Breath of the Dead

Chapter 394: Gains from Yitou Middle School (please subscribe)

Chapter 394: Gains from Yitou Middle School (please subscribe)

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 In addition to these souls, Gu Xi also killed nearly a thousand enemies this time when he attacked Yitou Middle School.

 Because the Iron City Gate is going to become a ghost land, all flesh and blood will be swallowed up, so when Gu Xi summons the souls, he can only choose from skeleton soldiers and ghosts.

Under Gu Xi's transformation, he finally received more than 300 skeleton soldiers and more than 500 ghosts, which could be regarded as supplementing Gu Xi's previous losses in the Maple Leaf Park battle.

 As for which ones to transform into skeleton soldiers and which ones to become ghosts through summoning spirits, Gu Xi is still very particular.

 In order to ensure combat effectiveness, the corpses of all male enemies here have been turned into skeletons, and the corpses of female enemies have been turned into ghosts.

 The transformed ghosts are all pearly white, floating in mid-air, and their bodies are so close to the real body that they almost had to lift their heads and throw them away.

  While summoning spirits, the ghost team has also sent over everything they can find.

At first, Gu Xi thought that the most things here would be some pink toys or something.

 But he never expected that the ghost team would find a large number of books in Yitou Middle School.

Although most of these books are gray garbage, to Gu Xi, as long as they can be put into the library, they are good things.

 Gu Xi looked through these books and found that most of them were textbooks and exercise books from twenty or thirty years ago, as well as confiscated novels, magazines, etc.

Although the quality is not very good, the quantity is extremely large and can guarantee complete books, at least more than 300 books.

This can definitely influence the direction of the library.

Among so many books, Gu Xi also saw two green quality books.

One of them was written by a member of the Novel Club of Yitou Middle School. This book is completely handwritten and tells the story of the hard work of a student who did not achieve satisfactory results in the high school entrance examination.

  【"Young XX" (green): A novel that records someone's hard work, suitable for adults. 】

The other one was dug out from under the altar in a basement. It was a black book. This book should actually be regarded as a magic book, but for some reason, this thing was not counted as equipment and could only be counted as a book.

  【"Encyclopedia of Dark Magic" (green): A book that records many demon summoning and usage rituals. Reading can improve the level of dark knowledge, magic knowledge and demon knowledge. 】

These two green books made Gu Xi very happy. He asked the ghost team to search for them for a long time, but they couldn't find anything better. Even some of the things that usually appear on campus were not found here.

 Gu Xi was unwilling to delay this any longer, so he quickly demolished the abandoned school area of ​​Yitou Middle School and successfully obtained a land deed and six architectural design drawings.

  【You get the deed of the abandoned school, covering an area of ​​5579 square meters, with 2 medium-sized plots and 3 small-sized plots. 】

 The land title is not large, which matches the situation of the school in front of us.

 Taking into account the lack of medium and small plots of land, many small and medium-sized buildings have no place to build.

This land deed is also beneficial to Gu Xi.

It was the architectural design drawings that surprised Gu Xi.

 In this architectural design drawing, there is actually an architectural design drawing of a library. 【School library design drawing (medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build an on-campus library (medium-sized building) in the city.

After completion, each floor of the magic tower can research spells level +1 (needs to be linked with the magic tower), the magic academy can train magicians (soldiers) level +1 (needs to be linked with the magic academy), and mysterious books will randomly appear in the library (the number of books in the library Up to 100 books), research characters appear randomly in the library (more than 10 textbooks)...]

This library architectural design drawing made Gu Xi stunned.

 The architectural design in front of me is completely different from Gu Xi’s original library route.

 The previous library increased quantity, while the current library increased spell level and soldier level.

There is a big difference here.

 When Gu Xi saw the design drawings of the library, he made his decision immediately.

 This must be built.

 And it must be built with priority.

 The plans for the remaining five buildings were not so lucky.

 One medium-sized building and four small-sized buildings can bring diversified choices for urban interior construction to Gu Xi.

It can be said that these five buildings will be placed at the end, and they will even be built very late in the queue due to other buildings jumping in.

[Mummy recycling site design (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a mummy recycling site (medium-sized building) in the city. A large number of corpses can be produced every day, and can be linked with large buildings such as cemeteries. (upgradeable)]

[Design drawing of horizontally opening and closing school gate (small): Use 200 resources, 5 units of stone, and 5 units of metal to build a horizontally opening and closing school gate (small building) in the city. This school gate does not look too big, but it can It can be used as a city gate to resist zombies or other weird attacks (can be upgraded)]

[Atrium Arboretum Design Drawing (Small): Use 200 resources, 5 units of stone, and 5 units of wood to build an atrium arboretum (small building) in the city. Curse or pray here, and the success rate can be increased by 10% (optional) upgrade)】

[School radio station design (small): Use 200 resources, 5 units of stone, and 5 units of wood to build a campus radio station (small building) in the city. After it is built, you can directly contact all subordinates above the boss level in the city (can upgrade)】

 【Athletics Club Training Ground Design (Small): Use 200 resources, 5 units of stone, and 5 units of wood to build a Track and Field Club training ground (small building) in the city, which can increase the movement speed of the defending troops slightly (can be upgraded)】

These buildings look okay, but for Gu Xi, they are not necessary now.

Even the horizontally openable and closable school gate that can serve as a city gate is like this.

Gu Xi has seen the gate of the school here. There is no gate tower above the school gate, and the gate is not very high. Even if it turns into a castle at night, there is no way to change this.

 Gu Xi now has three city gates.

It is not difficult to build another city gate, but Gu Xi needs to consider whether such a gate is what Gu Xi needs.

 So in the design drawings of these six buildings, except for the library which needs to be built first, the other buildings must be built after they are free.

 Or, these can be built in the weird mirror space?

 At this moment, a thought flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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