Breath of the Dead

Chapter 388: The plan slowly taking shape (150186)

Chapter 388 The plan slowly taking shape (150186)

"It's easy to leave a passage. We don't even need a hearthstone this time. We go directly from the weird mirror space. As long as we arrange the house and place more mirrors, we can come whenever we want. You can leave if you want.

However, I feel it is a little difficult when it comes to the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven.

After all, the adults just said that they wanted to blow up the killing stone in their hands, but we have no way to control the power and direction of the big explosion. If something is blown out, no one knows where it will fly. "

 The main problem on Gu Xi's side has not been solved yet, and there is a new problem here.

However, Gu Xi is also quite smart. When Luna mentioned difficulties, Gu Xi's imagination suddenly opened up.

"Luna, I have thought about it. I can perform a divination before taking action. Not to mention determining the final landing point, the range can always be determined.

 Do you have the kind of weapon that can be found in an instant and quickly return to the weird mirror space?

You must know that what happened this time may offend the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Tiandao. I am not sure whether this Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Tiandao can directly find the strange mirror space, but for this kind of thing, it is best to be careful.

 After getting the thing, immediately cut off the external contact with the strange mirror space, and don’t stay there for a moment. "

 Luna pondered for a moment about Gu Xi’s question.

“I’m not sure about this, but there is indeed a good candidate. I told you before, sir, that among the last few great weirdos, there is one who can keep jumping in the mirror.

As long as there is a reflective place, he can flash.

In order to deal with him, we made great efforts, and even sent all the skeleton mirror guards in, and then surrounded him.

If he could be resurrected now and return to his original node, he should be able to do this well. "

 Gu Xi understood who Luna was talking about as soon as he heard it.

“I remember that after the death of King Jing Long, I haven’t dealt with the last few big weird things. They will definitely be resurrected within three days, but after rebirth, can you control him?

 Do you want me to make some arrangements in advance? "

 “The weird mirror space is in my hands, everything is controllable.”

 Luna has enough confidence in the big weird who has not yet been reborn.

“That’s okay, that’s settled. After he is reborn, we can ask what kind of situation is needed to cover the entire vicinity of the Great Guanyin Statue of Heavenly Dao in White.

My thought is, can't he move in all reflective places?

You ask him if it is possible to put it in the raindrops. If it is possible, I will let it rain heavily that day. "

Luna was also surprised by Gu Xi's words. She didn't expect Gu Xi to say such words.

 You must know that Guxi does not have the ability to rain.

“Sir, this raining thing is not a joke.”

“Don’t worry, I am sure of this, and I will find a way to conduct one or two experiments.”

If Gu Xi just said what he thought of at first, after he said that sentence, the possibility of rain flashed in Gu Xi's mind.

In Gu Xi’s eyes, what is rain? It’s just some water sprinkled down from the sky.

 It's just that the amount of water sprinkled is larger.

Others may not be able to do anything, but Gu Xi has the Incarnation of Death, and the Incarnation of Death has the newly obtained ice and snow kit, so this thing may be successful.

After hearing what Gu Xi said, Luna stopped trying to persuade her and started to consider it seriously.

The Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Heaven can control the sky and the earth, and the people fighting in the city, but it really can’t control whether it rains or not. If it rains heavily, the big weirdo can really move back and forth among the raindrops and get the exploded items as soon as possible.

 “If it does rain, then he has no problem.”

Luna remembered the situation when she was fighting with that person. At that time, the big weird was really moving back and forth in the splashing water droplets, and the speed was completely beyond the imagination of normal people.

 If it is in heavy rain, the movement range of this big weird will be quite large.

“It’s no problem. You must keep an eye on me this time. This time it involves an orange piece of equipment.”

Upon hearing this, Luna was about to say that she could take action herself, but Gu Xi immediately said again.

"Don't take action yourself. I'm afraid that the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven will take action this time. Don't get involved. Just keep an eye on things."

 Gu Xi stopped Luna from messing around, and at the same time, he began to think about some loopholes in his plan.

 He needs some patches.

For example, the mirror image of the Buddha inside the white-clothed Guanyin statue of Tiandao is because the mirror image is weird. Gu Xi needs to take him out, even if it means destroying it.

We cannot let the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven follow the Mirror Buddha to grab the tail of the weird mirror space at the last moment.

 At this time, Gu Xi kept reviewing his plan in his mind, picking out various problems from his plan, and then explaining these problems from another angle.

 Gu Xi knew very well that he was gambling with his life this time. If he made even one small step wrong, he might be dead.

 So his mind kept spinning, estimating possible problems from various angles.

Luna also saw that Gu Xi's mood was not right. She wanted to step forward and ask a few questions, but she felt extremely strong pressure coming from Gu Xi's side, forcing her to take a few steps back.

Luna was shocked. She glanced and found that Gu Xi's hair was rapidly turning white. The newly replenished muscles shrank rapidly, and his body was as thin as if he had been hungry for an unknown amount of time.

 That look was no different from when Luna first met Gu Xi.

Luna understood that Gu Xi could not continue like this. At this time, his state had fallen into a state similar to madness.

 If this continues, Gu Xi's body will not be able to bear it.

In order to ensure that Gu Xi would not die before taking action, Luna came to Gu Xi despite the pressure and put her hand on Gu Xi's back.

As a cold breath entered Gu Xi's body, Gu Xi, who was frantically calculating everything, suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood.

 Then he grinned, turned his head, his teeth still stained with blood, and smiled at Luna.

"I'm fine. If they want to force me, it depends on whether they can afford the price."

After saying that, Gu Xi closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

 He had a smile on his face when he fell down.

When Luna interrupted his calculations, Gu Xi had already understood everything. It was not that he was crazy and wanted to gamble with his life, but that someone was provoking him through the killing stone.

Facing someone provoking him, Gu Xi smiled instead.

He has never been afraid of these things. He just wants to play a big game. Let's see if they can force out the craziest side of Gu Xi.

 (End of this chapter)

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