Breath of the Dead

Chapter 397: Weird subway station (please subscribe)

 Chapter 397 The weird subway station (please subscribe)

  【You open the strange treasure chest (green). 】

  【You got 733 gold coins. 】

  【You get 3.33 million yuan in cash from this world. 】

  【䱱obtained mercury*2. 】

  【You got sulfur*4. 】

 【You get soldier recruitment coupon (level 4)*4】

 【You get building stone (level 1)*2】

 【You get the filthy land (green)*1】

 【You get the Dirty Treasure Map (green)*1】

  【Filthy Land (Green, Magic Scroll): Use a certain place. After using it, the specified area can be turned into a filthy land, suitable for the survival of undead, demons and some special weird things (3/3)】

  【Explanation: Filth is a treasure land for some races. 】

[Dirty treasure map (green): A treasure map stained with some dirty blood. The original owner of the treasure map has given up on it, but as long as it is opened, the treasure can still be found, and the treasure seems to be designated by a certain person. Boss. 】

Looking at the information about these things in front of him, Gu Xi just smiled.

This time, nothing good came out of the weird treasure chest.

 Of the only two green quality items, only the Filthy Land is somewhat useful to Gu Xi.

That should be used if you want to build a temporary camp during the game.

 This is not very useful for Gu Xi who can release the dead city at any time.

The dirty treasure map was so polluted that even the original owner of the treasure map gave up.

 Gu Xi was thinking as he walked towards the Five Dou Family.

Before Gu Xi could call the door, Wu Dou Mei Nai opened the door and led Gu Xi in.

 “Gu Sang, welcome back.”

“Mino, are you ready?”

“I have already contacted a real estate agent and I can go there any time now, but Gu Sang, don’t you have something to eat in the morning?”

 “No, let’s go.”

 Gu Xi thought about the amount of food in the Five Dou family, and finally shook his head.

Even if he were to starve to death, he would not want to eat that little bird food.

Wudou Mino didn't know what Gu Xi was complaining about. After seeing that Gu Xi had determined today's goal, she gently closed the door, held a palm-sized satchel and held Gu Xi's hand before going out.

Looking at the bag that was too small to even hold the keys, Gu Xi's face twitched involuntarily.

 “What are you using this bag for?”

Gotou Mino thought for a while and said carefully, "Isn't it okay to pretend to be cute? How about I change my bag?"

 “Forget it, it won’t have much impact, let’s go.”

 Gu Xi thought for a while and realized that she didn’t need to bring anything with her. Even if she didn’t bring any bag, it would be no problem.

So the two of them walked out the door, with Wu Dou Mei Nai leading the way and Gu Xi following behind. After two or three turns, they arrived at the subway station behind the community.

 Looking at this conspicuous subway station, Gu Xi was speechless.

“I’ve passed by here so many times, but I haven’t noticed it once.”

"It's better if you didn't notice. There are taboos in this subway station. Don't mess around later. You must follow me in everything." Looking at Gotou Mino's serious face, Gu Xi also nodded.

He understands that there are many weird things in this world, and daytime is the home of these weird things. If you are not careful, you may be killed.

No matter how strong Gu Xi is, he will not mess around in this regard.

 After entering the subway station, Wu Dou Mei Nai took Gu Xi up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Although it would be slower, Gu Xi felt safer.

At the same time, Gu Xi noticed Wu Mei's footsteps going down. She was counting the steps as she walked down, and when she reached the fifteenth step, she stepped directly over it.

After crossing over, she looked back at Gu Xi, as if telling Gu Xi that he must do this.

 Gu Xi imitated Wu Dou Mino's actions, and at the same time he discovered a situation, that is, Wu Dou Mei Nai did not speak again after entering the subway station. Even if she wanted to express something, she only used her eyes or gestures.

After taking a breath, I realized that there seemed to be some taboos in this subway station such as not being allowed to speak.

 Although I don’t know what the reason is, just follow it and it will be fine.

When he walked to the underground space of the subway station, Gu Xi noticed that the ground of the subway station was covered with blood.

This blood is obviously dry, but when you step on it, it has a sticky feeling.

 As a necromancer himself, Gu Xi responded well to such a situation.

But Mino Gotou couldn't. She kept covering her mouth with her hands for fear of accidentally shouting in the subway station.

 This situation made Gu Xi unable to stand it anymore. He stepped forward and hugged Wu Dou Mino, and hugged her directly.

 At the same time, he stretched out his hand to cover Wudou Mino's eyes. As long as she didn't see it, it would be fine.

But Wu Dou Mei Nai did not fully accept Gu Xi's kindness. Although Gu Xi hugged her, she still took Gu Xi's hand away from her eyes.

As long as she didn't step on the ground, the situation in the subway station was acceptable to Wu Dou Mei Nai. She pointed in the direction and Gu Xi went in that direction.

 After a while, they arrived at the platform of the subway station.

I wanted to lean forward, but was stopped by Goto Mino.

 Under the guidance of Wudou Minano, Gu Xi and the others stopped in front of a yellow line.

Wudou Mei Nai did not let Gu Xi move forward, but just asked him to stand outside the yellow line.

 Gu Xi thought it was for safety's sake, so he just stood here.

Soon the subway came over. The subway that came this time was a square-headed car with a very old body. It looked like it had been running for hundreds of years.

When the subway arrived, Gu Xi found that there were not many people around him, but it felt quite crowded.

Gu Xi wanted to resist the squeezing feeling, but Five Dou Mino held Gu Xi back.

Gu Xi immediately understood that it was best not to resist this squeeze, so he followed the invisible flow of people and finally squeezed into the subway.

 After entering the subway, looking out from the inside is another story.

Gu Xi noticed that there were all kinds of monsters and ghosts in this subway.

The place is full of things like tram wolves and retrograde ghosts.

 But they seemed not to see Gu Xi and didn't care about other people's eyes, so they just messed around in the car.

If you find a place to sit down, the situation will not be too good, because you can see the freshly splattered blood on the car window, and sometimes there are fingers and cheeks hanging on the car window.

I don’t know how these people got themselves onto the car window.

 The blood outside blends with the pink inside the carriage, creating a unique atmosphere.

But the more this happened, the less Gu Xi dared to act recklessly. He held the five buckets of fine wine in his arms and stared at the subway station list, ready to get off at any time.

 (End of this chapter)

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