Breath of the Dead

Chapter 402: Get the anchor point (400

Chapter 402: Fix the Anchor Point (Chapter 400, please subscribe)

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Best Eugenics handled the procedures very quickly. It only took less than an hour to complete all the procedures.

Looking at the sky outside, it was still early, so Baishi Yousheng decided to take a break and go see another place.

Gu Xi wants to rent the land or small courtyard near the Guanyin Statue in White Cloth of Tiandao.

In Baishi Yousheng's words, he has never met a customer like Gu Xi in all his years of business.

Today, even if he ignored the other guests, he still had to take care of Gu Xi's affairs.

However, Gu Xi asked Baishi Yousheng to wait outside the house.

 He wanted to deal with the weirdness in this room first.

 As for how to deal with the house, Gu Xi did something quite simple. He opened the city gate and released a ghost team into the room.

The next moment, the style of the entire house changed fundamentally, and the ghost in the ground immediately retracted its head.

This kind of thing is normal, right?

As a ghost, seeing a team of Bai Wuchang coming to your home is no different from a homeboy coming back from the bathroom and finding a policeman sitting in every corner of his home.

Anyway, this ghost doesn't dare to show up at all now, for fear that if he moves, he will be taken away by Bai Wuchang.

Gu Xi also gave Luna a heads up along the way and told her about buying a house. This house would eventually become Gu Xi's anchor in the city.

Luna still needs to come over to handle all this.

 Luna got the news, but she is not free to come now.

We can only wait for Luna to handle this matter, or for a certain big weirdo who was previously transformed by Gu Xi to be reborn to come over and deal with it.

 There is nothing Gu Xi can do about this situation.

He could only arrange for the ghost team to keep an eye on the house, and then he went out with Baishi Yusheng.

Because Gu Xi has already bought a house of his own, and although the house owner has not yet been selected, Wu Dou Mei Nai no longer has any reason to follow Gu Xi.

While Gu Xi was going through the formalities, Wu Dou Mino had already left on her own.

 Gu Xi wanted to keep her, but Wu Dou Mei Nai refused to say anything. In the end, Gu Xi could only give Wu Dou Mei Nai as a gift, hoping that he would have a chance to see her again next time.

  Unlike people like Goto Mino who usually stay at home, Baishi Yusheng usually runs outside.

 He knows all kinds of means of transportation very well.

 The subway is also his main means of transportation.

This city's subway is the best mode of transportation for those who are brave.

 Because when you take the subway, there is no time lost at all. If you get off the subway station here, you can get out of the subway station on the other side in almost a minute or two.

 So if you are in a hurry and the distance is long, it is definitely better to take the subway.

Gu Xi naturally had no objection to Baishi Yousheng's proposal to take the subway.

From Gu Xi's point of view, Baishi Yousheng will definitely be more courageous, at least he won't be so scared like Wu Dou Mei Nai that he threw himself into Gu Xi's arms.

Seeing that Gu Xi agreed, Baishi Yousheng immediately led the way.

While leading the way, he also explained to Gu Xi the taboos at the nearby subway station.

“The nearby subway station is called Onimikawa, which is a branch of Huangquan. In addition to not being able to speak, you must not enter the subway station between noon and 12 o’clock at night.

 At these two points in time, the subway from Onimi River to Huangquan will pass by to pick up the undead wandering here.

If you don’t want to be taken to hell, don’t mess around. There is never a turning back on the road to hell. No one can get out of **** except the God of Death. " grim Reaper?

 Those who were killed in Maple Leaf Park?

When Gu Xi heard this, he felt happy that there was such a good thing.

 The undead wandering here?

 Will you be picked up only between twelve o'clock and one o'clock?

What about normal times?

 Normally no one pays attention to it?

 What would happen if we took them all away?

 While Gu Xi was listening to Baishi Yousheng explaining the taboos involved, he was thinking about his own things.

 It was not until they entered the subway station that they walked forward quietly.

Gu Xi noticed that Baishi Yousheng had a monthly subway pass in his hand. The front of the pass said "no taboos".

Gu Xi was very curious about this kind of thing. He found that when Baishi Yousheng took out this subway ticket, there were obviously less weird things nearby.

 Gu Xi wanted to ask what was going on, but he immediately thought of the taboos on the subway line, so in the end he just didn’t ask anything and followed Baishi Yousheng and lined up on the platform.

At this time, Gu Xi discovered another situation, that is, Baishi Yousheng seemed to be choosing the carriage.

Gu Xi was a little curious. Could it be that there was something special about this carriage?

He kept looking around with doubts, but he didn't find anything different.

It wasn’t until a subway covered with sludge came staggering from a distance and a large number of people appeared nearby that Gu Xi discovered the clues here.

Passengers entering this carriage more or less hold some props that can be used for cover, such as briefcases, umbrellas, newspapers, etc.

 It seems that there is something ulterior in this carriage.

Having waved to Gu Xi, Baishi Yousheng strode in and squeezed in.

As soon as he entered the carriage, Gu Xi saw the situation inside the carriage.

Compared with the subway that Gotou Mino took, this place is simply a crazy line if the previous subway was just more pink.

 Gu Xi has experienced a lot of battles and has played as a death knight and so on, but Gu Xi has never encountered such a situation before.

Even though there were seats available, no one was willing to sit down. Instead, they spontaneously crowded into the middle of the car.

Hold a newspaper, briefcase or something to cover yourself.

 For such a situation, Gu Xi was just watching the excitement, and he had no intention of rushing in and performing on the spot.

 He thought for a while, found a place to sit down, and then looked at everything around him with critical eyes.

As for Baishi Yusheng, he has already skillfully squeezed into the crowd with his briefcase. It is obvious that he is an old acquaintance here.

 Gu Xi did not stop this situation. In Gu Xi's eyes, as long as it did not affect his ability to rent a house, he could do whatever he wanted here.

 Of course "no influence" has another meaning.

Although time is not affected in the subway, you can't let Gu Xi watch the show here all the time.

 Some things are good as long as you do it. If you do it too often, you may get **** by someone else.

  Best Eugenics also understands what should be done at what time.

 After passing four stations, Baishi Yousheng squeezed out from the crowd.

While he was squeezing out, a middle-aged Mediterranean man from outside quickly squeezed in to fill his seat.

This is also an important reason why Gu Xi doesn’t want to step forward to perform.

 (End of this chapter)

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