Breath of the Dead

Chapter 406: Resurrection of Princess Anna (please subscribe)

Chapter 406: Resurrection of Princess Anna (please subscribe)

“Sir, are you planning to save the princess?”

Although Luna was busy with her own affairs during this period, she still noticed some of Gu Xi's actions.

Luna knew something about Princess Anna, but she still felt a little unhappy when she saw Gu Xi spending so much thought on Princess Anna.

 Gu Xi could also feel Luna's emotions, but he still said: "If I only looked at Princess Anna's face, the most I would do is bury this real corpse and erect a monument for her.

 We still have four opportunities to copy, and there are four Princess Anna waiting for me. No matter which one has an accident, I think it will be easier to resurrect than this one.

 But you know, I had a feeling when I saw Princess Anna.

  It was just like the feeling when I found Shaya's body in the small building. "

 When Gu Xi said this, Luna's mirror eyes lit up.

 “Three divine skills?”

Luna knew very well what Shaya had brought to Gu Xi after being contracted.

 Although [Temporary Mission: The Sacred Artifact in Fairy Tales] only appeared long after Shaya was resurrected.

But without the initial resurrection and investment in the contract, this mission would not be so easy to accept.

 Gu Xi will feel something in Princess Anna, which shows that Princess Anna has a clue to one of the three magical skills.

 As for the three divine skills, Luna is very clear about the role of status in them.

Without thinking about it, she immediately asked: "Is there anything you need my help with?"

“No, I originally wanted to transform it after completing this big sacrifice.

As soon as this thing appears now, it reminds me not to go too far. If it continues to be delayed, I am afraid that there will be some new changes. I have almost prepared what I can prepare now. There is still some time, so I might as well prepare it first. The matter of Princess Anna will be dealt with. "

Hearing what Gu Xi said, Luna had no objection. She quickly moved the [Six Paths of Reincarnation Base] to the edge of Xiemu Lake.

 Gu Xi did not go over immediately, but looked at the materials that could be taken out in his hand.

This time we are not dealing with a big weird thing, so Gu Xi will naturally not use inferior materials.

 Now what Gu Xi brings out are all of the best quality.

Like an incomplete golden sternum, and things like [Villain Mask] and [Professional Hood].

It can be said that Gu Xi used the highest-grade materials he could get his hands on.

 After all the materials were prepared, the body of Princess Anna had also been removed from the evil wood lake.

 After soaking in Xiemu Lake for so many days, the strange power in Princess Anna's body has been almost purified.

 The only problem now is that Princess Anna is missing some bones.

 Gu Xi placed the body of Princess Anna on the [Six Paths of Reincarnation Base], and then drew a magic circle for the transformation of the undead outward from the [Six Paths of Reincarnation Base] as the center.

After that, he cut open Princess Anna's chest and placed half of the golden sternum inside. When placing the golden sternum, Gu Xi conveniently put the [Dead Hellfire Core] inside, which was regarded as a great gift for Anna. The princess supplemented what was lacking physically.

Although this cannot completely make up for the loss of Princess Anna's bones and internal organs, at least it will not be too much.

 After that, Gu Xi put the villain mask on Princess Anna's face, and then replaced the crown made of pea flowers with a professional hood.

 Then there were the clothes and equipment on Princess Anna. Gu Xi put on the [Broken Water God Guardian Uniform].

The [Tainted Magic Book] and other things that were taken out from Princess Anna were all placed next to Princess Anna. After putting everything away, Gu Xi took out some strange flesh and blood.

These weird flesh and blood were obtained when Gu Xi helped Luna deal with the weird mirror image last time.

In addition, Gu Xi thought about it and picked out a few better quality ones from the death scythes obtained in Maple Leaf Park and placed them outside the undead transformation circle.

After arranging everything, Gu Xi took a deep breath, held up the Cold Wind Staff, and stood in front of the [Six Paths of Reincarnation Base].

 With the injection of Gu Xi's mana, the soul summoning began.

 Gu Xi felt as if his mana was being drawn out frantically, and it was being consumed at a speed that was almost catching up with the incarnation of death.

But Gu Xi still withstood such pressure, even if his power quickly passed away, he did not flinch at all.

Instead, he carefully controlled the mana and controlled every change in the undead transformation circle.

 At first, under the injection of Gu Xi's magic power, Princess Anna's long black hair began to turn into gold.

 At the same time, her skin also began to turn golden.

At the same time, the red half-mask that originally covered Princess Anna's face turned into a golden half-mask. The mask even slowly merged with the professional hood on her head, turning into a pale golden crown covering half of her face. .

There are still six empty slots on the crown without any gems. It is obvious that this is a crown specially created for Princess Anna.

At the same time, the broken water god's royal guard uniform was mixed with the dark green liquid of Xemu Lake, forming a dark green princess skirt.

If you just look at this princess dress, everyone will think that the person in front of you is a fairy who takes the Druid route.

But now, the situation is obviously different. Looking at the formation of the green princess dress, Gu Xi noticed that under each leaf that made up the green princess dress, there were light golden skull patterns and dark red blood stains.

Seeing that Princess Anna was about to complete the undead transformation, Gu Xi quickly took out the undead contract that had been copied.

 Hand out his hand to open it, he said to Princess Anna.

"My name is Gu Xi. I hope to sign a contract with you and use your strength to fight for me."

 As Gu Xi spoke, he sent out the contract of the dead.

"I remember you, young necromancer. Your growth surprised me, but this is also my opportunity. I...will fight for you."

Facing Gu Xi’s proposal, Princess Anna, who had kept her eyes tightly closed, raised her right hand and touched the contract of the dead.

【Ding! The contract with the undead is successful, and Princess Anna (contracted with the undead) joins the player. 】

  【Name: Anastasia (Contracted Undead)

Race: Lich

 Level: Level 4 (0/10000)

Talent: Scholar (the time spent learning magic is reduced by 30%, and all magic below level 3 can be learned regardless of various conditions)

 Status: health (110/110), magic power (940/940)

 Attributes: Strength 1.6, Agility 1.7, Constitution 1.1, Intelligence 9.4, Perception 2.7, Charisma 2.6

Skills: Ghoul Guard Level 8, Leadership Level 5, Psychic Magic Level 4, Undead Magic Level 4, Dark Magic Level 3, Light Magic Level 3, Destruction Magic Level 4, Elemental Magic Level 3...]

After signing the contract with Gu Xi, Princess Anna slowly opened her eyes. Her green eyes glowed bright green, she stared at Gu Xi and said something.

 “Sir, your heart has been affected.”

 (End of this chapter)

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