Breath of the Dead

Chapter 380: The ending of the weird mirror space (146185)

 Chapter 380 The ending of the weird mirror space (146185)

Zuo Ya and the others were not surprised that Gu Xi only restricted other players from entering and leaving the place for two hours a day, and would take action if the time was exceeded.

 After all, Gu Xi took out his own city of death.

 The city of death is the core secret for the necromancers.

Gu Xi’s willingness to carve out an open space is quite generous.

 If it were them, they would definitely not be able to make such a choice.

So these players didn't say much, and in twos and threes, they obtained the symbols for entering and exiting the strange mirror space from Gu Xi, and then left.

 After sending all the players away, Gu Xi turned to look at Luna.

"There should be three days left in the next three days. During these three days, you can spend two hours every day to come here and keep an eye on it. If there is anything suitable for Alidovi City, you can just take it."

Luna shook her head, "You don't need me to keep an eye on it. This kind of thing can be dealt with by the little weird things that were killed before. It was the washstand in the wilderness before. This kind of little weird things can be dealt with. I don't need to specialize here." Stare."

Gu Xi was taken aback and quickly asked about Luna's situation.

After hearing that the big weirdos in the dozen or so nodes he had dealt with would be resurrected in the weird mirror space and return to their original territory, becoming guarding weirdos and obeying Luna's orders, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

“This is a good thing, Luna, this will be your base from now on.”

 “Yeah, I didn’t expect that the final result would be like this.”

Luna was also quite happy. She never thought at first that the big weirdo she killed would have the chance to be resurrected and become her subordinate.

Luna has seen these weird powers before.

 At the beginning, she took away all the troops in Aridovi City to take down this strange mirror space.

As long as these big weirdos are resurrected, Gu Xi will be picking up a powerful weird army for free. Although this army is not undead, they belong to Luna, and their fighting style is extremely weird and their combat power is extremely strong.

This is equivalent to Gu Xi having an additional out-of-staff force and an additional guarantee in future battles.

“Then you can arrange the things here. Regarding the energy orb, I will think of a way to see if we can turn this place from a temporary camp into a fixed camp.

In addition, in this weird mirror space, if the Jinglong Palace is missing, will it be missing a part? Do I need to make up for the Jinglong Palace? "

"That's not necessary. It's just right if the Jinglong Palace is missing. The missing part is just the passage to connect with Alidovi City. If the Jinglong Palace is added, we won't be able to connect with the Alidovi City. If we want to come over, we have to go through the well. From there, go to the sewer and then to Jinglong Palace.”

“Okay, you can take care of things here. By the way, we will kill a large number of weirdos next. Do you have any needs?”

 Gu Xi had no intention of wasting the remaining three days.

He has already thought about it. There is such a good place as the weird mirror space, so he must make good use of it.

He planned to lead an army to sweep away the demons at night, looking for all kinds of intelligence information. He would take a rest during the day and use the intelligence information to capture the weird ones into the weird mirror space and kill them.

 If Luna needs anything, Gu Xi can give priority to her needs.

 But Luna really doesn’t have any needs now. The situation in the weird mirror space is almost fixed, and it cannot be strengthened by using other weird lives.

  After all, there are only so many weird rules related to the mirror. Killing a new weird will not be related to the mirror. Forcibly integrating it will affect her influence on the weird mirror space. As for Alidovi City, the most you can get by killing weirdos is some special corpses. At most, Gu Xi can kill them according to the rules of the intelligence. These weirdos cannot be resurrected.

 Such a corpse has little impact on Gu Xi.

 Other necromancers may want to use this corpse to make contracted undead in order to gain some weird powers.

 But for Gu Xi, it would be better to let him clean up demons in the wild every night and replenish the army of Aridovi City in large quantities.

 So after seeing that Luna had no demands, Gu Xi didn't force anything. He just adjusted the time and prepared to fight at night and hunt for treasures and rest during the day.

 Gu Xi’s first goal was simple, Maple Leaf Park near Wu Dou’s house, and the abandoned school called Yi Tou.

As for a bigger ambition, it depends on whether Gu Xi can meet a big monster or a big weird at level 10 or so. If he can meet him, then give it a good fight. If he can't, Gu Xi won't. Go out and find trouble yourself.

Gu Xi knew that he had already stolen the limelight, and if he jumped again, he would make others jealous.

It is better not to be too outstanding in his subsequent performance. As long as he can show up on the surface, he will definitely be the first in this big festival. There is no need for him to add superfluous things and do unnecessary things.

Wanting to understand this, Gu Xi came out of the strange mirror space.

  When he returned to Alidovi City, Gu Xi also asked Luna.

“Luna, can the mirror channel in the weird mirror space that allows people to move quickly be used in Alidovi City?”

“There is no way to do this. This requires making Aridovi City have mirror images and weird attributes. Although Aridovi City is a city that is the mirror image of the underground palace, its origin is a fake city copied by others.

 This is fundamentally unsuitable for this approach. "

After hearing this, Gu Xi had no choice but to give up the idea.

However, when Luna talked about the attributes of the city, Gu Xi thought of something.

 When the Black Queen left, she left a drop of the true queen's blood with Gu Xi.

 This corresponds to the headless queen's unwillingness to do that task.

 Gu Xi remembered that the reward for this mission was city characteristics.

 Although I don’t know whether the rewards are random or what, it is definitely a good thing to strengthen the city.

 Gu Xi decided to use this period of time to clean up the temporary tasks on hand, so as not to accumulate too many temporary tasks and end up with weak task rewards.

 As for where the items needed for the mission will come from, Gu Xi might have been worried before.

 It’s different now. There are so many players trading. As long as Gu Xi can afford the price, I believe Gu Xi will be able to find what he wants soon.

While thinking about this, Gu Xi drove the evil coffin towards the dock area.

There are two things to do here. One is to go to the dock warehouse to check the harvest during this period and see if there is anything good that he has missed.

On the other hand, Gu Xi wanted to take a look at the newly integrated city. After all, Gu Xi also wanted to know what this new city would look like, both on the water and underwater.

 (End of this chapter)

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