Breath of the Dead

Chapter 410: The weird thing about wanting to die (please subscribe)

Chapter 410 The weird thing about wanting to die (please subscribe)

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"you will die!"

Looking at this big weird thing, Gu Xi opened his mouth and said something.

"It's normal. I don't know how many times I have died before. Life and death are meaningless to me."

"No, you may really die this time. No one will save you, and no one will care about you, so before accepting the mission, leave a seed that has nothing to do with you."

 Hearing this, the big weirdo laughed instead.

 “Is it really possible to die, a clean death?”


Gu Xi was quite sure, because after this great weirdo made his move, he was given up.

"Okay, that's great. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. You want someone to guard this Jingtong place, right? I know what you mean. After I die, you bury this piece of cloth in Jingtong." In the field, a new Hanged Man will naturally come out to help you in ten days."

As Da Weigui said this, he tore off a bandage from his body and handed it to Gu Xi's hand.

 “The Hanged Man?”

"Yes, don't you know my name? Yes, I have died so many times and I have never introduced myself. Now let me introduce myself. My name is The Hanged Man. I can move freely anywhere where light can be reflected. ”

The Hanged Man spoke openly and openly. His cheerful attitude made Gu Xi have a good impression of him.

 Gu Xi almost didn’t want to give up on the Hanged Man.

It’s just that the Hanged Man didn’t think so. He told Gu Xi about his suffering there.

 He ​​was not weird originally, he just gained weird power and started to move through the mirror image.

 But as his power grew stronger, he grew tired of such a life.

 Every day he can only move in the mirror. If there are many mirrors nearby, his thinking will become very thin, which feels quite uncomfortable.

 The reason why he is wrapped in bandages is because his body has disintegrated into disarray.

If it weren’t for him being a great weirdo and not having a key node, he might have turned into sand.

  But it was precisely because of this key node that he could not rest.

The reason why this node is called the Mirror Pupil is because wherever visible light is reflected, it will be affected.

 Now he just wants to have a good rest and no longer participate in this matter.

 So Gu Xi said that he would die, and he was quite happy.

 After communicating with the Hanged Man for a moment, Gu Xi told the Hanged Man his final mission.

 He needs to take something out of the rain on a certain day and deliver it to an address.

That place is a small building, and the room is completely covered with mirrors. The Hanged Man only needs to deliver the things he took away to the room.

As for the fact that he will die, Gu Xi said with certainty.

“When you take that thing away, you will die and this place will no longer accept you back.”

"that's enough."

 The Hanged Man smiled happily.

Seeing that the Hanged Man was willing to do this, Gu Xi didn't stay any longer. He learned this from Princess Anna.

 Nothing is certain, not sure when, not sure where, not sure how.

Only in this way can he leave safely without being caught by the tail.

In addition, neither the house Gu Xi bought nor the land he rented can be used.

 After Gu Xi grabbed something, he had to leave immediately. He would never come back here again.

 Leave an anchor point so that you can come in again next time.     That was a dream. If a level 20 boss had half of his body blown up, he would not chase him and fight him.

If Gu Xi dares to leave any anchor point, this boss will dare to follow the weird mirror space and come to Alidovi City.

But you must get the things you need to pay attention to.

 For this purpose, Gu Xi, Princess Anna, Luna and the others thought of many ways.

 In the end it was Princess Anna who made the decision.

 Go to the core of the mirror underground palace.

 The strength of the prince there exceeds level 20. Princess Anna knows the way, and she can guarantee that she will reach the prince.

Luna will also go there with her this time, and she will bring the arranged mirror anchor point with her.

 When they got the things, they quickly ran back, and as for the mirror anchor point, they dropped it directly in front of the great king.

As for whether the Maharaja can defeat the White-clothed Guanyin of Heaven, Princess Anna can guarantee this.

The British royal family has studied the Maharaja for countless generations, and they know all about the Maharaja's strength and various shortcomings.

 It is unrealistic to say that they can kill the king.

 But if they can use the Maharaja, it is a simple matter.

As for how to use it, Princess Anna didn't want to say, and Gu Xi didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, early this morning, Princess Anna had already left Alidovi City with Luna.

 They didn’t bring anyone with them.

 In Princess Anna’s words, the road she knows does not require too many people to protect her, and on this road, there are the most loyal paladins waiting for her.

Gu Xi knew that this was talking about the paladins who had troubled the king in the past and finally came back protecting the body of Princess Anna.

But the Necromancer cannot bring the Death Knight.

Even Princess Anna couldn't solve this problem. For this reason, the original Flower of the North, Sveltana, had to study the training methods of other knights.

 Princess Anna has no reason not to know this.

 But she traveled like this.

This left Gu Xi a little speechless. In the end, based on the tacit understanding between him and the contracted undead, he chose to believe in Princess Anna.

 In the following time, Gu Xi has been moving in the strange mirror space. Whenever a player says that he has completed a task, he will always open the mirror immediately to check the situation outside and confirm the completion of these tasks.

Rewards are delivered based on the completion of these tasks.

At the same time, he will put a check mark behind these tasks to indicate that these tasks have been completed.

 As time passed by, and when it was almost dark, half of the task here was completed.

 When it gets dark, the speed at which players complete tasks will slow down.

 They have not forgotten their identity. Night is the home of the Necromancer, and they have to kill monsters and **** more resources.

 So they will not help Gu Xi complete the task at night.

These players still have their own things to do.

However, they finally knew who they relied on to do things so smoothly during the day.

  While leaving, they still said hello to Gu Xi.

 After the players were almost gone, Wang Baogen walked up to Gu Xi.

 “Brother, Brother Xia…”

"I'll handle his affairs. If it's not yours, don't ask or interfere, okay?"

 (End of this chapter)

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