Breath of the Dead

Chapter 40: Accidents happen frequently (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 40: Frequent Accidents (Please follow up)

  咚! Boom! Boom!

The response from Westminster Abbey was also swift.

The confusion is not big, but it is quite critical.

As soon as they saw the cultists they had been guarding against appearing, the troops at Westminster Abbey decisively released their long-prepared team.

The paladins wearing heavy armor were divided into eight teams, holding swords and shields, and lined up into the alley near the main square.

At the same time, when the bells of Westminster Abbey rang, the sound of hymns also came from the church.

 The white light of positive energy, with Westminster as the center, sweeps back and forth in all directions.

The light of positive energy fell on Gu Xi, and he felt that every cell in his body was about to be burned, and every inch of his skin was hot.

Even the temperature of the blood has increased a lot, and the face has turned red, as if he had drunk too much.

 Gu Xi actually understands that this is a manifestation of positive energy stimulating vitality.

 But this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Gu Xi had to step back and back again, but he didn't want to be affected by this positive energy light.

At this time, the team of Paladins rushed into the alley. They held up square shields that were almost as tall as themselves. Every time they encountered a stranger they were unfamiliar with, they would use the square shield to hold them down.

 Gu Xi wanted to retreat, but was suppressed by two square shields on the spot.

 The bone shield on his body was directly crushed by the square shield, and the two thick long swords were even raised.

"Don't move. If you move, the brothers will take action."

 “What the **** are you doing.”

 Gu Xi was angry and helpless at the same time.

 He was not involved in this at all.

But the two paladins ignored Gu Xi. They got the order when they took action.

 There is no way to determine who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

 So if you meet anyone who is not from Westminster Abbey, control them all first.

If the opponent dares to resist, take action to kill him first, regardless of whether he is an enemy or not.

Gu Xi is obviously a necromancer, and these two paladins are newcomers. Their current combat effectiveness is only due to the blessing of the hymn of Westminster Abbey.

 Normally, they haven't even had the time to play Holy Light yet.

At the moment, they have Gu Xi stuck on the wall, but they are all very nervous. The long swords in their hands are raised above their heads, and they may cut him down at any time.

Looking at the nervous expressions in the eyes of the two paladins, he calmed down.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not an enemy. I won’t move, so don’t move too!”

Just as Gu Xi finished speaking, an explosion suddenly came from behind the two paladins.

The swords in the hands of the two holy knights were unstable, and they slashed at Gu Xi on the spot.

Gu Xi lowered his head and said, "You guys, be careful."

Fortunately, these two long swords struck the wall behind Gu Xi. Otherwise, these two swords could have at least seriously injured Gu Xi.

But Gu Xi was really frightened this time. He didn't resist before because he didn't have any conflict with the troops at Westminster Abbey. Now he can't see the situation clearly for the time being, so it's normal for him to hesitate. .

 But he is not the kind of person who does not fight back when being beaten.

  “That’s enough for you. If this continues, I will fight back.”

 The two paladins did not respond to Gu Xi's words, and did not even pull out the long swords stuck on the wall.

This situation surprised Gu Xi. He quickly looked at the faces of the two paladins and found that their faces were twisting and turning, and the blood vessels around their eyes were about to pop out.

Gu Xi tried to push the two paladins, but when Gu Xi pushed them, they fell directly to the ground.

Gu Xi quickly wanted to hold them back, but before he could do anything, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. It turned out that right at the location where the explosion had just occurred, a vine root as thick as a person sprang out from the ground.

There is a light pink flower growing on the top of the tree root. The shape of the flower is trumpet-shaped, and the stamen in the center is constantly spraying red filaments outwards.

All the people nearby were wrapped with such filaments. It was obvious that the roots were controlling all the humans in front of them.

 Gu Xi's luck was good. He was squeezed against the wall by two paladins, and the thin threads had not hit him yet.

This allowed him to escape.

But Gu Xi also understood that he couldn't just look at it like this.

Without the protection of the Paladin, if he gets entangled in the thin threads, he will be unable to withstand it.

 So Gu Xi glanced at the battlefield in front of him, and then saw the cultist he killed at the beginning.

This corpse is still some distance away from the tree roots, but the situation in front of us can actually be manipulated.

Gu Xi's heart moved and he pointed at the corpse.

 “Secondary corpse explosion!”

With the sound of an explosion, the body exploded on the spot.

Ordinary people nearby who fell down due to the blood-red filaments were blown up on the spot.

At this time, Gu Xi raised his hand and said, "Bone spur!"

Three bone spurs flew out and pricked into the bodies of three ordinary people without armor.

  【Kill the cultist (level 2) and gain 22 experience points. 】

  【Kill the cultist (level 1) and gain 11 experience points. 】

  【Kill the holy oil believer (level 2) and gain 27 experience points. 】

Gu Xi didn't care about the fact that he killed the wrong person. Given the current situation, Gu Xi couldn't care much about it. He had to find a way to break the situation.

  If he didn't attack the Paladin, it was for Hart's sake.


 【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

 【You successfully used spiritualism and got a skeleton (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

  【You failed to use spiritualism and gained 1 spiritualism experience point. 】

 “Bad luck!”

 Gu Xi said casually.

 The newly summoned skeletons are all level 0. It seems that this has not changed because he got a dead city.

Then Gu Xi stopped paying attention to this. He waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and pluck out that flower for me."

At Gu Xi’s order, the two skeletons ran towards the roots of the tree.

As the skeleton ran away, the tree roots also noticed the situation here, and the light pink flowers growing on the top of the tree roots actually closed up.

Seeing the movement of the tree roots, Gu Xi immediately dragged the paladin who fell to the ground up.

 Gu Xi's reaction was right. When he dragged the paladin up, the light pink flowers opened like bullets and spurted out a large amount of blood-red threads.

These threads pounced on Gu Xi like a net.

If Gu Xi hadn't blocked a paladin in front of him in advance, he would definitely have been stained by this red thread.

After blocking the blow, Gu Xi pushed the paladin to the ground, and then began to run out.

The flower still wanted to attack Gu Xi, but the two skeletons had already rushed to the root of the tree. Under Gu Xi's order, they decisively grabbed the flower, pulled it down hard, and pulled out the flower the size of a human head. down.

 (End of this chapter)

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