Breath of the Dead

Chapter 400: Viewing (156186)

Chapter 400 House Viewing (156186)

 “If it were easy, I wouldn’t look for you.”

 Gu Xi glanced at Baishi Yousheng and said quite simply.

Just as Gu Xi said, if such a request was easy to find, he would not go to an intermediary.

Baishi Yousheng also understood Gu Xi's thoughts. He quickly flipped through the information in his hand and compared and connected them one by one. Soon Baishi Yousheng said to Gu Xi: "Within two hundred meters of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao, there are three Houses with yards are available for short-term rental, and there is also an open space that you can check out.

As for a house built for three million yuan, there are also houses. Even the guests know that the real price of this house is between one thousand and fifteen million.

 The cheaper one is the one with more people dead. This kind of house is prone to strange things.

Of course it’s not that weirdness is bad, but it’s much weirder, and people living there will be affected by various rules.

At the same time, the people inside the house are not willing to live in this kind of house.

So if the customer insists on building a house with a price of about three million yuan, then the people we arrange in the house may not be very good.

 Either you are older or you have problems of one kind or another. "

“You actually don’t need to arrange for people in the house.”

 Gu Xi said casually.

"Guest, what are you talking about? If you don't arrange for girls to stay, you are looking down on my professionalism."

 Gu Xi was quite speechless when he looked at Baishi Yousheng, who looked serious as if he was about to quarrel.

 How can this be a major?

I really don’t understand this world.

 But he still said: "It doesn't matter if it's weird or not, no matter how many there are, it's useless, just make arrangements."

Baishi Yousheng was also speechless. Was he talking about something weird?

 He is talking about whether the people in the house are nice or not.

  If you look down on the professionalism of our real estate agency, then just wait and see what kind of person I will arrange for you to live in the house.

While thinking about it, Baishi Yousheng still said with a smile: "If there are no special requirements for the people in the house, there are too many houses to choose from. There is a house close to here for three million yuan. I can take you there now. have a look."

 Gu Xi glanced outside, nodded in agreement, and made his request at the same time.

“Then you need to introduce the environment around here. At least I need to know about the traffic, sanitation and safety conditions nearby.”

Hearing what Gu Xi said, Baishi Yousheng also laughed happily.

 He thinks this is what it means to really want to buy a house. How is that possible if you don’t choose the location of the house for three million, as long as it is a house?

The attitude of caring about interest now is that of someone who really wants to buy a house, rather than just joking around.

As for the three million yuan matter, I'm afraid Gu Xi doesn't have much cash on hand. Then you can ask Gu Xi if he wants to get a loan, with installments of twenty years or something.

While thinking, Baishi Yousheng took Gu Xi out of the door of the subway station.

 They went in one direction.

As Baishi Yousheng walked away, he introduced Gu Xi.

“There is a one-family house for sale nearby, just about a five-minute walk from the subway station.

The biggest problem with this house is that it is built on the side of the road, and the windows are opened relatively low. People passing by can see what is going on inside the house just by tiptoeing.

 Many people in the house are not willing to take charge of such a house.

 So the price of this house has never been able to go up. The current price is 4.35 million. If the customer likes it, we can find a counter-offer with the original owner.

 According to my estimate, around 3.4 million can be negotiated.

In addition, we have to include taxes and fees, and we also need to arrange new residents for the guests, which may cost nearly 800,000 yuan. ”    Listening to this, Gu Xi didn’t want to go any further.

  This Baishi Eugenics promised well before, but why does it seem like he can't understand people's words as soon as he goes out?

 This guy may not be able to do it.

The house is still a small matter now, what if he found an open space and said that it was only 200 meters away from the park with the Tiandao Guanyin in white.

 There is still some distance from the park entrance to the Tiandao Guanyin Statue.

 Gu Xi doesn’t want to cause problems here.

So Gu Xi stopped decisively.

“Guest, what are you doing?”

Baishi Yousheng turned to look at Gu Xi, wondering why Gu Xi stopped like this even though he was having a good conversation.

Gu Xi said with a serious face: "I think I have made all the requirements very clear. If you can do it, just follow my requirements. As long as the requirements can be met, no matter how dilapidated the house is or how many If it’s weird, I’ll buy it.

 They are those houses that do not meet my requirements. No matter how much you introduce them, it will be useless. "

  Listening to Gu Xi's words, Baishi Yousheng also showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

 He understood that his plan had been seen through by Gu Xi.

Now Gu Xi has spoken quite seriously. If he messes around again, Gu Xi will definitely find another agency.

This was a real slap in the face.

  Bai Shi You Sheng may not be able to sell the house, but he cannot lose his face.

“I understand the guest’s request. If you want a house worth three million yuan, please give it this way.”

Without saying a word, Baishi Yousheng turned around and walked into another alley.

 At the same time, he quickly introduced to Gu Xi the situation of the new house he was about to go to.

“The original owner of this house was called Kenken, but his life was not very good. He was in his forties and had a wife in her thirties, a son and a daughter.

 As a result, all of them died under the strange influence within a year.

  It was said that the kennel offended someone in a nearby park at first, but later someone found out that this was not the case, but that the kennel himself inadvertently violated the strange taboo and led the strange into his own house.

 Because the Kenken family was all gone, his house was repossessed by the bank before the loan was repaid.

The bank also wants to make money, and in the end it is in our hands.

But please believe it, this room really only costs 3 million. "

While talking, Gu Xi and his party also came to the door of this house.

Looking at this one-family house, Gu Xi also understood why this house could be sold for three million.

The room in front of me is squeezed between two normal-sized single-family buildings. There are no doors or windows at all except the main entrance.

All sunlight is blocked by the two nearby houses. Walking in front of this house, you can clearly feel that the house in front of you is full of gloomy energy.

If the ground is covered with a thick layer of quicklime, it will be the best land for raising corpses.

"Good place."

Baishi Yousheng's eyes widened and turned into a black question mark face.

This kind of ghost place is also called a good place. Is there something wrong with the person in front of me?

At this time, Gu Xi asked again: "Where are the bodies of their family buried?"

 (End of this chapter)

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