatever you say.”

“Brother Gu, can we discuss it and open it for a while longer at night? We have to look for treasures during the day. If these treasures are not to our liking, we have to find a place to sell them.”

 “Yes, yes!”

Looking at the players talking in twos and threes, Gu Xi smiled.

“The matter is settled like this. In just two hours, I will set aside a special space. If you have any needs and no one has time, you can nail a board here and leave a note or something.

 But the time has come, no one is left behind, no matter living or undead, everyone must leave, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind. "

 (End of this chapter)

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