Breath of the Dead

Chapter 382: Special undead earth-bound dragon (please subscribe)

Chapter 382 Special Undead-Earth-bound Dragon (Please subscribe)

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 After taking care of the dragon corpse, Gu Xi circled around the steel city gate.

 Then the ritual of transforming the Earthbound Spirit began.

Earthbound spirits are also a type of undead, but they are undead trapped in a certain place.

 They cannot leave the place where they died and can only linger in this place, but this makes it easier for them to form a ghost realm here.

 As necromancers, Gu Xi and the others have naturally learned how to make earthbound spirits.

 But few people would do this.

 After all, Earthbound spirits can only move where they died, and the Necromancer needs undead spirits that can follow them.

The Earthbound Spirit will stay in place once it is made. That is not a waste.

But all this is meaningless to Gu Xi. Gu Xi has already planned to use this dragon as the earth-bound spirit of the steel city gate. He will appear wherever the steel city gate appears.

Although the effect of the Earthbound Spirit is the same, the dragon can move freely.

In order to ensure the connection between the King of Wells and the Steel City Gate, Gu Xi specially bought a dozen iron chains and nailed the chains to the spine of the King of Wells.

The other end of the chain was then nailed to the steel city gate.

Under the operation of Gu Xi's ritual magic, the iron chain slowly disappeared and turned into a bright green iron chain, wrapped around the dragon bone.

 Then Gu Xi began to perform the transformation ceremony of the Earthbound Spirit.

 This ritual has ready-made answers for homework.

 It only took about ten minutes for Gu Xi to set up the magic circle and arrange the ceremony, and then there was no need to worry about it anymore.

Gu Xi watched as the virtual iron chains turned bright green and dragged the keel up towards the steel city gate.

At this moment, the huge dragon head suddenly opened its eyes. One eye was a mirror, and the other eye was full of water.

 The dragon head then tried hard to move forward, and even dragged the steel city gate forward.

 This situation made Gu Xi feel like a snail carrying a shell on its back.

No matter how much Jing Longwang was obsessed with it, it couldn't compare to a complete ceremony. As the bright green iron chains disappeared one by one, bright green magic words began to appear one after another on the steel city gate.

The body of Jing Long King finally stopped moving and no longer twisted like before.

But this whole corpse actually stood on end, can you believe it?

The Jing Dragon King, which is all white, stands upright like a cobra, and bright green flames can be seen in the front paws.

Then the bone dragon twisted its body, and all the flesh and blood on its head was blown away. His body flew upwards, and the tail that was pressed by the steel city gate was also pulled out.

 When it flew up, the tail was still burning with bright green flames.

 Such a situation shocked Gu Xi.

 He thought the ceremony had failed and the bone dragon was going to run away.

Unexpectedly, this thing just circled in the sky and fell back to the original position of the body, lying on the ground just like before.

When the bright green text on the Steel City Gate disappeared, Gu Xi knew that the Earth-bound Spirit had been completed. Now he was the Earth-Binding Spirit of the Steel City Gate. He and the Steel City Gate would achieve each other's achievements and stimulate each other.

  【You use ritual magic successfully, you get a special undead (earthbound dragon, level 4), and your ritual magic experience increases. 】

  【Special Undead: Earthbound Dragon

Race: Earthbound Spirit, Bone Dragon Level: Level 4 (0/5000)

Talent: Ghost Domain Assimilation

 Status: Life (100/100), Magic Power (200/200)

 Attributes: Strength 6.4, Agility 7.6, Constitution 5.6, Intelligence 9, Perception 15, Charisma 10.2

Skills: Undead creature, giant creature, weird ghost realm (kill the enemy at the position where you are staying, and it can slowly turn into a ghost realm), mirror clone (can reflect all magic attacks), water flow clone (can reflect all physical attacks), Mirror dragon's breath (light beam attack), water dragon's breath (water gun attack)...

 Note: Only one type of mirror clone and water flow clone can appear at a time, and they can only be matched with corresponding attack effects.

Earthbound location: Steel City Gate (Ghost Domain transformation progress 0%)

 Characteristic impact:

 The beginning of the ghost realm: As the binding point for the earth-bound spirits, the flesh and blood of people who die in this area will be absorbed here, and slowly this place will become a ghost realm.

Dragon servants: Dragons have servants. Whether it is the tauren and goblins of the Western dragon, or the shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Eastern dragon, they will always be supported by various servants. As long as the ghost realm begins to transform, there will be a corresponding response. The dragon servant appears.

Fusion: The earth-bound spirit can merge with the bound earth and be strengthened instantly. However, after the fusion, the earth-bound spirit will disappear. Each earth-bound spirit only has one chance to merge in its lifetime. 】

                     tleung by the strange dragon who died under the steel city gate. He had two different strange powers: mirror and water. It was precisely because of the conflict between the two strange powers that he did not escape immediately.

 The balance of strange forces is the way to tame this strange dragon. 】

  【Note: He is an earthbound spirit, please do not use him as a bone dragon. 】

 “It’s done!”

Looking at the attributes in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help clenching his fists.

The attributes of the earth-bound dragon in front of me are much higher than those of the normal bone dragon.

Not to mention other things, it is a normal bone dragon. It has six-dimensional attributes, and it is already good if it can directly add offensive and defensive life.

 At the same time, it is obvious that the Earth-binding Dragon is one of those beings that can fight both physically and legally.

 When it turns into a mirror clone, it is a magic dragon. It can reflect all magic attacks and can also spray light beams.

 When it turns into a water clone, it is a physical dragon. The body reflects all physical attacks, and the dragon's breath it sprays is also a water column.

 Coupled with such a hard keel, it can be said that he can cope with most situations on the battlefield.

But this is not the most important thing. He has a characteristic. When he kills enemies near the city gate, he can absorb flesh and blood to form a ghost realm. When the ghost realm begins to form, it will attract dragon servants.

This is automatically replenishing troops for the Iron City Gate.

 Gu Xi was thinking about whether this steel city gate should be renamed Earthbound City Gate or Dragon Palace City Gate in the future.

  Gu Xi gave up on changing the name in the end, but Gu Xi had already made a decision on one thing.

 In future battles, when placing city gates, he will definitely choose steel city gates first.

 In any case, let’s complete the first round of ghost realm transformation first.

If he didn't look at the shapeless ghost realm, Gu Xi would not like it.

This is clearly the rhythm that drives obsessive-compulsive disorder to death.

 After completing a series of arrangements for the Earth-bound Dragon, Gu Xi had someone send the Death Mirror Immortal back to the library.

 He himself went to the Keel Laboratory.

The situation of the Earth-bound Dragon made Gu Xi understand that the method adopted by King Jing Long at the beginning was reasonable. He needed to go to the Dragon Bone Laboratory to personally arrange the adjustment plan for the incarnation of death.

 (End of this chapter)

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