Breath of the Dead

Chapter 401: A house full of weirdness and taboos (please subscribe)

 Chapter 401 A house full of weirdness and taboos (please subscribe)

 As for the issue of interest, Baishi Yousheng is also a question mark.

 Meeting Gu Xi was a big challenge for this virtuous student.

 No one has ever asked where the body of the previous owner was buried.

Looking at Baishi Yousheng's appearance, Gu Xi knew that asking was in vain, so he changed the topic.

“Can you open the door and go in to take a look?”

 “Of course, please come in.”

As soon as Baishi Yousheng heard this, he knew that the situation had entered his own rhythm. He quickly opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

 Gu Xi looked inside from the front door and muttered: "The stairs to get in are exhausting."

Baishi Yousheng only heard a little bit. He looked at Gu Xi with some doubts: "What are the guests talking about?"

“Nothing, let’s go in and take a look. This house doesn’t have a yard, right? What about the weirdness in the house? What are the taboos?”

"There is no yard. The yard land has been taken up by both sides. If there is anything weird or taboo, please wait until I look for it."

  Bai Shi Yousheng quickly opened his briefcase and rummaged through it quickly.

 In the briefcase, there are many taboos about various houses.

Of course, because this house is not very good, it was placed at the bottom of the comparison.

 While waiting, Gu Xi was not in a hurry to enter, but was observing from outside the door.

Aside from the **** situation of seeing stairs when you open the door, the house in front of you also has many bad Feng Shui designs.

From Gu Xi's point of view, the structure of the house in front of him means that even if it doesn't attract any strangeness, the people who live here will die early and be reborn.

 Buying here is equivalent to choosing a cemetery in advance.

Of course the cemeteries mentioned here are all real.

 Gu Xiyou noticed that there was a strong accumulation of Yin energy under the house, on the roof, beams and columns.

 Obviously several previous owners had buried themselves in this house.

 Gu Xi had felt something when he was outside the door before, so he asked where the original homeowner was buried.

Now that the door is open and seeing everything inside, Gu Xi is even more sure.

Baishi Yousheng didn't know what Gu Xi was thinking. After finding the taboo map, he started to introduce it to Gu Xi.

"Because this house is more weird, it also has more taboos. The taboo caused by the first homeowner was that you can't put cooked food in the refrigerator, only vegetables and fruits, otherwise there will be someone in the house early the next morning. Turned into a corpse and frozen to death in the freezer."

Having said this, Baishi Yusheng paused, "The first owner of the house is the kennel house mentioned before. This is his strange family. It's actually very easy to deal with. As long as you don't put the cooked dishes in the refrigerator, there will be no problem." question."

 Gu Xi nodded and glanced at the place where the refrigerator was placed. His idea was even simpler.

As long as there is no refrigerator, isn’t there nothing weird about it?

“Later, the kennel family provoked a powerful weirdo in the park. The weird taboo was not to spray food on the wall, otherwise someone would turn into blood mud and smear it on the wall that night.”

When he mentioned this taboo, Baishi Yousheng glanced at Gu Xi.

No matter how you look at it, these weird things are powerful weird things that can kill people. These two are all taboos that can make people die. What should we do next?

 Gu Xi didn't care about this. He looked at each room. When Baishi Yousheng stopped, Gu Xi turned around and said, "Continue."

"Oh, the third Weird was brought back by Kenfang himself after all the children of the Kenshen family died, in order to deal with the previous Weird. This Weird has three taboos, corresponding to the three types of this Weird. Ability, let me talk about it in detail now.”

  Bai Shi Yousheng was thinking about the taboo situation quickly. Gu Xi listened while thinking about what he could and could not do.

After Baishi Yousheng introduced the eight weird taboos in this house, Gu Xi found that this house was almost unusable. After buying it, he had to be careful even when passing by, let alone living in it.

The best thing to do is to deal with which rooms cannot be opened and which items cannot be used. The most that can be done is to seal up these rooms and send the items away.

 But no one is allowed to be awake at a certain time. This is a joke.

That's not how Wei Wei wants to play.

 Gu Xi thought for a moment, "If I buy this place, then it should be legal for me to clean up the weird things in the house."

“Clean up the weirdness in the house?”

  Bai Shi Yousheng was stunned for a moment. He had never thought that someone could clean up the weirdness in the house.

You must know that people in this world have long been accustomed to getting along with Weiyi. Even when they build a new house, they will immediately invite a Weiyi who they are familiar with to go home. No one really thinks about driving Weiyi away.

 So Baishi Eugenics really didn’t encounter such a problem.

  After hesitating for a moment, he still said: "It's legal. No one says there must be something weird in the house. It's just that if there isn't something weird in the house, the house will be easily invaded by something weird."

 “It’s okay, I’ll take care of it all.”

Gu Xi said seriously, "Just this one, what procedures do I need to go through, or should I just pay the money?"

 Hearing what Gu Xi said, Baishi Yousheng was completely confused.

 He didn’t expect Gu Xi to choose the house so easily.

You need to know that when he usually introduces houses, he always takes people to see seven or eight houses, and sometimes even selects the people who will live in the houses.

 The situation before him was something he had never encountered before.

 “What, is there no way to handle it?”

 “No, it’s not, I can help you now.”

When Gu Xi asked again, Baishi Yousheng realized what he was doing, and he quickly said to Gu Xi.

 “Please wait a moment, I’ll take care of it right away.”

Gu Xi nodded and started walking around the room.

After just that moment, Gu Xi had already determined the situation in this two-story building.

Three corpses and two sets of ashes were buried on the first floor of the small building, three corpses were hidden on the second floor, and there should be another corpse hidden in the next floor above.

As for the underground, Gu Xi estimated that there should be a ghost that had formed in the past, and he had violated more than half of the weird taboos in the house.

  In other words, except for the kennel of the first house, the deaths of other house owners were most likely caused by this guy.

  It's just that it's normal to die after breaking a taboo in this world.

Even the police didn't want to take care of it, because no one knew whether the dead man violated the taboo intentionally or unintentionally.

There is no way for them to find weird reasons for this kind of thing.

 So in the end they would only record the matter and help dispose of the body, and there was no other way.

 But now that this ghost met Gu Xi, the situation was different. When Baishi Yousheng was going through the formalities, a smile appeared on Gu Xi's face.

 (End of this chapter)

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