Breath of the Dead

Chapter 391: The methods of the gods of death (151186)

Chapter 391 The methods of the gods of death (151186)

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"Sir, we can't. If we take that thing out, we will be targeted by the Death Management Committee."

Hearing this, the nearby gods of death began to persuade him.

“You are blind and cannot see what is going on. If you don’t release that thing, we will all die.

 Don’t think that just because everyone calls you the God of Death, you really are the God of Death.

It’s not that we don’t know what we will face if we die.

 Now, immediately, go and get that thing out. "

Amid the roar of the Death God leader, several Death Gods quickly flew towards the depths of Maple Leaf Park.

 Their actions attracted Gu Xi's attention.

 Gu Xi's men have now taken control of the situation, and he doesn't want any more problems to arise in front of him.

So Gu Xi waved his hand and let the red dragon chase after him.

At the same time, the ghost team began to enter the battle.

They were still carrying out the final finishing work as before. Without the Death Gods noticing, the number of Bai Wuchang was increasing and even appeared in every corner of the battlefield.

“Sir, are those Bai Wuchangs a little weird? Why do they appear in the corner?”

“It’s a little bit. Our subordinates here are either evil spirits or ghosts. What are these Bai Wuchang and others doing here?”

"Sir, I heard that the underworld to the east is different from our underworld. Their black and white impermanence is responsible for catching the escaped undead. Didn't we dispose of these corpses well, just in line with their routine?"

Hearing this reminder from his men, the leader of the God of Death also reacted. Only then did he remember the attitude of the God of Death in the underworld when he talked to the King of Hell about the underworld to the east.

 At this time, the leader of the Death God was also angry.

"What have they done? It's better to release the things..."

As he was talking, several explosions came from the depths of the maple forest. Forty-one red dragons kept spitting flames at the place, setting the maple forest on fire on the spot.

At this time, Gu Xi noticed that the shadow of a big tree that was set on fire appeared in the sky.

This big tree is also a maple tree, but the whole tree is vermilion.

 In the flames, Gu Xi noticed that this maple tree was somewhat different.

It's not that there's something hanging on the maple tree, but that the branches and leaves are missing some arms and legs, and there's obviously no large swath of shade in many places.

  It is obvious what the Maple Leaf family’s reapers did to some of these branches.

I'm afraid this is what the leader of the Maple Leaf Family's Death God said.

Just when Gu Xi noticed the situation over there, a wooden wheel with flames appeared above the maple tree.

The roulette wheel had obvious flaws. When it was released, it looked like it had just been burned by fire and had not yet been repaired.

But as soon as the wheel appeared, Gu Xi felt a chill all over his body, as if something was about to be taken away.

At this time, Gu Xi reacted immediately. He didn't care that he still had a lot of mana, and just pointed in the direction of the roulette wheel.

 “Death incarnate!”

 The incarnation of death flew out of the black mist with cold air.

 At the same time, Gu Xi immediately drank the magic potion and sent a signal to the sky to have the red dragon retreat quickly.

Even though Gu Xi's reaction was quick, he was still a step too slow. When the roulette wheel appeared, the souls of six red dragons were taken away on the spot, and the bodies of the red dragons were hit hard from the air to the ground.

Such a loss made Gu Xi's heart tremble. He only had forty-one red dragons, but he didn't check them for a while, and one-seventh of them were lost.

 “You are looking for death!”

Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else now. The incarnation of death was rushing towards the red-hot roulette wheel. Gu Xi had no time to pay attention to that for the time being. His current target was the God of Death still flying in the sky.

Gu Xi held up the cold wind staff and called out the names of these gods of death one by one.

 At least three Bone Storms were laid down in front of each Death God.

Gu Xi was really ruthless this time, and kept playing the Bone Storm, which immediately stunned these gods of death.

The God of Death did not expect that Gu Xi would use this kind of area magic around him, and in order to fear that the power would be insufficient, he also used several more. Is this mana free of charge?

 The gods of death never thought that Gu Xi had placed the holy object - the magic vortex in the magic tower.

 As the holy object-magic vortex was activated, Gu Xi's mana doubled directly.

 Now Gu Xi’s magic power is thousands of times greater.

He couldn't even make up for the consumption with just a large bottle of magic potion.

 With enough mana, Gu Xi's habit of using spells changed.

This time Gu Xi used up all the mana he had just replenished quite simply.

 Wave after wave of bone storms formed a huge wall in the sky.

 The gods of death can fly, but they are really not gods.

 They can only keep retreating, but the Bone Storm can be controlled and pushed forward.

 Soon, many Death Gods did not escape the influence of the Bone Storm and were involved in it.

Their bodies were torn into pieces under the blow of the bone storm, leaving only the bones falling down.

 After almost consuming all his mana, Gu Xi stopped.

He had just lost six red dragons and had almost vented his anger. At this time, Gu Xi had the intention to look at the situation on the side of the incarnation of death.

 When Gu Xi released the Bone Storm just now, the incarnation of death had already rushed to the huge roulette wheel in the sky.

The incarnation of death did not use the ice of the extremely cold snow to suppress the flames on the roulette wheel. Instead, it opened its mouth and sprayed out the death dragon's breath, and at the same time, the melting light in its eyes fell on the roulette wheel.

 Under the full attack of the incarnation of death, a large number of cracks appeared on the roulette wheel.

However, this roulette wheel seemed to have its own wisdom. When it realized that something was wrong, an eyeball appeared in the middle of the roulette wheel, staring at the incarnation of death.

 Death Incarnation doesn't care about this. After the Death Dragon Breath time is up, the melting light continues to shoot out.

When Gu Xi looked over, the incarnation of death had just used the last wave of melting light.

After that, the incarnation of death planned to bite the roulette wheel. Even if his teeth were broken, he would bite off the roulette wheel.

At this time, the roulette wheel was actually a little shaky. When the incarnation of death rushed forward, the roulette wheel kept turning. Gu Xi could see a little blue flame popping out of it, maintaining the roulette wheel's strength. Turn.

 The incarnation of death didn't care about this. He bit it in one bite and shook his head, trying to remove some parts on the roulette wheel.

 Under the bite of the incarnation of death, the roulette wheel that was still trying hard to change the situation finally got stuck.

At this time, the eye on the roulette wheel glared at the incarnation of death, and then the eye turned red, and Gu Xi could even see a hint of madness.

 “Get down!”

 (End of this chapter)

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