Breath of the Dead

Chapter 385: Calmly face the possible existence of orange clothing (please subscribe)

Chapter 385 Calmly face the possible existence of orange equipment (please subscribe)

"Brother Gu, you are killing me. If I can't get this thing, I will definitely not be able to sleep when I go back."

After confirming that the stone was indeed the killing stone they imagined, Gu Xi and Xia Yi ran to a safe place nearby to discuss it.

According to Xia Yi's judgment, this killing stone is of higher quality than the soul stone Gu Xi got before.

If you deal with the killing stone in the same way as the soul stone, you may get an orange item.

Hearing this, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

There are only three pieces of orange equipment in the entire Bailian City. When they were in school, they had studied them and knew who owned the orange equipment and what basic effects they had.

  It can be said that every additional piece of orange equipment is a major event for the entire Bailian City.

If Gu Xi can take back an orange piece of equipment, let alone the chief of this term, there will be no problem even if he wants to say that he is the number one in the new generation of Bailian City.

For purple equipment, Gu Xi can also choose it to see if it suits his style and whether the negative effects will affect him. If it is orange equipment, Gu Xi will not think so much at all and just equip it first. .

 It's just that now Gu Xi is no longer as angry as before.

 He has been thinking about one thing.

“There are nine Killing Stones in total, and each piece has a fixed destination. Do you think this is the only one that may produce orange equipment, or all nine of them will produce orange equipment?”

Hearing this, Xia Yi swallowed his saliva.

“No, Brother Gu, what are you planning to do?”

“Find another killing stone and try it to see if the other killing stones are the same. If they are not the same, shake them!”

 Gu Xi was very sober, and he was not careless because he found such a killing stone.

 Instead, he is seriously evaluating his current strength.

It would be best if you can grab the killing stone.

But if you can't grab it, then you really have no choice but to end this free training festival early.

 Gu Xi thought that with the possible appearance of an orange-suited man, the senior officials of Bailian City would not blame him for ruining this grand festival.

Hearing that Gu Xi said he wanted to shake people, Xia Yi knew Gu Xi's plan.

He was about to persuade Gu Xi not to do this, but he suddenly realized that he seemed to have no way to persuade Gu Xi.

You must know that the players participating in the Bailian Festival this time are only level 4. They can find ways to defeat enemies above level 5, but as long as the enemy's strength exceeds level 10, their chances of winning are very low.

And the level 20 Tiandao Guanyin in white is something that all of them combined cannot deal with.

If we really want to organize all the necromancers still living in this world to take action for such a killing stone, I am afraid that all the players in Bailian City will be wiped out.

 At that time, no one will benefit from this Bailian Festival.

 The choice of Gu Xi is the real way to deal with it.

There are nine killing stones in total. Try to find another one. It only takes one day.

If only purple equipment is produced, it means that the quality of other killing stones is not as good as the one in the hand of the Great Goddess of Mercy in White Clothes of Heaven, then it can be a win.

It would be a shame if the orange equipment was released. If they can't defeat the White-clothed Guanyin of Heaven, can their necromancers not be able to defeat other forces in this world?

I believe that for the sake of orange equipment, the necromancers will spend all their capital.

Xia Yi thought about it seriously, "Can I participate in the killing stone?"

“Of course, but now there are eight pieces in total, and the location of each piece should be recorded in detail. Wouldn’t it be good for each person to go in one direction?

Fight with me, I'm afraid you won't get much benefit. "

 “I don’t have enough troops.”

Xia Yi spread his hands, "I only have a few troops. I can take down the monsters on the streets, but if I really want to attack some big temples, I won't be able to get in at all." Having said this, Xia Yi said quite seriously. : "Several shrines in the city are relatively strong. I have seen people fight against them, but they were beaten out directly."

“Okay, let me find out the location of the killing stone, and you can also find out the origin of the enemy we are going to face next.”

Gu Xi saw that Xia Yi really wanted to get involved, so they quickly divided their work to prepare to deal with this matter.

But Gu Xi really thought of this matter too simply.

 The killing stone is divided into nine pieces, and they all have fixed sealing positions. This can be proved.

 But the problem is, the location where the killing stone was sealed is not in this city.

It seems to be near Nasu Yumoto Hot Spring in Tochigi Prefecture, which is not sure how far away from the city.

There is also a killing stone carved in the shape of Jizo in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City.

 Gu Xi inquired around and found that the nearest killing stone is in Inaashiro Town, Fukushima Prefecture.

 But the problem is that I have inquired about the trams and buses out of the city now. I don’t know why, but it takes three days and three nights to get there even though the distance is only 200 kilometers.

 At this speed, I’m afraid I’m not riding a bullock cart.

 After gathering with Xia Yi again, Gu Xi explained the situation.

Xia Yi was also a little helpless, "I'm afraid they want to trap all of us in this city. This city is our home field and our prison. During these seven days, we cannot leave here.

But judging from the current situation, the remaining eight killing stones are of the same quality.

 Otherwise, it will not stop us from moving forward. "

 Listening to Xia Yi's words, Gu Xi thought seriously for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"No, there is no way to gamble on this. Three days is also very important to us."

 “Brother, are you going to give up?”

Xia Yi looked up at Gu Xi and asked in disbelief.

In his eyes, Gu Xi is not the kind of person who gives up easily.

"Give up? Of course not." Gu Xi shook his head and said, "I'm just calm. Now is not the best time to take away this killing stone."

After hearing what Gu Xi said, Xia Yi realized that it was nothing. Now was not the best time, but when would it be?

 In fact, Xia Yi didn't know that Gu Xi was already considering a plan at this time.

 He plans to leave a Hearthstone node in this city like Victoria City.

 Wait until he becomes stronger and then come over to deal with the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heavenly Dao.

 If that doesn’t work, get out of the city.

This time, the Bailian Festival temporarily selected this city to serve as the main battlefield.

  It does not mean that this city will end after the Bailian Festival.

It’s just that Bailian City can no longer capture this city and this game.

As long as Gu Xi can leave a mark and get the killing stone when he is stronger, it will be easy.

Now of course Gu Xi can calm down and consider this matter with a bystander attitude.

Xia Yi didn't know what Gu Xi was thinking. Seeing Gu Xi like this, he had no choice but to temporarily give up the opportunity to go out of the city to look for the killing stone.

 (End of this chapter)

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