Breath of the Dead

Chapter 383: Strengthening of Keel Laboratory (147185)

Chapter 383 Strengthening of the Dragon Bone Laboratory (147185)

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 In the Dragon Bone Laboratory, Gu Xi entered the interior of this building for the first time.

Here, Gu Xi discovered that the interior of the Dragon Bone Laboratory was not as simple as he imagined. Each kit for the incarnation of death had its own dedicated room.

 There is information corresponding to the room written on the door of each room.

For example, on the door of the first room it says, 'Keel Strengthening Laboratory, the keel is being bronzed, and five more copper bones, or 30 units of brass, are needed. ’

Another example is the doors in the back row, which correspond to the Crystal Storm, Spark Shadow, and the newly obtained extreme cold snow layer.

 In front of each door, there is a plan for upgrading this kit, as well as the materials required for the upgrade.

I'm afraid I have to worry about finding and selecting these.

Further inside are rooms such as the Speed ​​Laboratory and the Strength Laboratory, which can be used to enhance the strength and agility of the Death Incarnation. From the day the Dragon Bone Laboratory was built, the enhancement has been in progress, and it has now reached It’s the second round.

 And judging from the current situation, this strengthening will continue.

And as the level of Dragon Bone Laboratory increases, more laboratories will be opened, and his incarnation of death will only become stronger and stronger.

However, Gu Xi is more concerned about the contents just sent.

He wanted to know if the methods used by King Jing Long could be used on the incarnation of death.

 As for the strengthening of the incarnation of death, Gu Xi can do it at will.

Anyway, even if the incarnation of death dies, it only consumes all Gu Xi's mana to get another one.

This kind of strengthening method is not directly applied to the body of the death incarnation, but is studied in the laboratory. If it is suitable, it will become a kit. If it is not suitable, it will only consume some resources.

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi walked deeper into the Dragon Bone Laboratory.

While walking in the Dragon Bone Laboratory, Gu Xi understood that there were still some special undead to serve as researchers in the laboratory.

At present, inside the Dragon Bone Laboratory, it all depends on what kind of benefits the incarnation of death has received before special research can be started here.

  Haven't taken the initiative to study how to strengthen the incarnation of death in advance.

This does not satisfy Gu Xi. As for strengthening the bone dragon, Gu Xi has only built a mansion for vampires, and it is still far from the bone dragon. Now is not the time to strengthen that aspect.

But fortunately, the Dragon Bone Laboratory finally agreed with the information sent by Gu Xi.

 In the last few rooms of the Keel Laboratory, there are now several more experimental directions.

Weird reinforced bone laboratory, clone laboratory, strange attack enhanced laboratory, etc.

Looking at the four new laboratories that appeared, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although these four laboratories had just begun, they were a good starting point for Gu Xi.

 The incarnations of death will become more powerful in the future.

 After confirming that the Dragon Bone Laboratory had been strengthened, Gu Xi did not stay here longer. He had other things to deal with.

After leaving the Dragon Bone Laboratory, Gu Xi did not ride on the evil coffin, but released his newly obtained mount, the water dragon beast, and prepared to follow the river in the dock area to the evil wood lake.

 This is a journey that Gu Xi has never experienced before.

Although the river between Xiemu Lake and the dock area has been opened for a long time, Gu Xizhen has not checked what is on this stretch of road. Even with the existence of Xiemu Lake, Gu Xi just walked around the lake. After turning around, I took advantage of the characteristics of Xiemu Lake and did not enter Xiemu Lake.     Now Gu Xi is different.

After Gu Xi got the water dragon, he also wanted to see what it was like to move underwater. He rode on the back of the water dragon and moved along the river. Whether it was with the current or against the current, the speed of movement exceeded the speed of the evil coffin.

At the same time, even when moving underwater, the water dragon can ensure that water does not rush in front of Gu Xi, allowing Gu Xi to breathe freely underwater.

 This is quite useful for Gu Xi.

He could even see some underwater situations, such as the whirlpool in the dock area, where one or two bodies would be thrown out from time to time.

These corpses will not float to the surface, but will sink to the bottom of the water, and special people must be salvaged.

It's just that Gu Xi doesn't have that many people on hand now, and he hasn't arranged for the undead to come here to keep an eye on this matter. There are already a lot of corpses piled up on the waterway.

 If this continues, this water source will be contaminated by these corpses.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xi couldn't help but think that after this matter was settled, he would arrange for some people to come over to deal with this problem. If that didn't work, he would first arrange for two undead leaders to come over and keep an eye on it.

 These corpses cannot be wasted.

After all, Gu Xi has just seen that among these corpses, there seem to be some larger and special corpses, which are all treasures in the eyes of the necromancers.

 After leaving the river, Gu Xi entered Xiemu Lake.

 At the bottom of Xiemu Lake, Gu Xi felt like he had entered an underwater forest.

At the bottom of the lake in front of you, there are a large number of water plants, tree roots and tentacles that are twisting along the current. Some fish in the soul state are swimming among the water plants.

 Gu Xi found that these fishes in soul state were quite big, and he could tell at a glance that they were souls rescued from Jinglong Palace.

 At the center of Xiemu Lake, there was a huge crack. Gu Xi could clearly see that the lake water came up from here.

When Gu Xi came over, he happened to meet Amilcar who had completed another external expedition. He used the strange corpse as a sacrifice and threw it into the evil wood lake.

When these corpses fell into Xiemu Lake, Gu Xi discovered that a green liquid would gush out of the crack in the center of the lake and drag the corpses down.

 After each corpse is sucked into the crack, a stream of green liquid will be sprayed out. It is obvious that this is the essence of Evil Wood Lake.

It is this essence that keeps flowing along the water of Evil Wood Lake, changing everything in Alidovi City.

Soon Gu Xi arrived at the edge of Xiemu Lake.

Here Gu Xi saw the body of Princess Anna wrapped in a large number of aquatic plants in the water.

This is one of the reasons why Gu Xi came here specifically.

 He needs to check the condition of Princess Anna's body to see if it is at a level that can be transformed into an undead.

 After all, the situation of the eldest princess is quite special, and Gu Xi only has one chance to deal with it.

 If he fails, all contact between him and Princess Anna will be gone.

 So Gu Xi will not take action at will without being more than 80% sure.

Now Gu Xi did not drag the body of Princess Anna ashore, but checked the condition of Princess Anna in the water.

 (End of this chapter)

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