Breath of the Dead

Chapter 411: Before the decisive battle (161187)

Chapter 411 Before the decisive battle (161187)

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Wang Baogen glanced at Gu Xi, summoned up his last courage, and said seriously: "Brother, you must help Brother Xia."

“I know, don’t say anything more, I’m here.”

 After arranging Wang Baogen out, Gu Xi's face darkened.

 He could see that what Wang Baogen said was not what he wanted to say.

 Because when he saw himself, his eyes obviously paused.

 At the same time, Gu Xi also knew very well that except for him, no one else knew how Xia Yi died.

 At least Wang Baogen was not at the scene, so he would not know whose hands Xia Yi died.

He ran over to urge himself now, fearing that Shashou Shi would find that Gu Xi had not shown up and had not made any preparations.

 Or maybe the killing stone knew Gu Xi's preparations from other players, but didn't know what Gu Xi was going to do.

Now if you want to lure Gu Xi out, you must at least let Gu Xi leave his city of Alidovi.

The situation in front of him reminded Gu Xi that Shashengshi was already in a hurry, which meant that he didn't have much time.

 The more this happens, the less Gu Xi will go out.

He didn't even plan to stay in the weird mirror space, nor did he plan to stare at the situation outside.

 Currently, Gu Xi’s main focus is on randomness.

 Arrange according to the circumstances, and finally take action according to the circumstances.

Even Gu Xi himself didn’t know when he planned to take action.

 At the same time, Gu Xi was also ready to withdraw from the festival in advance.

Of course he knew that leaving the Bailian Festival early this time would mean giving up all the rewards.

 But compared with your own safety, leaving early is nothing.

As all the players in the weird mirror space evacuated, Gu Xi followed the method left by Luna and closed the external contact with the weird mirror space before returning to Alidovi City.

  When entering Alidovi City, Gu Xi noticed that after just one day, Alidovi City had undergone some changes, and there were some more ghosts and ghosts wearing Japanese clothes on the streets.

 They were walking on the street with puzzled faces, as if they didn’t know where they were.

The undead people who stayed in the city of Aridovi ignored these. As long as these ghosts and ghosts did not destroy everything on the streets of Aridovi, they pretended not to have seen them.

 So these ghosts and ghosts wandered back and forth on the streets, not knowing what they were going to do.

Looking at them like this, Gu Xi had a thought in his mind, whether he should arrange for someone to take charge of the residents in the city.

Now in the city of Aridovi, there are no longer only undead troops stationed there, but also residents, and the number of these residents will become more and more. If they are not organized, the city will become more and more chaotic.

  Instead, if these ghosts and ghosts are organized, they can do a lot more.

 You can even send it to a nearby blacksmith shop to work, or to a mine to dig.

 This can somewhat increase the construction speed of Alidovi City. With this thought, Gu Xi took advantage of the night to walk around the city of Aridovi.

  He found that there were not a few such ghosts and ghosts in other urban areas.

The most numerous ones are actually in the Magic Plant Area. Those ghosts and ghosts have been surrounding the blood maple tree in the Magic Plant Area, or by the evil wood lake. It can be seen how powerful these two places are for these ghosts and ghosts. Appeal.

 Gu Xi did not stop this matter.

He knew that Aridovi City could not rely solely on his own undead troops. The residents in the city were the foundation of a city.

 Just when Gu Xi was about to leave, he suddenly discovered a situation.

These ghosts and ghosts just move back and forth between Blood Maple and Evil Wood Lake, and slowly the number of ghosts and ghosts will increase.

 This situation is not quite right.

Gu Xi quickly followed them and walked twice.

Then Gu Xi discovered something. Whenever they walked from under the largest blood maple tree to the edge of the evil wood lake, the [Six Paths of Reincarnation Base] placed on the edge of the evil wood lake would light up slightly.

 Subsequently, some new ghosts joined the team, and Gu Xi didn't find out where they came from, but it was obvious that these newly added ghosts and ghosts were no longer Japanese style.

 Slowly some British style began to appear among them.

This somewhat surprised Gu Xi.

  He couldn't help but look at the Blood Maple and the [Six Paths of Reincarnation Base]. Could it be that this is the key to the transformation of ghosts and ghosts.

  Gu Xi wrote this down and planned to ask Luna when she came back to see if the ghosts and ghosts here had any direct connection with Victoria City.

At this time, Princess Luna and Princess Anna did not know what Gu Xi was thinking. They followed the route pointed by Princess Anna and kept moving forward in the mist.

 Behind Princess Anna, several undead transformed by paladins have followed.

There is no need to explain it to Gu Xi, Princess Anna herself knows that a necromancer cannot bring a death knight, even if she has become a lich.

The paladins following her had all been transformed into the lowest level of ghouls, but they were still wearing their original gold or silver armor. Even though their bodies were distorted out of shape, the armor was still on. Lose.

At the same time, the weapons in their hands have also been integrated into their hands, becoming one with their arms. Some of them are holding long swords, and some are holding battle axes.

 Due to the movements of the ghouls, their arms almost dropped to the ground. These weapons naturally dragged on the ground and made a friction sound when they moved forward.

This kind of existence that looks like a ghoul, but is obviously stronger, makes Luna feel quite speechless.

She can completely see that Princess Anna is not only capable of summoning ghouls, but as long as she summons ghouls, the level and combat level of the ghouls she summons will exceed the level of normal spiritualism.

The ghouls in front of me are all at level 8 super step. They don't look like ghouls at all. If they say they are death knights, others will only consider whether they are missing a horse.

 The most important thing is that as long as these ghouls close their mouths, their faces are still relatively normal.

  Looking at it, the handsome faces of these knights really match up. The skin on their bodies is not like other undead. It is a bit rotten here and missing a piece there. This is much better than the high-level undead of death knights.

Princess Anna seems to have a way of finding the corpses of the Paladins. She can accurately find the corpses of each Paladin and transform them into ghouls.

By following the route where the Paladin fell, you can easily find the correct route.

 So in the mist, they easily arrived at the place where Princess Anna died in the battle.

 (End of this chapter)

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