Breath of the Dead

Chapter 395: Design drawings of a special building (153186)

Chapter 395 Design drawing of a special building (153186)

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 After taking over Yitou Middle School, Gu Xi spent the whole night attacking several large and strange areas.

 Compared to attacking the castle tower that has been transformed from a private house, the rewards in this large and strange area are greater.

 As soon as it is laid, the land deed is the most basic, and the architectural design drawings always start with six, and once even reached nine.

By the end of the night, Gu Xi had obtained five land deeds, totaling 4 large plots, 15 medium plots, and 21 small plots.

A total of 39 various architectural design drawings were obtained, including 3 large-scale architectural design drawings, 11 medium-sized architectural design drawings, plus 24 small-scale architectural design drawings and 1 special architectural design drawing.

 The most attractive thing here is naturally the special architectural design.

This was obtained by Gu Xi when he was attacking an inconspicuous small courtyard. The reason why that small courtyard was attacked was entirely because Gu Xi noticed that there was a fairly old well in that small courtyard.

This well reminded Gu Xi of Jing Long King’s Jing Long Palace, so Gu Xi immediately chose to attack here.

 In the end, this small courtyard was taken down, but there was no way to enter the underwater world of Jinglong King. Instead, we got such a special architectural design drawing.

[Source well design (special): Use 1500 resources, 20 units of stone, and 20 units of wood to build a designated source well (special building) outside the city. After building the well, you can build a temporary camp near the well, and pass the task. Turn the temporary camp into a formal meeting hall (not upgradeable)]

 The explanation here, Gu Xi could tell at a glance, was that it was for the purpose of building a branch city.

As long as this thing is used in the wild, a city can be expanded outward with the source well as the center.

 As for how big the city can be, it depends on the resources invested by the player.

 But no matter what, it represents a new city, so it’s no wonder that this well has become a special building.

This kind of thing exists in a special category everywhere.

 In addition to this special building, there is a medium-sized building that attracts the most attention.

[Weird excavation base design (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a strange excavation base (medium-sized building) in the city. It can dig down to a depth of five meters every day and dig out some from the ground. Weird events (you can gain experience through mining and automatically upgrade)]

This architectural design drawing is quite unexpected in Gu Xi's eyes. Digging underground in the city is an idea, but Gu Xi always feels that the key to this building is not how deep to dig, but to dig out some strange events from the underground. .

 This is equivalent to having an extra dungeon for soldiers to train for battle, and it is also equivalent to having an underground world that is constantly developing.

 The most important thing is that this does not mention the upper limit of mining, and it is automatically upgraded through mining.

 In other words, as long as Gu Xi keeps digging, the level of this building can continue to improve.

 Compared to other buildings that have to be upgraded by themselves, the strange excavation base in front of us is much better.

 Among the remaining items, not even three large architectural design drawings can arouse my interest.

  Not to mention those small and medium-sized architectural design drawings.

Now the queues in Aridovi City are all at the back. Gu Xi still has many buildings he wants to build, and the training camp that needs to be built has not yet started.

These newly acquired things have no possibility of being stronger, so Gu Xi will naturally not pull down the queue that was originally lined up and put these things in the queue again.

Gu Xi just took a look and knew what he had in hand, and the rest would have to wait for time. There were three large buildings. Gu Xi took a second look and knew what troops were trained in those three large buildings, but there was nothing else.

  【Wandering Street (Large): Use 2500 resources and 20 units of stone to build a Wandering Street (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 25 wandering zombies can be trained every week.

 After completion, it can be linked with the cemetery or zombie training camp. 】

【Black Arena (Large): Use 3500 resources, 30 units of stone, 1 unit of mercury, and 1 unit of gems to build a black arena (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 7 gladiator black guards can be trained every week.

 After completion, it can be linked with various temples or knight training camps.

 After completion, various beasts can be arranged to enter the arena for challenges every week to enhance the experience of participating Black Guards or Knights.

 Before construction, you need to build a level 1 temple (all temples that can train knights are acceptable). 】

  【Gladiator Black Guard (level 7): experience (0/5500), attack 16, defense 9, life 55, skills: battle ax mastery, charge, fight. 】

  【心眼kendokan (large): Use 2500 resources and 20 units of stone to build a 心eyekendokan (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 25 blind swordsmen can be trained every week. 】

  【Blind Swordsman (Level 4): Experience (0/750), attack 6, defense 4, life 25, skills: immune to blindness, fast attack. 】

In these three large buildings, the zombies coming out of the streets are almost at the same level as the zombies, and can be regarded as a supplement to the zombies.

The gladiator black guards in the black arena are used to protect knights. Now Gu Xi has no knights, no matter what kind of knights, so it is useless to build them.

Moreover, it is also required to have at least a level 1 temple as the prerequisite foundation. Without building a temple, Gu Xi cannot build this black arena.

 The last one, the Heart's Eye Kendo Gym, actually produces pretty good troops.

The blind swordsman knew that it was a troops that can be used in a short time, but the only problem in it was that the blind swordsman was not a undead. Gu Xi's training camp had so many undead arms yet had not yet been built, and he came to build a kendo.

Hum, Gu Xi has to be so careless to make such a choice.

 So these three buildings may be thrown under the box and not see the sun for a long time.

As for other small and medium-sized buildings, the same is naturally true. It seems that they enrich Gu Xi's collection, but they are actually not of much use.

 Gu Xi just put away these architectural design drawings and comforted himself.

 At least next time he won’t have to go to Chaoyang Guild to buy architectural design drawings.

Think about it, if Gu Xi had so many architectural design drawings in his hand when he went to Sanxian Garden, he could have asked for something better.

But it’s not too late.

After taking care of these things, Gu Xi looked up at the sky, turned around and headed towards the Five Dou Family.

 (End of this chapter)

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