Breath of the Dead

Chapter 407: The role of Princess Anna (159187)

Chapter 407 The role of Princess Anna (159187)

 The order is 1871, and it will be 2,000 soon. Please support me!


 Princess Anna's words made Gu Xi stunned.

 At this time, Gu Xi resurrected Princess Anna, actually for the Death Lord, one of the three magical skills.

If she wakes up and asks directly, do you want to become the Lord of Death?

 It won’t surprise anyone.

 But she suddenly asked Gu Xi how to answer, which affected Gu Xi's heart.

He can't say yes, yes, yes, he has been forced into a corner, and now he is ready to fight for his life.

 Looking at Gu Xi's embarrassed look, Princess Anna smiled. When she laughed, her skin began to turn a little green and her hair turned black.

At the same time, the clothes on his body turned into a black monk's robe, and the crown and mask on his head disappeared.

 Taking a step forward, Princess Anna moved her body.

“This is the most comfortable way. Although the golden sternum and hellfire core you gave me before are good, they are different from my original route. More than half of my strength is focused on the two materials of suppression and fusion.

If I don’t use these two things, even if I am physically deficient, I can still have level 11 now. "

“But in that case, your potential will be exhausted, and it will be converted to level 11, and it will be level 11 in the future.

Although your current level is low, your potential is still there. I think you should be able to estimate by now what level you can reach in the end. "

Gu Xi is now considered a somewhat experienced person in the knowledge of the undead and magic. How could he be led astray by Princess Anna's words?

Hearing Gu Xi’s words, Princess Anna laughed instead.

"Of course, but if you want me to grow up, it will require a lot of resources. Are you willing to invest a lot of resources to support me in improving my combat power?"


 Gu Xi said with certainty.

"Then please give me the authority to mobilize resources in the city, all the authority."

 Gu Xi glanced at Princess Anna, and finally said seriously: "As you wish."

Hearing Gu Xi’s words, Princess Anna said calmly: “Don’t worry, sir, you won’t regret the choice you made.”

 After speaking, Princess Anna put her hand slightly on Gu Xi's heart.

Gu Xi felt a cool force injected into his heart, making his whole body feel much cooler.

“I have helped you suppress the spiritual influence you have received. In the past few days, you must not leave this house during the day...”

 “Alidovi City.” Luna said from the side.

"Yes, don't leave Alidovi City during the day. If you have anything to do, leave it to your subordinates. If you can't go out at night, it's better not to go out."

 Gu Xi glanced at Princess Anna and understood that she must have discovered something.

Gu Xi did not insist too much on his plan. Before, he would put all his thoughts on the killing stone. Revenge for Xia Yi was just an excuse. In fact, his soul lamp could not resist the killing stone. The influence brought out the craziest side of his heart.

 He did not directly let the death incarnation rush out like Xia Yi, which is considered to be more restrained.

 But his subsequent plans all reflect his madness.

 Most importantly, the contracted undead under him not only failed to stop it, but actually went crazy along with it.

Now that the spiritual influence on his body has been suppressed by Princess Anna, Gu Xi's attitude when thinking about problems becomes more rational.

Thinking about the crazy look before, Gu Xi had an idea in his mind.

 How about forgetting it like this, you can come in again anyway.

 If that doesn’t work, just wait until next time, or go back and look for other killing stones after exiting the festival.

  "Sir!"    At this time, Princess Anna grabbed Gu Xi.

 “Can you tell me your plan?”

 Gu Xi glanced at Princess Anna and was thinking about where to start when Princess Anna said something else.

“There is no need to talk about the causes and consequences, just the goals and arrangements.”

Gu Xi's reaction was also quite quick, and he immediately explained his arrangement.

 Apart from the details of the data and arrangements, he didn't say a word about anything else that had nothing to do with this goal.

 In fact, when Princess Anna stopped Gu Xi just now, Gu Xi understood what Princess Anna meant.

Princess Anna doesn’t know anything now. Only in this way can she handle some things so that she won’t be easily discovered.

 Because sometimes, for the mentally strong, when you are thinking about something in your heart, they already know it.

 Princess Anna listened carefully to what Gu Xi did.

  When she heard that Gu Xi had rented the vacant land, Princess Anna decisively interrupted Gu Xi's words.

 “Stop, you don’t need to say the next thing.”

 Gu Xi decisively closed his mouth.

“Sir, what you have done before was all handled by you alone. Your plan has actually been seen by others. It is even possible that your plan was made to think this way by others.”

Gu Xi nodded when he heard this. Baishi's eugenic attitude when renting the vacant land today made Gu Xi suspicious.

 But the vacant land was so good that Gu Xi had to comply with all the requirements in the contract.

Thinking about it now, there must be something wrong with that vacant land.

 “Those who play with the soul have a dirty heart.”

 Gu Xi couldn't help but muttered something.

Hearing what Gu Xi said, Princess Anna also laughed, "So don't go according to the original plan, don't wait for time, don't wait for weapons and materials to be prepared, and don't show up in person."

  In response to Princess Anna's warning with a smile, Gu Xi had a serious look on his face.

 He already understood the meaning of Princess Anna's words.

 The plan can be carried out, but it cannot be done by oneself, and the time cannot be determined. It cannot be said that it must wait until the time when they leave.

It seems that Princess Anna knows the strength of some level 20 experts. If they really want to take action, they can find clues even across space.

 Gu Xi has done this kind of thing before. When something happened in Victoria City, he used his own means to contact Victoria City.

 Gu Xi's mind was occupied by crazy thoughts before, so he didn't think of the strength of the level 20 master. He thought that if he did it more secretly, they wouldn't be able to find him.

Now it seems that everything I do is probably in their eyes.

 Except for the city of Aridovi.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi's forehead kept dripping with cold sweat.

 He was frightened by his previous plan to commit suicide.

However, Gu Xi is also a very strong-minded person. Although Gu Xi had some problems in handling the killing stone, he quickly calmed down and thought about some things again.

Luna and Princess Anna just stood aside and waited without urging Gu Xi.

 Until Gu Xi figured everything out on his own.

Gu Xi stood up again, with a look of excitement in his eyes

 “I know what to do next.”

 (End of this chapter)

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