Breath of the Dead

Chapter 403: Can lock the position of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven (15

Chapter 403 can lock the position of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven (157186)

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Compared to the single-family house he lived in before, Gu Xi had very strict requirements for the open space near the Grand Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao.

 It’s not enough to only see the white-clad Guanyin statue of Tiandao near the park.

 It must be close, and this close is not the kind of close, it must also correspond to the direction.

 The requirement for Gu Xi is that it must be in front or on the right side of the Great Guanyin Statue of Heavenly Dao in White, with a straight-line distance of no more than two hundred meters.

This kind of location is not easy to find. Gu Xi looked at several places but couldn't find a suitable one.

Baishi Yousheng felt at this time that he didn't help Gu Xi make arrangements in the subway just now, why did Gu Xi suddenly become so difficult to communicate with.

 Actually, Baishi Yousheng didn't understand that Gu Xi didn't have much requirements for the place where he lived, as long as it could accommodate people.

But in order to deal with the matter of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heavenly Dao, Gu Xi must have calculated it carefully and carefully.

 Gu Xi has visited all the places.

 Finally, after overturning the idea three times, I picked an open space that satisfied Gu Xi.

The open space is located about 215 meters to the right of the Tiandao Guanyin in White. Standing there, you can just see the raised right hand of the Tiandao Guanyin in White.

Of course, if you pay attention to the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven, you will find that this guy is staring directly at you.

 According to Baishi Yousheng, this vacant land was originally intended to be used for building houses, but no one has ever bought it. Everyone who wanted to see this vacant land ended up not knowing why.

  It can be said that this vacant land is already something that the intermediary company has thrown into its hands.

Baishi Yousheng didn't like Gu Xi either, but he couldn't find a suitable open space, so he brought Gu Xi over to take a look.

The open space here is located behind a two-story building. Standing in the open space, you cannot see the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven. You have to move to a relatively far back position to see it.

 Gu Xi was quite satisfied with this open space, because in other respects, the open space in front of him met his requirements.

 “This is it, rent it first.”

Recalling the previous places, Gu Xi finally made a decision.

"But you want to help me draw a map of this area. I need the most detailed quantities. For example, how high is the building next to me, how big is the plot of land, and how far away is the Grand Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven? How far, all of this must be recorded.”

Baishi Yousheng thought that Gu Xi was planning to build a house here or something, so there must be such information.

So Baishi Yousheng said: "No problem, these data should be given, should we go through the procedures now?"

 Gu Xi still hesitated for a moment, after all, the place in front of him was not the most suitable.

 But apart from this location, the few places I have seen before are not very good.

So Gu Xi nodded his head.

 “It’s here, let’s go through the formalities.”

 The procedures for renting are much simpler than those for buying.

After all, the land is not yours when renting, you only have the right to borrow it, and it is still a short-term lease. There are many things that cannot be changed. For example, you cannot dig randomly on the ground. If you insist on digging, you must fill it back when you leave. .

  For example, if you want to build a house or something here, you need to discuss it with the surrounding neighbors.

These need to be explained clearly in advance.

There are many things that Baishi Yousheng needs to do here, and he has been running about this almost all afternoon. While waiting, Gu Xi was not idle. He took the opportunity to get close to the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Tiandao during the day and personally measured the condition of the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Tiandao.

I also re-entered the interior of the statue of Guanyin in white clothes of Tiandao, and took a special look at the mirror Buddha I discovered earlier.

As Gu Xi guessed, the mirror Buddha also cracked on the spot, indicating that something strange had happened on this line.

And the degree of cracking was even worse than the Dirty Buddha that Gu Xi had seen before, and the head of the Mirror Buddha was completely shattered.

 Gu Xi estimated that it would take ten to fifteen days to put it back together again.

In addition, Gu Xi also discovered Buddha images of rivers and water flows among these Buddha statues.

The reason why Gu Xi discovered it was entirely because he saw a crack on the Buddha statue. It was obviously because Gu Xi killed the Jing Dragon King.

For the same reason, Gu Xi also discovered some cracks so small that they were almost invisible on many Buddha statues. It seems that players have been finding strange troubles in this city in the past few days.

Inside the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Tiandao, Gu Xi also discovered that the material of the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Tiandao seemed to be somewhat special. It looked like the interior was made of wood, and the exterior brass was coated with a layer of cement.

 But when Gu Xi looked carefully, he found that these were not the materials he had imagined. All the materials seemed to have an extremely strong and strange aura.

While Gu Xi was studying this, Qirenfang silently appeared behind Gu Xi again.

 Gu Xi still has a good impression of the weirdness that this monk turned into.

 He lowered his head and saluted to the Seven-person Square.

At this time, Qirenfang also smiled and said to Gu Xi: "You should be studying the materials here. The materials here are the thanksgiving gifts received by the Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven for protecting the weird every night.

As long as the weirdness remains, the physique of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven will only be strengthened and will not be destroyed. "

As Qirenfang spoke, he looked at Gu Xi.

 Qirenfang has also noticed that Gu Xi is plotting against the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heavenly Dao.

It’s not that this kind of thing has never happened, but it happens several times every year.

It’s just that most of the people have no abilities, and some of them were destroyed directly before they could even break through the gate of the Great Guanyin Statue in White Clothes of Heavenly Dao.

Only Gu Xi walked in honestly, but after he came in, he studied this and that, looking at the Buddha statue as if he were looking at the meat on the chopping board.

 Seven Renfang doesn't want anything to happen at this time.

So he took the initiative to appear in front of Gu Xi and told him about the situation of the great Guanyin in white clothes.

 He said this because he wanted to persuade Gu Xi to retreat.

 But he never expected that after hearing these words, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

“So that’s it. If I want to build a statue of Guanyin like this, what should I do?”

After listening to Gu Xi's words, Qi Renfang looked Gu Xi up and down for a long time, but found no Buddhist connection in Gu Xi. He shook his head quite speechlessly and quickly retreated into the darkness.

 “This believer, please leave.”

Hearing this voice, Gu Xi was also a little helpless. It seemed that it would be difficult to enter the interior of the white-clothed Guanyin Statue of Heaven in the future.

Had I known it earlier, I wouldn’t have paid so much attention to the internal situation of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao.

 (End of this chapter)

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