Breath of the Dead

Chapter 386: Xiayi died suddenly (please subscribe)

Chapter 386 Sudden death in Xiayi (please subscribe)

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Under the statue of Guanyin in white clothes, Gu Xi and Xia Yi finally separated.

 They were not in a very good mood at this time. After all, anyone who saw an orange outfit right in front of them but couldn't use it would have this mentality.

 Fortunately, they all knew that they could not leave the city in three days.

 As for bringing in the top management of Bailian City, that’s just talk.

The strongest player in Bailian City is only level 18. He may take a gamble on orange equipment, but the senior management and presidents of each company must consider it comprehensively.

I'm afraid they won't be able to arrange for manpower to come over once the Bailian Festival is over.

In the end, both Gu Xi and Xia Yi decided to keep this matter in their minds. As for the idea, they must have it, so in the end, each would have to rely on his own ability.

After leaving the park of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao, Gu Xi released the bicycle transformed from the evil coffin and left on the bicycle.

When he left, the Great Guanyin of Heavenly Dao in white glanced at Gu Xi, but Gu Xi just turned into a bicycle and did not fight. The Great Guanyin statue had no reason to attack Gu Xi and could only watch. Gu Xi left like this.

Xia Yi, on the other hand, came back here not long after Gu Xi left. He stared at the killing stone for a long time, and finally made a decision, opened his backpack, and prepared to rob it.

When Gu Xi was riding his bicycle and was about to arrive at Wu Dou's house, he suddenly heard a ding in his ear.

  【Xiayi died in battle in Bailian City! 】

Hearing this sound, Gu Xi suddenly stopped and was almost thrown out.

He looked in the direction of Tiandao Guanyin in white with disbelief, and found that in the hands of Tiandao Guanyin in white, he was holding a flying dragon that was not too big.

This huge statue of Guanyin is stuffing the flying dragon into his jade purification bottle.

Is this Xia Yi jumping out to commit suicide?

Gu Xi looked over there with disbelief.

He never imagined that Xia Yi would be so impulsive. He really thought that by bringing a dragon, he could challenge the God of Heaven in white.

Didn’t you see that Gu Xi had the incarnation of death and didn’t take action?

Sighed, Gu Xi got on the bicycle again, but he didn't increase his speed any more, but slowly returned to Wu Dou's house.

Standing in front of the door of the Five Dou Family, Gu Xi was about to knock on the door, but he thought of the taboos of the Five Dou Family. Gu Xi finally retracted his hand and asked loudly.

 “Wudou Mino, are you at home?”

 “Gu Sang, you are back, please come in quickly.”

Wudou Mei Nai opened the door and led Gu Xi in. As he walked away, he said, "Gu Sang, you look like you are in a bad mood."

“A friend just died. I was talking to him not long ago, but I didn’t expect that when I turned around, he was gone.”

Hearing this, Wu Dou Mei Nao quickly comforted Gu Xi, "People are like fireworks, they always like to leave at the most beautiful time."

 Gu Xi sighed again, took out all the cash on his body and put it in Wu Dou Mei Nai's hand.

 “Bring me some wine.”

Five Dou Mei Nai held the money and looked at Gu Xi with a puzzled face, "Does Gu Sang still want to live here?"

“What, do you want to drive me away?”

“No, Gu Sang hasn’t shown up in the past few days. I thought you had fallen in love with a girl from another B&B nearby.”

 “No, things are quite busy these days.”

 Gu Xi shook his head, "By the way, if I want to buy a house like this, how much will it cost?"

After listening to Gu Xi's words, Wu Dou Mei Nao said seriously: "It depends on what kind of house you plan to buy. If you live alone, a normal house will cost about 8 million. If you want to add the daytime Weird and Night Soldier, then it would be around 10 million.

By the way, when you buy a house here, it is given to the people living in the house. When you look at the house, you must ask for what you want, otherwise they will give it away randomly. "

 No, is it so much fun here?

 Gu Xi felt speechless about the situation here.

However, he finally decided to find time to buy a one-family house. As for the people in the house, it didn't matter. The important thing was that only a house of his own would give Gu Xi a chance to return here. Otherwise, when the Bailian Festival is over, he will leave here, and then the killing stone will really run away.

“I’m going to look at the house. Do you know any agent?”

“Yes, you can go to the station to find an agent. The agent there has information about houses in the city. By the way, when the agent introduces a house, you must ask clearly how many people died in this house.

 Every time a person dies, the price of the house will drop by 10%. If more people die, you can ask the agent to change the house. "

  While Wu Dou Mino was speaking, she also looked towards the next door.

 Gu Xi also noticed what was going on next door.

 It seems like a day or two ago, something happened here.

 Gu Xi's death incarnation directly hammered the demon buried below and took away the soul stone.

Of the four people in the family, one boy and three girls, only one survived.

This house is currently with the agency, and I'm afraid it's considered a haunted house.

Seeing Gu Xi's eyes turned to the next door, Gotou Mino blushed.

"that's not allowed."

"What can't be done?" Gu Xi asked with some confusion.

“Gu Sang can’t buy the property next door and then invade my B&B. This is an immoral act.”

 Gu Xi patted his forehead, what were these thoughts?

Fortunately, they had already entered the room when they were talking. Wu Dou Mei asked Gu Xi to sit down first, and she went to help Gu Xi prepare the food and drinks.

Sitting in front of the small courtyard, Gu Xi had various thoughts flashing through his mind.

Xiayi's incident made Gu Xi feel sad. A good friend was gone in a blink of an eye.

Moreover, he died in the hands of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven.

With such insane behavior, Gu Xi always felt that something was wrong.

You must know that although he only fought with Xia Yi twice, Xia Yi was recognized by Gu Xi both for his character and ability.

 Otherwise, Gu Xi would not have taken the initiative to invite Xia Yi when he discovered the killing stone this time.

 When he found out that he could not get the killing stone, he would not make an agreement with Xia Yi to come back later.

As a result, Xia Yi turned his head and hurriedly rushed to provoke the great Goddess of Mercy in white clothes.

 There is something obviously wrong here.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi couldn't help but stand up. He wanted to go to the White-clad Guanyin of Heaven to see what was going on.

At this moment, Gu Xi's wrist hurt again, and the spiritual lamp was activated again to stabilize Gu Xi.

 “Killing stone!”

 Gu Xi already understood what was going on. It seemed that the killing stone was affecting Gu Xi's thoughts.

Xia Yi was afraid that he had fallen into the trap. When he left, he took the initiative to run to kill the stone.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi suppressed the thought in his heart of rushing to fight against the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heavenly Dao. He held the spiritual lamp tightly in his left hand and used the flame to stimulate himself to calm down.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Wu Dou Mino walked in holding food.

 “Gu Sang, you can eat now.”

 (End of this chapter)

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