Breath of the Dead

Chapter 389: Death in Maple Leaf Park (please subscribe)

Chapter 389 The Grim Reaper in Maple Leaf Park (please subscribe)

At night, in front of Maple Leaf Park, a huge steel city gate slowly appeared.

After Gu Xi woke up and arranged some things, he took the initiative to leave Alidovi City and came to Maple Leaf Park.

There are still more than three days left before exiting this world, and Gu Xi’s plan requires many means to be prepared in advance.

 Gu Xi, who is now free, has no intention of doing nothing.

 It’s hard to reach such a world. If we don’t transform some undead troops, and if we don’t grab some land deeds and architectural design drawings, it will be a shame for this big sacrifice.

 When it got dark, he immediately locked onto the target he had set from the beginning, Maple Leaf Park.

When Gu Xi released the steel city gate, there was a burst of chaos in Maple Leaf Park.

The combination of the Steel City Gate and the Earth-bound Dragon brought a lot of pressure to Maple Leaf Park.

 Inside Maple Leaf Park, people are discussing how to deal with the matter at hand.

 Not all monsters are determined to attack everything. Some monsters will choose to surrender or pay for passage when they find that they cannot defeat the opponent.

 It’s just that Gu Xi has never encountered this kind of thing before.

  In other words, necromancers rarely encounter this kind of thing.

 They do not have leadership and diplomacy skills like humans, and few are willing to communicate with the undead.

Even some living people still stubbornly believe that dead people cannot communicate.

The Maple Leaf Park in front of us is not this stubborn existence.

They attract a large number of people to commit suicide every year, which is actually a manifestation of getting close to death.

It is precisely for this reason that people among them can clearly feel the pressure brought by the steel city gate and the earth-bound dragon.

So when Gu Xi's troops walked out of the steel city gate, a demon walked out of Maple Leaf Park. He kept waving a white flag, as if he wanted to come over and negotiate with Gu Xi.

 This is the first time Gu Xi has encountered such a situation.

 He hesitated for a moment, but finally stood in front of the evil coffin and came to the front of the team.

At this time, Gu Xi held the iron chain on the evil coffin tightly with his devil's right hand. No matter how the evil coffin shook, he could stand firmly on it. With his thin body and white hair, he looked like It was a mummy that had just crawled out of the coffin.

 When he flew out of the team, the demon's eyes changed.

 He raised the white flag in his hand higher and said loudly: "This is Kuroda from the Maple Leaf family. I wonder who is on the other side?"

“Breath of the Dead, you can call me this.”

 Gu Xi had no intention of announcing his name.

 In his mind, he shouldn't communicate with these people, he should just call them.

"Please wait a moment, we have no intention of being an enemy to you. Please give us a price to let us go."

Kuroda saw that Gu Xi had no intention of stopping, so he spoke quickly.

"Your Excellency is also an undead soul. Please give us dead people a way to live. It will not be easy for us here."

Hearing this, Gu Xicai looked Kuroda up and down. He found that although Kuroda's skin looked relatively normal, he had some less obvious corpse spots on his face.

 This shows that he is an undead, but his actions and reactions are like a living person.

 Such a situation gave Gu Xi an idea.

There are good things in Maple Leaf Park in front of you.

Looking at his eyes, Kuroda secretly thought something bad.

 He was afraid that he might have attracted Gu Xi's attention. At this time, Kuroda couldn't care about anything else. He said loudly: "Three thousand, no, five thousand corpses. We are willing to sacrifice five thousand corpses. Please let our Maple Leaf family go."

 Gu Xi smiled instead at this time.

 “I’ve captured Maple Leaf Park, it’s all mine, attack!”

As soon as Gu Xi finished speaking, a long arrow pierced Kuroda between his eyebrows, pinning him to the ground.

  Then the undead troops under Gu Xi began to move forward under the leadership of the undead leader.

 When Gu Xi marched, Maple Leaf Park also changed. A large number of trees in the park began to gather in one direction, forming a city wall composed of trees.

There are more than ten defense towers on the top of the city wall, with some hanged corpses hanging on them.

 When the trees turned into city walls, all the corpses turned towards Gu Xi.

Gu Xi noticed a very strange thing. Those with long hair would cover their faces with their hair. If they had no hair, they would try to cover their faces with scarves or hats.

 It seems that it is a shame for them to commit suicide.

 When the city wall was erected, a large number of demons appeared on the city wall.

Most of these demons are zombies or undead beings. There are even some underworld ghost soldiers holding three-pronged forks, or some mummies that are even thinner than Gu Xi.

They walked up the city wall step by step, stood at corresponding positions on the city wall, and picked up various weapons on the city wall.

These weapons are all made of maple branches, with red leaves stained with blood.

But what surprised Gu Xi was not this, but behind these monsters, there was a group of translucent young people. They were holding sickles of various colors in their hands, and they carried an aura of death.

 “Do you know what you missed?”

 As the city wall rose, a young man carrying a scythe flew up.

 Gu Xi could feel that this man's strength was only level 7, but Gu Xi could clearly feel that he was being suppressed.

"what are you?"

"I'm not a thing, bah, we are the guides of Huangquan, the Death God students of Shanshou Middle School, and the third generation of the Maple Leaf family. You have attacked the territory of our Maple Leaf family. I will drag your soul out of your body and put it in Burning on the flames of the underworld for a hundred years.”

grim Reaper?

 Returning to a student?

Gu Xi was speechless. He originally thought that the school of necromancers was already quite different.

 There is also a Death School here.

Are these people taught by these useless people with sickles?

 Gu Xi looked puzzled.

However, Gu Xi could tell that these so-called death corpses must be beyond normal monsters.

If they can be taken down, Gu Xi won't have to worry about the source of corpses of high-level soldiers.

With this thought, Gu Xi sighed disdainfully.

“God of Death? I call you the God of Death, do you dare to answer?”

As he spoke, Gu Xi waved his hand, and forty-one red dragons flew out from behind and sprayed towards the city wall made of maple trees.

 Actually, Gu Xi didn’t know that these gods of death were not actually the kind of gods he thought. They belonged to the other side of the world and were held by people from the underworld, a profession with a complete education system and public management institutions.

They are responsible for taking the dead souls to the end of the underworld, to the huge red wheel in the sky deep in the underworld.

 Because they are responsible for leading souls to die, they are called the gods of death.

Without this identity, they would at most be creatures living in the underworld, and their status would be equivalent to the little weirdos in the weird mirror space.

 (End of this chapter)

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