Breath of the Dead

Chapter 387: Crazy Gu Xi (149186)

Chapter 387 Crazy Gu Xi (149186)

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This meal Gu Xi ate was tasteless.

 While eating, he was always thinking about how to deal with the killing stone.

 He didn't believe it yet, there was no way to take down the killing stone.

 Halfway through the meal, Gu Xi suddenly put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said to Wu Dou Mei Nai, who was pouring wine for Gu Xi at the side, "Minao, I'll go out for a while and I'll be back soon."

 After saying that, Gu Xi stood up in front of Wu Dou Mei Nai and disappeared directly in front of her.

  When Gu Xi returned to Alidovi City, he rushed to the blacksmith shop as soon as possible.

 He has an idea in his mind, but he doesn’t know if his men can realize it.

 When he rushed to the blacksmith shop, Anderson was still making some useful and useless weapons there.

These weapons may not be used temporarily, but they are necessary.

Now the blacksmith shop is renovating the whole city, and the first round has not been completed yet.

 The outfit change relies on these seemingly useless weapons and equipment.

 The first round is like Gu Xi changing the weapons in the city from gray to white, so that in the future, the troops trained in Alidovi City, even if they are farmers, will all have white pitchforks in their hands.

Seeing Gu Xi come in, Anderson, who was working hard, couldn't help but look up at him.

"What's the matter? Sir, what can I do?"

“Anderson, I have a request. Last time you opened the hydraulic press for the soul stone...”

“That’s a high-pressure air hammer.” Anderson rolled his eyes.

"Well, the high-pressure air hammer is just a high-pressure air hammer. I want to ask, is there a possibility to make a crossbow to eject the high-pressure air hammer, and hit a certain position just in time, and remove the top piece? The soul stone was shattered."

 Gu Xi expressed his thoughts.

Anderson glanced at Gu Xi and finally asked: "Which position are you talking about? Do you hit it from the bottom up or from the top down?"

Gu Xi knew there was a way as soon as he heard it.

 If this was not possible, Anderson would not ask such detailed questions.

“That’s right, my location can’t be too close, and there are no taller buildings nearby. It’s about sixty meters high from the ground.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he also drew a picture. His drawing was not too detailed, but the general idea could still be seen.

Looking at the picture Gu Xi drew on the ground, Anderson frowned.

"That's not possible in your situation. If the thing you want to destroy is on the ground, I can temporarily help you make a city impact truck and add a high-pressure air hammer to the head of the city impact truck to ensure that the first impact will reach the level you want. desired effect.

The thing you want to attack is still so high, unless you use a trebuchet to hit it, it is almost impossible. With a trebuchet, the direction of the stone bomb explosion is to explode in all directions.

 If you want to break open things like soul stones, you must have greater power.

 As a result, the explosion is too powerful and will blow up most of the items, leaving not much behind. "

 Listening to Anderson's words, Gu Xi didn't hesitate at all.

“Yes, it’s okay even if it explodes directly.”

“It is possible to make an explosive stone bomb with a small range and high power, but there is another problem. Can you accurately hit the stone bomb where you want it to be?”

This question made Gu Xi a little embarrassed.

 Actually, he understood that there were still many problems ahead.

After the trebuchet was smashed, how did Gu Xi escape? After the killing stone was smashed, how to take away the things that fell out, etc.

 These are all things that need to be considered. However, Anderson can definitely make such a stone bullet, which means that the matter is feasible.

 The rest is for him to overcome one by one.

“If it’s not accurate, then expand the range and increase the power. See if you can limit the explosion range to thirty meters and increase the power by three, no, five times.”

"If it were five times bigger, if the power continued, all the gems would be destroyed."

 Gu Xi doesn’t care about this. Once the gem is destroyed, it will be destroyed. His target is not the gem, but the orange equipment that may appear.

 As long as the orange equipment will not be destroyed.

"It's okay, I just want to get revenge this time. I don't really care if I have gems or not."

 Gu Xi didn’t want to talk to Anderson about the orange outfit.

This thing is not available yet, and it may not appear yet. There is no point in telling it in advance. Only after you grab it, the thing will be taken care of.

Listening to Gu Xi’s words, Anderson understood.

"Okay, I'll help you with this. The power will be increased five times, right? Then it's easy. You can get it in two days. But I can only make one of this thing, it's too dangerous."

 “Okay, do this one first.”

Seeing that Anderson agreed, Gu Xi felt half relieved.

With the method of destroying the killing stone, Gu Xi's mind began to become more alive.

 Now that the core of the plan is in place, the next step is to arrange the details around this core.

 First of all, it is impossible for Gu Xi to take action personally.

Xiayi's situation is right in front of him. Xiayi just released the flying dragon, even if he took the initiative to attack Tiandao Guanyin in white, he was dealt with by Tiandao Guanyin in white.

 Gu Xi couldn't guarantee whether using the trebuchet himself would have the same effect.

 So Gu Xi must let others take action, and he definitely cannot get involved in this matter.

Furthermore, there was the attack position. Gu Xi definitely couldn't place the trebuchet directly, as that would directly tell Heavenly Dao Guanyin in white that he was going to take action.

Tiandao Guanyin in white is not stupid. She can definitely destroy anything that threatens her as soon as possible.

 Finally, after crushing the killing stone, how to collect the fallen things.

   I couldn’t help but blow something up, only to have it picked up by others.

That was a real slap in Gu Xi’s face. Why did Gu Xi do these things? Wasn’t it just for the orange outfit?

 Getting nothing, just avenging Xiayi, he may end up paying for himself, but Gu Xi has not reached that point yet.

 So this must be discussed with Luna to see if there is a way to collect all the things directly when they fall.

 These are all things that need to be considered.

 When things are not completely sure, Gu Xi will never take action.

 While Gu Xi was considering various situations in Aridovi City, Luna also learned about Gu Xi's arrival and rushed over from the strange mirror space.

"grown ups."

“Luna, you came just in time, I have something to tell you.”

Seeing Luna coming over, Gu Xi directly told Luna about the two things that happened this time.

 One is to **** things after dealing with the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao, and the other is to leave a house in the city to ensure that he can enter this world again next time.

 Listening to the two things Gu Xi said, Luna thought for a moment and said.

 (End of this chapter)

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