Breath of the Dead

Chapter 409: Players joining (please subscribe)

Chapter 409 The joining of players (please subscribe)

  【A new day begins, now settle yesterday's information:

  Bai Liancheng: 319 players, 177 died or quit, and 0 ranked players.

 Hanye City: 320 players, 320 died or quit, and 0 players on the ranking list (all players in Hanye City were wiped out).

Autumn Wind City: 320 players, 320 died or quit, and 0 players on the ranking list (all Autumn Wind City players were wiped out). 】

In the strange mirror space, Gu Xi looked at the information that popped up in front of him, and his brows furrowed involuntarily.

 The number of players in Bailian City seems to have died or quit.

 Yesterday alone, 60 people were killed.

 This is obviously unreasonable when there are no players from the other two cities to target.

 This loss is too great.

 Gu Xi had some guesses in his mind, fearing that the influence from the Killing Stone had begun to spread to the whole city.

 It seems that his actions are going to speed up.

While Gu Xi was thinking about this matter, the nearby mirrors lit up one by one.

  Players one after another walked out of the mirror, skillfully taking out last night’s harvest and setting up stalls nearby.

However, before they could finish the matter at hand, they looked up and saw Gu Xi waiting aside. Several players greeted Gu Xi, and several players who were familiar with Gu Xi came forward to ask.

“Brother Gu, why are you here? Did you get anything good yesterday?”

“Brother Gu brought out all good things. Please don’t grab them from me later.”

 “No, I came first.”

Looking at the excitement of the players, Gu Xi also had a smile on his face.

 Last night he didn't go anywhere, he just stayed in the city of Aridovi to avoid the influence of the outside world.

 But his men went out.

The garrison gate of Xueluo Cave is connected to a normal subway station at night. After exiting, you will find a street where monsters are rampant.

 After discovering this situation, Gu Xi sent all five heroes out quite simply.

 Let them attack on their own.

 After a night of fierce fighting, they brought back a large amount of supplies and corpses to Gu Xi.

However, because there was no Gu Xi command and no clear goal, the things obtained were only the most basic materials. It was not like the night before, when a lot of land was laid and enough land deeds and architectural design drawings were obtained. .

 For these supplies, Gu Xi gave priority to replenishing the resources that were missing due to the existence of Princess Anna.

 All the rest were sent here.

Looking at the things that the players brought out for trade, Gu Xi was a little unsure whether the things he brought out were attractive to the players.

 The players knew what Gu Xi was thinking. When they saw Gu Xi here, they quickly called their friends and contacted the players who couldn't come.

 In just about ten minutes, the remaining 140 or so players reached 80%.

 Seeing that the number of players exceeded a hundred, Gu Xi stood a little taller and fired a magic arrow into the sky, attracting the attention of the players.

“Everyone is looking at me, and I believe you are also wondering why I am here, right? It’s like this. I have a few tasks on hand, and I want to ask my brothers if there are any that I can take on.

 As long as there is someone willing to take on the task, I can offer a reward. "

 Listening to Gu Xi's words, all the players at the scene were a little stunned. They thought Gu Xi was here to sell good things.

I didn’t expect that Gu Xi would be alive here.

 At this time, the left tooth opens first. "Brother Gu, you are too polite. If you have any tasks, just tell me directly. As long as we can do it, we will definitely help. Don't say whether to reward or not."

At this time, Gu Xi smiled instead, "This task is not big, but it is troublesome. Some tasks require the use of strange powers. I know that some strange things have actually fallen into the hands of brothers.

  Robbing weirdos from you will destroy the friendship between brothers.

 That's why I wanted to ask if anyone is willing to do this.

 There are actually not many tasks. If you are willing, you can come and take a look. "

As Gu Xi spoke, he took out a piece of white paper and pasted it on the wooden board behind him.

After posting it, Gu Xi gave up a position, and the players crowded in.

They found that the task here was not difficult as Gu Xi said, it was just to negotiate with Yiwei.

Without weirdness, it would be very difficult to rely on players.

The first task in this task is to hope that it will rain in the whole city for seven days.

Ordinary players might not be able to accomplish this kind of task, but the players in front of them were impressed.

"This is a trap from heaven. I can do this task. I know the Rain Girl. With her, it won't rain for seven days, even for a month."

“What does the rain girl mean? I am in contact with the cow ghost. As long as I succeed in contacting you, it will cause a typhoon and heavy rain. I won’t believe it. The amount of rain will not be enough.”

"I can too…"

As more and more players joined, Gu Xi found that many tasks that he thought were difficult had been taken over by others.

 You must know that most of these tasks are ones that Gu Xi considers impossible or that he wants to confuse the players' attention.

 But these players can use their brains to find ways to deal with no matter how difficult the task is.

 Looking at this situation, Gu Xi was also quite happy, and he said directly to the players.

"Everyone is busy with my mission, so I naturally have to give you benefits. In this way, my place is open to the public all day these days. If you want to go somewhere through the mirror, you can go directly from me. I don't charge any fees. Tolls."

 Hearing Gu Xi’s words, all the players burst into laughter.

Of course they saw the benefits of the weird mirror space, but this was Gu Xi's death city, and they didn't dare to imagine it.

 But now that Gu Xi has lent the passage, they will naturally not let go of such an opportunity.

They all thought about whether they could take advantage of the opportunity to get more benefits.

As for Gu Xi’s mission, it was something they randomly found a weirdo to do.

 There is no need to go there in person.

These players quickly ran away in the mirror.

Looking at them like this, Gu Xi also laughed.

 The last flaw has been repaired, and everything that follows will be left to luck.

Putting the task in place, Gu Xi turned around and headed towards the temporary camp.

 At this time, the big weirdos killed by Luna have begun to resurrect one by one. Because the death rules have not been taken away by Gu Xi, the rebirth process of several big weirdos will be faster than that of ordinary weirdos.

The person Gu Xi wanted to meet this time was one of them. He was a man wrapped in bandages and looked weird like a mummy.

However, he is the most courageous one in Mirror Image Weird, and the frontal assassination refers to this guy.

 (End of this chapter)

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