Breath of the Dead

Chapter 408: The **** treasure chest brought back (160187)

Chapter 408 The **** treasure chest brought back (160187)

 In the following period, Gu Xi changed his plan.

 Even if it gets dark, he has no intention of leaving Alidovi City.

In this way, the garrison gate that Gu Xi inadvertently opened in Xueluo Cave became an important channel for external communication.

When Amilcar came back with the treasure found from Xueluo Cave, Gu Xi stopped them from returning.

 “What’s going on outside?”

Gu Xi only asked Amilcar to come back and let his troops stay in the real world in order to maintain the stationing of the garrison city gate in the real world.

“The outside is not the real world. I led my men to fight to the subway station, that’s right, to the outside of the subway station. The outside was obviously a space full of blood and twisted trees.

The water in the river was blood red, and a bird transformed from bones flew in the sky. From a distance, it seemed that a huge monster with only bones left in its body could be seen sitting against the mountain.

The treasure we were looking for was relatively far away from the monster, so we didn't get close. We just dug out the treasure and then retreated.

 This is the treasure we brought back. "

"What's the situation with the enemy? Have you found the secret hiding the treasure?"

"Yes, we found it. The weird one appeared directly after we got out of the subway station. He is a very strange kind of weird. He always seems to stimulate others to beat him, as if he wants to anger others, but his real fighting power is not actually Not strong.

Hit him, and he also worked hard to make himself bigger, giving the impression that he was there to scare others.

 Sir, this treasure is probably not fake. "

“That’s not the case, Amilcar. I’m going to give you a task now. You can stay at the garrison gate later and see if there will be any changes at Xueluo Cave Station at night.

 If it turns into a world of monsters at night, send the signal back so that I can release the heroes. "


 Amilcar accepted this task immediately.

 Gu Xi also looked at the treasure that Amilka had just found.

What was delivered was an iron box with dirt on top, but when Gu Xi touched the box, Gu Xi found that it was different from the weird treasure boxes in the outside world.

 This is a **** treasure chest that Gu Xi has never heard of.

 【You get a **** treasure chest (the **** treasure chest is a bait treasure chest. If you die in the process of searching for the treasure chest, everything will be swallowed by the treasure chest, and the treasure chest will grow due to the amount of flesh and blood swallowed)】

 Gu Xi was also a little surprised by the explanation of this **** treasure box.

 He never thought that there would be such a self-growing treasure chest.

He didn't know how long this treasure box had been buried in the ground and how many lives it had swallowed up. After brushing off the dirt on it, Gu Xi could even see that the color of the treasure box had turned dark red.

Looking at the treasure box in front of him, Gu Xi didn't think much. He lifted it up with force and opened the treasure box.

Before he could see clearly what was in the treasure box, a large number of ghosts and resentments appeared in front of him, and a voice came to Gu Xi's ear amidst the screams of ghosts.

【You are opening a **** treasure chest. This **** treasure chest has swallowed up the lives of 96 strong men. Would you like to keep it to attack higher quality treasure chests? 】

 Hearing this voice, Gu Xili didn't even pay attention.

 The 96 strong men must be the unlucky ones of the 96th.

As for waiting for a hundred people, Gu Xi didn't have that idea. He couldn't open the treasure chest but waited for upgrades. What kind of fool would have this idea.

So Gu Xi pushed the lid of the treasure box upwards decisively, but the voice in Gu Xi's ears became more and more urgent.

 “Get out of here, drive it!”

 At Gu Xi's roar, the treasure chest opened with a bang.

 A large number of items inside were mixed with dirty blood and popped out. 【You open the **** treasure chest (green). 】

  【You got 1417 **** gold coins. 】

  【You got the Defiled Crystal*13. 】

  【You got Corruption Gem*19. 】

  【You got twisted blood essence*9. 】

 【You get soldier enhancement coupon (level 8)*2】

 【You get building stone·pollution (level 3)*2】

 【You get the **** cloak design (blue, recipe)*1】

 【You get the Essence of Blood (Level 4)*197】

  【Bloody Gold Coin: A gold coin that has been soaked in dirty blood for a relatively long time. The gold coin has been stained with a large amount of dirty blood. Anyone who gets this gold coin will be subject to a strange curse. 】

  【Filted Crystal: A crystal affected by dirty blood, although it still looks like a crystal, has become uncontrollable. Some people may want to get this crystal. 】

  【Corruption Gem: A gem affected by foul blood. This gem cannot be used normally, but it is the best decoration for some corrupt creatures. 】

  【Twisted blood essence: The blood essence transformed by the twisted power can be used to strengthen weapons and equipment, and can also be used to strengthen corpses or troops. 】

  【Soldier Strengthening Voucher (Level 8): You can strengthen ten of your soldiers once, raising your soldiers from level 0 to level 8. 】

  【Building Stone·Pollution (Level 3): Contaminate a building below level 3, converting the building into blood, corruption or other negative attributes. . 】

[Blood cloak design (blue, recipe): The formula used in the blacksmith or tailor shop. When used in the blacksmith shop, it can give all soldiers an extra cloak slot. When used in the tailor shop, it can make blue quality blood. cloak. 】

  【Blood Essence (Level 4): The essence of the strong person who died in the **** treasure chest can be used to summon undead troops for your use. 】

Looking at the information in front of him, Gu Xi knew that the treasure box was sometimes dishonest. It was clear that the treasure box had swallowed up 197 people. However, he said 96 people. He was afraid that this was to strengthen the treasure box itself.

 This is also the reason why the treasure chest is not open.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi kicked the treasure box hard, and the empty box was kicked over, revealing the bottom of the box.

 Gu Xi discovered that there was a relief sculpture like a big mouth at the bottom of the box, with a large amount of blood stained on the relief.

 Gu Xi memorized the relief, and then went to deal with the harvest.

Of all the harvests this time, the biggest one is naturally the blood essence representing 197 people.

 Gu Xi understood that this thing, like the soul fragments, was used to summon his subordinates.

It’s just that the essence of blood can not only be used to summon souls, but it can also be used to recruit other types of soldiers.

And judging from the blood essence level in front of you, the starting level of the soldiers recruited here should be level 4.

 As for the **** cloak, there are two options.

 Either add a cloak slot to all the soldiers under your command, which is equivalent to giving ordinary soldiers an extra piece of equipment in addition to weapons and armor.

  No matter what attributes the cloak wears, it will definitely strengthen the soldiers.

 Either you can mass-produce blue-quality cloaks.

Gu Xi can clearly understand the attributes of blue-quality equipment.

If these cloaks existed, he would at least be able to make a fortune.

No matter what choice Gu Xi made, this design drawing was his biggest gain this time.

 (End of this chapter)

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