Breath of the Dead

Chapter 405: Very special harvest

Chapter 405 A very special harvest

At the entrance of the magic plant area, Gu Xi saw the maple tree that had been burned off at first sight.

 Gu Xi felt that he was quite correct in naming each area.

The Magic Plant Zone has always been related to plants.

Although the maple tree in front of me was burnt black, the strong smell of blood could be smelled at the entrance of the magic plant area.

 It's just that Gu Xi doesn't quite understand. If that's the case, there's no need for Luna to call him over.

After all, Xiemu Lake is right here in the Demonic Plant Area. There is a place as big as Xiemu Lake. Gu Xi has never seen anything.

 But it wasn’t until Gu Xi reached the maple tree that he realized that he seemed to have underestimated Luna’s intuition.

 The maple trees in front of you are the treasures of Maple Leaf Park.

  【Blood Maple (special building, activated): The maple tree infused with blood and life, when burned by fire, was integrated into the last fragments of the six reincarnations and was forcibly activated. 】

  【After the Blood Maple is activated, the success rate of the Necromancer's spiritualism increases by 10%. All non-undead buildings and soldiers, as long as they are within the scope of Alidovi City, will slowly be converted into undead. 】

In terms of the attributes of the blood maple in front of him, the success rate of spiritualism has increased. Gu Xi can also say that this is equivalent to having an extra spiritualism tower that is not included in the calculation.

 But the latter attribute made Gu Xi's eyes widen.

 All non-undead buildings and soldiers can be transformed into undead.

  This is the city attribute that all necromancers most want to see.

 Because this means that there will no longer be other uncontrollable units in the city and there will be no decline in morale.

This is a good thing.

At this time, Gu Xi immediately understood why Luna asked him to come over and take a look.

 Gu Xi thought for a moment and immediately asked a key question.

 “Your weird mirror space will also be affected?”

“If you had asked this question before, I might not have been able to answer it, but now I can tell you with certainty that it will not be affected.

The strange mirror space has become a satellite city of Aridovi City. It is only attached to Aridovi City and is not part of Aridovi City. "

Gu Xi really wants to say that some important non-undead buildings should be moved to the weird mirror space.

 But he finally gave up the idea.

 On the one hand, he currently has no important non-undead buildings on hand.

On the other hand, Gu Xi has also seen the situation in the weird mirror space.

It is not a space for the undead, but it is also not suitable for the construction of other buildings.

 It is better to build some buildings in the weird mirror space than in the city of Alidovi.

It seems that Aridovi needs to build another new satellite city to build some non-undead buildings that are not suitable to be built in Aridovi.

It’s better not to force this for now, Gu Xi.

 At this time, Gu Xi was thinking about another issue.

 “Besides these, is there anything else?”

“Yes, in addition to this blood maple, there are more than thirty unformed blood maples that were moved in. Because they have not grown up yet, the attributes and effects of each one are uncertain.

  But one thing is certain, all blood maples are related to the undead.

As long as we cultivate these blood maples, we will be able to harvest a wave of powerful undead attributes before long.

From what I have observed so far, all Blood Maples have the effect of increasing the success rate of spiritualism by 1% at the beginning.

 More than thirty unformed blood maples are equivalent to a 30% success rate.

 Coupled with the original success rate, I believe the success rate of adult spiritualism will soon reach 100%. "    At this time, Gu Xi finally understood why spiritualism was just the beginning, and the subsequent necromancers all followed the route of transformation and resurrection of the undead.

 Because for high-level necromancers, the success rate of summoning souls is even thousands of percent.

 In their view, there is no possibility of failure in summoning souls by oneself.

Then why not do some tricks, maybe you can transform into more powerful undead.

 When Gu Xi first learned about the transformation of the undead, he didn't understand this yet.

 He was a little puzzled as to why some necromancers would choose the more difficult method of transforming undead.

Now Gu Xi finally understands.

  It turns out that the top student who scored 100 points every day got bored and wanted to use a more difficult method to answer the test.

Now that Gu Xi found that he was about to step into the ranks of such top academics, this situation made him a little at a loss as to what to do.

 “Anything else?”

“There are also some relatively broken things. For example, there are at least 30,000 corpses buried underground in Maple Leaf Park. These corpses will slowly be affected by Alidovi and crawl out of the ground.

However, because they were buried for too long, these corpses could not be transformed into undead troops. They could only become residents of Alidovi City. "

 “Let the residents be residents, there are some residents missing from the city of Aridovi.”

 Gu Xi didn’t have any objections to the presence of more residents in the city. In Gu Xi’s eyes, Alidovi City really just had fewer residents and lacked vitality.

Even worse than a weird mirror space.

 At least there will be some weird residents in the weird mirror space soon.

 They will slowly develop the weird mirror space.

"Then another thing is that we found a piece of waste that was almost burned. You may want to take a look."

 Gu Xi thought for a moment and then thought that the almost burned waste that Luna said was the turntable when he attacked Maple Leaf Park.

 Gu Xi still remembered that those gods of death seemed to attach great importance to that turntable. At that time, all the incarnations of death were killed by the final self-destruction of the turntable.

 How come there is still any left?

“Wasn’t that thing bombed? Why is it still there?”

“It’s not what you think. Just come here and take a look.”

 Under the leadership of Luna, Gu Xi came to the back of Xue Feng, where Gu Xi saw a stone platform.

This stone platform has also been burned to ashes, and there is still a piece of wooden axle on the blackened stone platform.

 Gu Xi understood at a glance that the previous turntable clearly flew up from here.

The previous turntable was blown up, but the platform originally used to park the turntable is still there.

 Although it was burned like this, the effect of this thing still seems to be retained.

  【Six Paths of Reincarnation Base (grey, waste): The base used to park the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. Due to disrepair and being exposed to wind, rain, rain and fire, this thing has now lost all its effectiveness.

However, you can perform soul-calling rituals here to give you some psychological comfort and make you think that the success rate of soul-calling here will be higher. 】

 Gu Xi was speechless for such an explanation.

However, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Base in front of him reminded Gu Xi of something.

 “Luna, take this to the evil wood lake.”

 (End of this chapter)

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