Breath of the Dead

Chapter 390: The power of death (please subscribe)

Chapter 390 The power of death (please subscribe)

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The Maple Leaf family is a mixed group in the underworld system.

 They do not wait for mortals to die of old age like other gods of death.

 But through various means, people commit suicide.

For this matter, the Maple Leaf family was criticized and dealt with by the underworld. In the end, they had to lure people to their old house and let them commit suicide.

At the same time, they also raise evil spirits and ghosts that are more disgusting in the underworld. Even their blood maple leaves are the best material for making reincarnation disks.

Gu Xi’s provocation this time can be said to be a slap in the face of the Maple Leaf family.

No matter how much the Maple Leaf family thinks about peaceful negotiations, there is no reason to continue in peace.

 “Come on, kill them!”

 Under the command of the leading Death God, the remaining Death Gods took off one after another.

 They will pounce on the red dragon in the sky.

 Gu Xi is such a forty-one red dragon, how can he be easily killed?

Even though he said something disdainful about the God of Death, Gu Xi was still on guard against him.

  I'm afraid that the other party has some kind of instant death ability.

When he saw the gods of death flying, Gu Xi waved his hand, and a team of ghosts transformed into Bai Wuchang appeared in the air.

"My Six Paths, how could it be Bai Wuchang? I knew there was something wrong with their attack this time. Which **** betrayed our Maple Leaf family? Everyone, go ahead and kill them. Just kill them all. I, Maple Leaf Give me ten thousand souls!”

Just when the other party thought he had discovered the truth of the matter, Gu Xi turned his hand, and the steel city gate originally located outside Maple Leaf Park suddenly pushed forward and directly hit the wall made of trees in Maple Leaf Park.

The steel city gate is nothing. It only makes a sound when it hits the city wall.

But the Earthbound Dragon guarding the Iron City Gate is different.

The hundred-meter-long Earth-bound dragon raised its body, and a large amount of water appeared next to it. The water flow quickly pieced together the body of the Earth-bound dragon, forming the flesh and blood of the Earth-bound dragon.

The Earth-bound Dragon immediately transformed into a water-flowing clone state.

At the same time, the Earth-bound dragon opened its mouth, and a large amount of sewage spurted out from the mouth of the Earth-bound dragon, turning into a high-pressure water gun and hitting the monsters and evil spirits on the city wall.

The water dragon's breath of the earth-bound dragon is regarded as an elemental attack for ghosts, and it is also regarded as a physical attack for other monsters.

It can be said that the first sweep of the earthbound dragon's water dragon breath knocked down half of the demons on the city wall.

At the same time, Gu Xi's undead troops also took this opportunity to jump onto the opponent's city wall and fight with the opponent's demons.

The fastest one here is Arroyo from the Black Spear Battalion.

 They are most suitable for a frontal attack battlefield like this.

As soon as he rushed to the opponent's city wall, Arroyo held up his battle ax and roared forward. Even his black gun battalion seemed to be desperate, constantly attacking the demons and evil spirits.

The demons and evil spirits caught up in the black ashes of the Black Spear Camp had no chance of escaping.

At the same time, other undead men under Gu Xi also fought head-on with the demons under the influence of the undead leader.

 They did not consider their own casualties at all, they just kept attacking all the enemies in front of them.

Seeing such an attack, the Death Gods of the Maple Leaf Family in the sky also panicked.

 They are civil servants, and taking away other people's souls is their specialty.

They are really not familiar with such a large army fighting in front of them.

 Several Death Gods immediately wanted to rush to the city wall to direct the battle.

 But the leader realized something was wrong. "Don't pay attention to them. He is the necromancer introduced in the book. Just kill that guy."

The leader of the Death God pointed his sickle at Gu Xi. It was obvious that he had discovered the biggest problem of the Necromancer, which was his lack of physical strength.

But is Gu Xi really the kind of person who lacks fighting ability?

Seeing the God of Death flying toward him with his sickle, Gu Xi raised the Cold Wind Staff.

 “Magic Arrow!”

The magic arrows that flew out this time were naturally like flying swords.

  It's just that the color has changed again.

Originally, Gu Xi's magic arrow turned into a flying sword made of ice, but this time, the surface of the flying sword clearly had the power of fire.

 After the magic arrow flew out, Gu Xi released four or five bone storms in the direction of the opponent's flight.

The Bone Storm with the attributes of ice and fire formed a huge defensive shield directly in front of Gu Xi. Everyone who rushed in would be hit from all directions.

Several Death Gods who rushed faster were torn into pieces on the spot.

At this time, the red dragons who flew back turned around again, and did not fight back because of Gu Xi's order. They used their super high speed to circle around the flying gods of death. Every time they flew, they would Breathed out a breath of dragon breath at the **** of death.

These gods of death are said to be gods of death, but they are actually living beings.

 Other than being able to fly and take away souls, they have no other advantages.

 At best, their occupations are more special and they have more tricks at their disposal.

They are also afraid of dragon breath, and they will also be beaten by the red dragon.

When the red dragon's breath fell on the heads of the Death Gods, seven or eight of them were burned to ashes on the spot.

At this time, Gu Xi realized that he was still frightened by the name of their **** of death.

He shouldn't think of these so-called gods of death as powerful professions, just think of them as leaders of the demons or brave men.

 Gu Xi, who wanted to understand this, let go decisively, allowing the red dragon to attack freely.

Red dragons are also quite smart, and they know what their advantages are.

After spraying more than ten Death Gods to death, they split into two groups and sprayed along the wall of Maple Leaf Park toward the demons on the city wall.

None of those demons can fly, their movement speed is slow, and they don't have high fire resistance. When the red dragon sprays them like this, the demon team is immediately dispersed.

Then the undead men under Gu Xi took advantage of this gap and rushed in.

 Fight the surviving monsters.

The strength of most of these demons is around level 4. The gap between them and Gu Xi's undead is the difference between whether they have the blessing of the city or not.

 When combat capabilities are about the same, life and death often depend on whether one dares to fight or not.

It's just that Gu Xi discovered that most of the demons under the God of Death are evil spirits and ghosts. They can also be regarded as a type of undead, and there is no such thing as being greedy for life and afraid of death.

So the two sides almost had a one-to-one record. Only the Black Spear Battalion had a lot of results and successfully bulldozed everything in front of them.

After the organization rushed several times, they found that there was no way to rush in front of Gu Xi, and the Death Gods became anxious.

 The leader of the Death God stared at Gu Xi with red eyes and said loudly.

 “You forced me to put the things out!”

 (End of this chapter)

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