Breath of the Dead

Chapter 399: Weird technology is convenient for you and me (155186)

Chapter 399 Weird technology is convenient for you and me (155186)

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When the subway door closed again, the battle outside Xueluo Cave had already begun. Amilcar did not make any sound, and led his undead troops forward and started slashing randomly.

On the slowly moving subway, Gu Xi could clearly see the strange things happening in the subway station and didn't notice any sounds.

Looking at their movements, Gu Xi felt as if he was watching a mime.

 But the more this happened, the less Gu Xi dared to speak out at will.

He understands the silence in the subway, and even the subway station dares not to speak, for fear that there is a powerful big weird who is watching everything on the subway line.

 Actually, Gu Xi's guess was right. There was a big and strange existence on the subway line.

This Weird one belongs to the otaku type, and prefers to watch some pink movies.

But as you know, I live at home and it’s not convenient to amplify the sound. I can only watch silent movies and drag the progress bar.

 So it slowly became this weird rule.

 Even if he reaches level 9, he cannot re-write the rules.

Of course, Gu Xi, who didn't know all this, had no intention of becoming an enemy of this great weirdo. Gu Xi now knew exactly what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

With the nagging voice in my ears no longer tempting me to take action, the rest of the journey was safe.

 Gu Xi was even interested in taking a look at the wolf behavior that happened on the tram.

It wasn't until Wu Dou Mei Nai pulled Gu Xi's sleeve that Gu Xi lowered his head and glanced at Wu Dou Mei Nai.

At this time, Wudou Mino was also blushing and did not dare to look around. She lowered her head and lay in Gu Xi's arms, pointing to the stop sign.

 Gu Xi looked up and found that the stop sign had changed to the normal station name at some point. The subway was about to enter a station called Xiachuanli.

At this time, Gu Xi also realized that he should get off at this stop.

So he reached out and picked up the five buckets of fine rice and stood in front of the car door.

When he picked him up, Gu Xi didn't forget to look around. He noticed that the couples in the carriage were having fun and didn't care about the subway arriving at the station.

 It seems that the people in this subway have been in this subway for a long time.

 It has been so long that they have forgotten where they are going, so long that they will never be able to leave this subway.

Perhaps they think they have everything under control, but in fact these people have become a part of the great mystery in the subway.

 Looking at these people again, when the subway stopped, Gu Xi quickly got out of the subway with five buckets of fine wine in his arms.

The moment he stepped out of the subway door, the door behind him slammed shut. Before Gu Xi could even turn around, the subway left quickly as if someone was urging him to do so.

 Gu Xi could only see the tail lights of the subway cars, and had no idea what the subway driver was thinking.

 Actually, Gu Xi didn’t know that no one had noticed him when he got on the subway, but when he released Amilka, he was stared at.

 The murderous aura on Amimika's body, as well as the battle at the Xueluo Cave, and most of the weirdness on the subway line were noticed.

If it were said that the weird people on the subway line only regarded Gu Xi as a mortal.

Now they have regarded Gu Xi as the **** of plague.

Now that Gu Xi wanted to leave, of course they had to send him away as soon as possible.

If you don’t see her off, are you still planning to drag her on the subway until dark?

  Unknown to all of this, he still followed the strange rules without saying a word. Under the guidance of Wu Dou Mino, he stuck to the wall and followed the designated route. It wasn’t until she walked out of the subway station that Gotou Mino let out a long breath.

“I finally came out. Every time I take the subway, it’s like fighting a war. I always feel like I can’t come back.”

“I can finally speak. Why is this subway station so troublesome? Is there no other means of transportation?”

 Gu Xi put down the five buckets of fine wine.

Wudou Mei Nai shook his head, "Gu Sang, look at the time."

 Gu Xi was stunned for a moment and looked up at the time in the subway station. He was surprised to find that so many things had happened between the time he entered the subway station and the time he walked out of the subway station, but less than a minute had passed.

At this moment, Gu Xi realized why the subway station was so dangerous, and Wu Dou Mino still had to take the subway.

As long as you know the weird rules and can enter and exit the subway station safely, then this subway line is equivalent to an artifact.

However, Gu Xi still asked, "How do you remember so many taboo rules at subway stations?"

Gotou Mino said with a smile: "Besides not being able to talk, each station has its own rules. But you just need to remember the rules of the station you came down from, and when you go out, just follow the same path back. .

These rules are exactly the same, so there is no need to worry about remembering them wrong.

In fact, the only things that can easily go wrong when taking the subway are accidentally talking and getting off at the wrong station.

If you go to the wrong site and come back again, the rules must be followed according to the rules of the new site. If you don't know the taboos, the situation will be quite dangerous. "

 Wudou Mei Nai said this, and Gu Xi sighed secretly in his heart.

It seems that weirdness has been integrated into every corner of this city, and almost all mortals have become accustomed to weirdness.

Such a world would really lose some of its weirdness, and it would instead cause chaos in the city.

While Gu Xi was still thinking about this, Wu Dou Mino had already accompanied Gu Xi out of the subway station.

Outside the subway station, a middle-aged man with his head lowered quickly came up to him.

“Are you Gu Sang and Miss Wudou?”

 Gu Xi knew that this was a real estate agent as soon as he heard it. He was about to step forward to talk, but he didn't expect that Wu Dou Mino actually stepped forward to communicate with the agent.

 Afterwards, she took out a white envelope and handed it to the agent.

 Gu Xi looked like he was attending a funeral and had to give a free envelope to meet him.

 After taking the white envelope, the real estate agent began to introduce himself to Gu Xi. His name was Baishi Yousheng, and he was said to be the ace agent in the largest real estate trading center in the city.

As for the house requirement, as long as it is available in this city, no matter in which direction, he can find a satisfactory house.

As for the price, that will be discussed later.

As he spoke, Baishi Yousheng took out a large number of promotional brochures and began to introduce them to Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi has already thought about the house he wants. First, he needs to build it one by one.

It doesn’t matter where the house is built, what’s important is that it’s cheap. Gu Xi doesn’t have much cash on hand. His goal is a house that can accommodate two people, and the price does not exceed 3 million yuan.

In addition, Gu Xi also plans to rent a house about 200 meters away from the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao. It needs to have a small yard or an open space. The requirement is that no one will disturb it. The house will be rented for a month.

 After clarifying these two requirements, Baishi Yousheng hesitated and said, "Guest, your request is not easy to handle."

 (End of this chapter)

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