Breath of the Dead

Chapter 41: Generate a copy (seeking for further reading)

 Chapter 41 Generate a copy (please follow up)


As the pink flowers were plucked out by the skeleton, a scream came from Gu Xi's ears.

The scream was sharper than Luna's banshee wail. Under this scream, Gu Xi spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and his life plummeted to half of the level.

Then Gu Xi felt the ground shake, as if something was trying to come out of the ground.

At this time, Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else. He took the flowers thrown by the skeleton and roared decisively.


 At the same time, he also ran towards the No. 19 steam bus station.

 When Gu Xi shouted such a sentence, those who had fallen to the ground because of the threads sprayed by the flowers seemed to have reacted.

They stood up from the ground in twos and threes, some fled to nearby rooms, and some fled with Gu Xi.

 When some paladins stood up from the ground, they clenched the swords and shields in their hands and looked directly at the root vines still twisting on the ground.

 There is a look of determination in their eyes. As paladins, their faith allows them to choose to fight to the end.

But Gu Xi didn't care about that. At this time, he could clearly feel that there was danger behind him.

As soon as he turns his head, he will be left here forever.

So Gu Xi had no time to look back. He kept running outside and passed the No. 19 steam bus station.

 After running about two thousand meters, Gu Xi felt that the sense of danger behind him had weakened.

Before he could turn around to see what was happening behind him, he was held down.


Gu Xi was about to release bone spurs to strike at the attacker, but before he could move, a burst of positive energy was injected into his body, dispelling all his preparations.

Gu Xi looked up and found a woman with short black hair standing in front of him, with cold arms pressing on her shoulders.

This woman is wearing a white robe trimmed with gold, and there is a golden griffon embroidered on the corner of the robe.

 “Did you escape from Westminster?”

 “Ah, yes, yes!”

"Anna, Anastasia, you should have heard my name. Can you tell me what happened in Westminster?"

After being asked, Gu Xi realized that although he had never heard of Anna's name, he knew at a glance that she was a high-level being from Britain and came here in response to the situation at hand.

 He quickly talked about the situation at Westminster Abbey.

 Anna didn't care much about Hart's help and what Gu Xi encountered in the alley.

 It wasn’t until she heard that Gu Xi had plucked a pink flower that Anna asked with a serious face.


Gu Xi quickly handed over the flowers in his hand.

While taking the flower out, Gu Xi was surprised to find that the originally pink flower turned into pure black.

"How can this be."

Gu Xi said in surprise, but the Anna in front of him was not surprised at all.

Instead, he nodded with a normal expression, "It seems like this is true. The mirror is weird. Everyone, get ready and prepare to save Westminster Abbey."

Just after Anna finished speaking, Gu Xi suddenly felt the space around him pause, and then his eyes moved from the vicinity of the No. 19 steam bus station to the sky.

From the perspective of the sky, Gu Xi saw the changes at Westminster Abbey. At this time, in various areas around Westminster Abbey, a large number of root vines appeared in all the alleys. , there is a pink flower on each root vine.

Under the influence of the flowers, nearby people were controlled by the red threads sprayed out. They struggled to resist, but in the end they had to be controlled by the red threads and walked towards Westminster Abbey. At this time, in the middle of Westminster Abbey, a huge apple tree broke through the ceiling of the church.

This huge apple tree is more than 300 meters tall, and its shade covers half of the main square of Westminster Abbey.

 Gu Xi could even see many people fighting in Westminster Abbey.

 But their efforts could not affect everything happening in front of them.

More and more people came to Westminster Abbey Square under the control of red silk threads. Then something hung from the apple tree and these people were hung up.

 In the end, these people were like apples hanging on a tree, covering the whole apple tree.

When Gu Xi saw the entire situation of Westminster Abbey clearly, he suddenly felt a pain in his head. Under such stimulation, Gu Xi finally came back to his senses.

At this time, Anna, who had received the flowers, had already handed the black flowers she had just received to an old man beside her.

“Sir, take this flower and we can sustain it for three days. I hope you can find a way to deal with the weirdness of the mirror within three days.”

 "Princess, you can't..."

“This is the coronation place of the royal family. I cannot let the weirdness of the mirror occupy this place. This is my responsibility as a member of the royal family.

Sir, the rest is up to you.

let's go! "

After saying a few words, Anna led the other men and headed towards Westminster Abbey without hesitation.

Behind her were a large number of paladins in white heavy armor. After entering Westminster Abbey, they quickly formed a line of defense to prevent the mutation from further expanding.

At this moment, there was a ding in Gu Xi's ear.

[You came into contact with the Westminster Abbey incident. As a major event that affected Victoria City, a dungeon has been automatically generated. As the first player to come into contact with this event, you got a dungeon crystal stone and can activate the dungeon five. Second-rate. 】

  【Copy Crystal (Blue)】

 【Copy: Big Event in Westminster Abbey (Level Required: Level 5-10)】

 【Dungeon missions: 3 external missions (0/3), 5 internal missions (0/5), 2 exclusive missions (0/2)】

 【Dungeon BOSS: Five (0/5)】

 【Dungeon rewards: purple equipment (1 piece must be produced), blue equipment (5 pieces must be produced), green equipment is random】

Along with this sound, there was a blue crystal in Gu Xi's hand.

Hold the crystal in his hand, Gu Xi could clearly see what was going on inside Westminster Abbey.

This is exactly like the scene Gu Xi saw just now.

 It seems that everything is repeated in the crystal.

 Gu Xi understood that this was an opportunity given to Gu Xi.

The Westminster Abbey in front of him has become a copy. He can take the crystal out, or he can use it now.

Looking back at Westminster Abbey, which had been shrouded in fog, Gu Xi put the crystal away without any hesitation.

 Gu Xi is not stupid. One look at the current situation and he can tell that he can't defeat any monster inside. So what is he going to do if he rushes in? Is he going to die?

 Having that time, he might as well find a place to level up properly, and then come back to deal with this copy when the time comes.

 So seeing that no one nearby paid attention to him, Gu Xi decisively walked out.

He walked far around the area of ​​Westminster Abbey, found a station, casually got on a steam bus, and left this troublesome place.

Although he didn’t know where the steam bus was going, Gu Xi couldn’t care about that now.

He only had one thought in his mind, to stay as far away from this dangerous place as possible. When he was strong enough, he would deal with the dungeon in front of him and rescue Anna who entered the dungeon on her own initiative!

 (End of this chapter)

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