Breath of the Dead

Chapter 381: The mysterious books in Jinglong Palace (please subscribe)

Chapter 381 The mysterious book in Jinglong Palace (please subscribe)

After checking the list of supplies at the dock warehouse, Gu Xi followed the river bank of the dock area to the new city where construction had not yet begun.

 Because the situation in the urban area in front of us is different from other urban areas, all buildings must be built on the water or underwater, and cannot be built on the shore.

 So now there is nothing else in this urban area except a whole lake of water.

Unlike other urban areas, there are at least some buildings that serve as backgrounds.

The only thing that can tell that this city has been integrated into Alidovi City is the green river water flowing in along the dock area. The source of this river water comes from the direction of Evil Wood Lake. It is the river water affected by the strange blood sacrifice. It contains... A special power that can affect the entire city.

Looking at the lake surface that was slowly turning green, Gu Xi estimated that it would take about fifteen days to replace all the water in this lake with the water in Xiemu Lake.

If Gu Xi wants to build a building in the lake now, it is not impossible.

 But the buildings built now will have to be re-impregnated in the future, which is another troublesome matter.

It is better not to rush to build any buildings now and wait until Xiemu Lake replaces all the lake water here.

Of course, the city area in front of him must be named. Gu Xi couldn't call this place the Dragon Palace District just because the original land deed here was called Underwater Dragon Palace.

 After all, Gu Xi doesn’t have the Dragon Palace in his hands.

Standing by the lake, I thought for a while, and finally pointed at the lake that was starting to turn green and said, "From now on, this place will be called the Green Lake District."

 After naming this city, Gu Xi walked around the city again.

Go to the library and take a look at the various books found in Jinglong Palace.

These gray and white books, which were regarded as garbage, were actually considered complete books in the library. The demand for 100 books in the Guxi Library was immediately increased to 87.

 As long as 13 more books are collected, Gu Xi's library can be upgraded.

Of course, because of the addition of these books found in Jinglong Palace, the direction of the library's book collection has shifted again, and a new attribute has been added.

  【The direction of the collection of books in the library has shifted, the number of peas produced every week is 4, a fairy tale character will appear in the library every week, and dragon blood ink will appear inside the library (there will be a certain blessing when copying and learning). 】

However, Gu Xi was more concerned about the newly added books in the library, which turned out to be the experiences written by King Jing Long himself, as well as some poems written by him.

 Poems and the like are of course of no use, but his practice experience is a good thing.

 Gu Xi discovered that the Well Dragon King was a thoughtful person. After he became Weird, he actually used weird power to strengthen his body again and again.

After discovering that his body could not be strengthened, he actually chose to cut out his soul, merge it with Weirdness, and create a clone identical to himself.

 It can be said that he is a person with ideas and courage.

Not only did he do it, he also succeeded twice.

The thing that left Gu Xi most speechless was that after he successfully created a clone, he also took the clone into his body and used it to strengthen his body.

 It can be said that every bone of his body is full of strange power.

  Seeing this explanation, Gu Xi's eyes also lit up. He thought of the half-section of the dragon's body that was suppressed underground by the steel city gate. Although the scales and flesh on the dragon's body were gone, the bones were still connected together.

When Gu Xi moved the steel city gate before, the keel was already connected to the steel city gate.

 Gu Xi still thought that if the keel couldn't be moved out, it would be better to place it in front of the steel city gate and serve as a decoration.

 But now it seems that this is not the case. The keel in front of us is a good thing. It can't be wasted like this. If it can't be dragged out from under the steel city gate, then just leave it where it is.

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi quickly left the library.

But he only walked for a moment, then turned back and asked the undead to carry the Death Mirror Immortal and head toward the steel city gate together.

The steel city gate of Gu Xi was built between the main city and Alidovita Tower.

 It was originally built here to deal with enemies coming from the direction of Alidovita.

 But since Alidovita was captured, there has been no fighting here, and the place has become much quieter.

When Gu Xi came over, the steel city gate was wide open, and many undead were transporting supplies towards Alidovita.

Gu Xi knew that they were transporting supplies to Alidovita, so he ignored it. Instead, he waved to the sky, and several crow lanterns fell down, illuminating Gu Xi.

At this time, Gu Xi has arrived at the keel position in front of the steel city gate.

 He didn't take a closer look before, but now Gu Xi realized that the Jing Dragon King he killed before was actually that big.

The part of the Jing Dragon King in front of him that is pressed by the steel city gate is about more than a quarter of the Jing Dragon King's body, which is exactly the tail and one hind leg.

 The remaining part is more than a hundred meters long. Except for the head, which is still flesh and blood, all other parts of the body have been turned into white bones.

Of course, Gu Xi was a little unsure whether the part under the steel city gate had turned into bones, but as far as the outside part was concerned, there was no need to think about flesh and blood.

Going around the keel in a large circle, Gu Xi has confirmed that the quality of the keel in front of him is quite good.

Gu Xi even had the idea of ​​letting the incarnation of death come over and bringing the outer keel back to the keel laboratory to make it into a death incarnation kit.

 But in the end he suppressed the idea.

This dragon bone Gu Xi plans to resurrect him through the earth-bound spirit and make him responsible for guarding the steel city gate.

Just like Luna's side uses big weirdness to guard various nodes.

If King Jing Long's body had not been pressed under the steel city gate, Gu Xi would have even wanted to move the keel under the main city gate.

As for the kit from the Incarnation of Death, Gu Xi planned to throw the records of Jing Dragon King’s method of strengthening himself into the Dragon Bone Laboratory. This was the best way to strengthen the Bone Dragon.

 As long as you learn 10% of it, it is also a good thing.

Place the Death Mirror Immortal next to the body of King Jing Long. Gu Xi did not rush to take action, but looked at the body of King Jing Long on the spot.

 Dragon corpses were rare, so Gu Xi even took out dragon steel and dragon blood crystals to prepare to dispose of the corpse first.

When disposing of the corpse, Gu Xi followed the tutorial plan for handling dragon corpses that he had learned in school.

Even though he was not making a bone dragon this time, Gu Xi was meticulous and did not make any cuts or messes.

After about half an hour of processing, Gu Xi finally disposed of all the dragon bones. Even the faucet heads were carefully taken care of. Only the dragon corpse that was pressed under the steel city gate could not be disposed of.

 (End of this chapter)

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