Breath of the Dead

Chapter 396: A new day is coming (154186)

 Chapter 396 A new day is coming (154186)

At this time, the night was about to pass, and Gu Xi rushed to Wu Dou's house, not to find a place to sleep, but to find an agent to buy a house.

Before that, Gu Xi always had to find an understanding person to inquire about the situation.

After all, Gu Xi doesn’t have much money at the moment. He can’t go to the statue of Guanyin in white to get back the 10 million he donated last time.

 So find a house that is not too expensive, and then go to the market to exchange some money with the players in Bailian City later, then this will be possible.

It’s going to be dawn now, Gu Xi plans to go find Wu Dou Mei Nai, and first inquire about the process of making an appointment with an agency here.

 When Gu Xi left, he naturally took his troops with him.

 In this series of battles tonight, except for the heavy losses in Maple Leaf Park at the beginning, there were not many losses in the other battles.

The undead replenished by spiritualism naturally joined Gu Xi's team one after another.

The most important thing is that the ghost team participated in the last strike throughout the whole process, and their current number has also increased during this time of last strike. Now the strength of the ghost team has not changed much, but the number of people seems to be five thousand. Looks like there are many people.

 You can imagine that there are more than 5,000 Bai Wuchangs flying in the sky. When there is any movement, all eyes are staring at you. Gu Xi can't stand the feeling.

At the same time, the number of undead troops under his command also increased by about 5,000. The most important thing is that after today's large-scale summoning of souls, Gu Xi's spiritualism has been upgraded to another level, plus two equipment that enhance the effect of spiritualism. , Gu Xi's spiritualism has now reached level 9.

 It can be said that this time he made a pure profit.

Not to mention other things, with this replenishment of troops, most of his undead leader troops will be fully equipped after returning.

As for what should be done if the newly summoned undead are not suitable for these undead leaders?

Isn't this a joke? What are the many training camps in Alidovi City for? If any unit is not suitable, just send it to the corresponding training camp and transfer directly.

 At that time, his military strength can be greatly improved.

 The next time we hit a place like Maple Leaf Park, the loss won’t be that big.

 The biggest gain this night was at the Iron City Gate.

Because the Earthbound Dragon is directly blocked at the forefront of the battlefield, its experience has increased like water, and it has now reached level 5.

 At the same time, the ghost domain has also begun to transform, and the progress has reached 17.3%.

In addition, some dragon servants began to appear outside the Iron City Gate.

 Because the Earthbound Dragon comes from the Well Dragon King, the servants are mainly troops in the water. This time, the troops that appeared near the Earthbound Dragon turned out to be a kind of rotten mermaid.

At the same time, some big fish like ghosts appeared nearby, almost turning the steel city gate into an aquarium.

Although the number of these servants is not large now, they do not need to be managed. They are found by themselves and can be regarded as a supplement to the steel city gate.

This made Gu Xi somewhat excited. If he didn't need to keep the red dragon corpses to be used as bone dragons later, Gu Xi might be able to bury all six red dragon corpses under the main city gate now.

Although Gu Xi is suppressing such thoughts now, it is a fact that he has greatly increased the number of troops in his hands.

He was walking down the street with nearly 10,000 soldiers, and no one dared to stop him for a moment.

 Even the shrines or some more powerful forces chose to retreat after seeing Gu Xi's strength.

 None of them had any intention of conflict with Gu Xi.

After all, compared with Gu Xi, they have no benefit at all. On the contrary, they will lose their troops and lose their generals. In the end, their territory will be taken away by others, so why do they do this?

What the major forces on the street want to do most now is to invite Gu Xi out of their own territory and let him leave their territory quickly.

Gu Xi does not have such consciousness. Even when he is walking on the street, when he finds that something is wrong, he will still attack the monsters on the roadside. With a demon group of less than a thousand people, Gu Xi no longer needs to take action on his own.

 Just one of his five heroes is enough.

Even if he is moving forward, he doesn’t even need to stop, he can just move forward.

As he was approaching the castle tower of the Five Dou Family, Gu Xi suddenly saw that the sky was slowly turning fish belly white.

 This is the rhythm of dawn soon.

Gu Xi jumped off the evil coffin, released the main city gate, and began to let his soldiers retreat back to Alidovi City.

At the same time, his eyes also fell on the nearby streets. At this time, Gu Xi noticed that some strange things that were originally hidden were slowly peeking out.

However, when they saw so many undead troops around Gu Xi, they all shrank back, not daring to fight against such a vicious person as Gu Xi.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xi also understood that he actually took advantage of this.

If Vice-President Steel Ghost Claw's plan goes as planned, he may not be able to gather nearly 10,000 troops until the day he withdraws from the White Training Festival.

Even like now, when he takes his troops to the streets, he doesn't even dare to show his face.

 Everything happening now is all the result of Gu Xi making the right decision.

 Looking at his men who were forming a team to enter Alidovi City, Gu Xi was filled with pride.

At this moment, a tingling sound came from Gu Xi's ear.

  【A new day begins, now settle yesterday's information:

  Bai Liancheng: 319 players, 117 died or quit, and 0 ranked players.

 Hanye City: 320 players, 320 died or quit, and 0 players on the ranking list (all players in Hanye City were wiped out).

Autumn Wind City: 320 players, 320 died or quit, and 0 players on the ranking list (all Autumn Wind City players were wiped out). 】

As the prompt sounded, Gu Xi looked up and looked around. The castle towers around him had turned back into ordinary houses. However, no matter whether it was the weird things nearby or ordinary mortals, they all looked away. Just didn't see one.

 It can be seen that whether they are weird or ordinary people, they all know how to survive in this world.

 Gu Xi did not stay here for too long, and soon all the undead troops entered Alidovi City.

While Gu Xi was closing the main city gate, another voice came to his ears.

 【Comprehensive weird field toilet weird has been dead for three days, you get the kill reward (weird treasure chest and achievement)】

  【䱱Get a strange treasure chest (green). 】

 【You get the achievement: Polluter/Decontaminator】

 【Achievements: Polluter/Decontaminator, white quality title, can be equipped. 】

  【Would you like to open the strange treasure chest? 】

 “Open.” Gu Xi glanced at the Five Doujia in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and finally opened the strange treasure box.

 (End of this chapter)

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