Breath of the Dead

Chapter 393: Change the target and accelerate the attack (please subscribe)

Chapter 393: Changing targets and accelerating attacks (please subscribe)

"no problem."

 As for Luna's request, Gu Xiwen didn't even ask, and chose to believe it immediately.

 “Let’s keep all the corpses here.”

 Luna made another request.

Gu Xi glanced at the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield and waved decisively.

 “Everyone retreats and stops cleaning the battlefield.”

 Gu Xi did not even dispose of the corpses of his own troops who died in battle.

 The order was given directly.

In Gu Xi's eyes, no matter how Luna handles it, the one who will benefit will definitely be Alidovi City.

Alidovi City has been upgraded, which is a good thing for Gu Xi. Gu Xi does not need to worry about this here.

With that time, Gu Xi might as well go to the abandoned campus of the nearby Yitou Middle School and attack there to make up for this loss.

 The most important of these was the loss of six red dragons.

 This concern will be kept in mind for at least ten days.

Yitou Middle School hit the muzzle of the gun just in time.

After handing this place over to Luna, Gu Xi didn't even think about putting away his troops. After leaving a main city gate for Luna, Gu Xi led his troops directly towards Yitou Middle School.

At this time, Yitou Middle School was still as lively as before. From time to time, some strange-looking men would lead some guests into Yitou Middle School.

Seeing Gu Xi coming with his troops, Yitou Middle School had not done anything, but those who came to have fun jumped out.

 “Who are you? Do you know where this place is?”

Facing a guy like this who doesn't understand the situation, Gu Xi only has two attitudes.

 It’s none of your business and none of my business.

For those who jump out to stop him, Gu Xi doesn't care whether they are mortals or weird, demons or gods.

Gu Xi just waved his hand, and Arroyo rushed out with the Black Spear Battalion.

However, the Bone-cutting Battalion led by Robbie rushed faster than the Black Spear Battalion.

 In Robbie's eyes, the situation in front of him was more suitable for the Bone-cutting Battalion to take action.

These people outside Yitou Middle School are obviously not in the same group. Faced with such skirmishers, the Bone-Zhanying Battalion is the most suitable.

So before the Black Spear Battalion raised their signature black ash, the skeleton soldiers of the Bone-cutting Battalion took up long swords with both hands and slashed at the enemies in front of Yitou Middle School.

Yitou Middle School is obviously much lower grade than Maple Leaf Park.

There is no powerful force behind them at all, let alone Maple Leaf Park, which relies on the underworld, raises the God of Death, and is involved in the underworld.

Even the weird mirror space is much stronger than them.

 They just rely on some attributes to attract people from nearby who like to join in the fun.

 If they really have anything, they have nothing at all.

 The troops led by Gu Xi clearly had an advantage in terms of strength.

 In addition, Gu Xi came with anger this time.

He didn’t care what was inside the Yitou Middle School in front of him. In Gu Xi’s eyes, the key to getting the land deed and architectural design drawings was to bulldoze the Yitou Middle School in front of him.

 What else would he do if he stayed up in the middle of the night and came out? Isn't it just to supplement his city of Aridovi?

It's impossible that he just had nothing to do and came out to have fun.

Seeing his men rushing towards Yitou Middle School, Gu Xi raised his hand, and the steel city gate was thrown directly into the campus square of Yitou Middle School.

In the square, the Earth-bound Demonic Dragon immediately chose the mirror clone. This situation surprised Gu Xi.

 He did not expect that the monsters that appeared in Yitou Middle School were all from the legal system.

But this had nothing to do with Gu Xi. Gu Xi himself didn't take any action. He just put his hand down and the five heroes rushed in.

The one who rushed faster than the hero was the red dragon. Thirty-five red dragons immediately rushed towards the large teaching building in the center of Yitou Middle School.

As the red dragon began to spray flames at the large teaching building of Yitou Middle School, a group of girls wearing Japanese school uniforms rushed out from inside. They didn't have any weapons in their hands.

 But when they took action, they were able to attract everyone's attention. Even the Earth-bound Dragon took a second look at them.

 Then the Earthbound Dragon immediately sprayed out its mirror dragon breath.

This kind of dragon's breath is different from the water dragon's breath. This kind of dragon's breath spurts out directly the beam of light. I don't know where the light comes from. Anyway, every beam of light can kill an enemy. .

 The heroes under Gu Xi also took this opportunity to enter the campus.

 At this time, Gu Xi discovered a situation.

In this campus, there are no seven or eight incredible things in the legendary campus.

 This is very unreasonable.

It seems that this campus was abandoned for no reason.

 For such a matter, if Gu Xi is new here, he might do more research to see if there are any new discoveries.

 But now, Gu Xi no longer has such thoughts.

In Gu Xi's thoughts, no matter how weird or demonic it is, no matter what the reason is, as long as it is captured, all the things will be moved away, the building will be demolished on the spot, and the land deed and architectural design drawings will be taken away.

 The battle here only lasted less than half an hour and ended.

 Gu Xi’s men killed the entire Yitou Middle School on the spot, and they discovered the secret of the campus behind Yitou Middle School.

In all the teaching schools within Yitou Middle School, there are secret passages that can allow two people to walk side by side, and there are also a large number of basements with different styles underground.

  Near the back of the campus, you can also see a large number of corpses with only bones left.

There are both men and women among these corpses. It can be seen that before this Yitou Middle School was abandoned, it was also a dangerous place that swallowed up a large number of people.

 Everything here is now concerned with interest.

 After taking over Yitou Middle School, Gu Xi immediately asked the ghost team to take action, explore all the secret passages and basements in the school, and take out everything that could be found inside.

At the same time, for those corpses that have been buried for a long time, Gu Xi treated them just like the corpses under the floor of Jinglong Palace, giving them a decent chance.

 Under Gu Xi's operation, a large number of souls also appeared on these corpses.

Gu Xi noticed that these souls had returned to their original appearance. Most of the souls on the female side were fair-skinned and beautiful students, but the situation on the male side was different. Many were students, but there were also some with fat heads and big ears, or Is middle-aged Mediterranean.

After these souls are sent to Aridovi City, they will become residents of Aridovi City and start a new life in Aridovi City.

 The guarantee that Gu Xi can give them is that they will not be transformed into soldiers and will not go to the battlefield.

However, other tasks still need to be undertaken. Just because the ghosts do not need food, they cannot do nothing. These souls are likely to end up as working ghosts under Gu Xi, responsible for logistics work.

 (End of this chapter)

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