Breath of the Dead

Chapter 412: Westminster Abbey hanging upside down (162187)

Chapter 412 The Hanging Westminster Abbey (162187)

Looking at the scene in front of her, Luna was shocked on the spot even though she was well-informed.

In front of you is a Westminster Abbey hanging upside down in the sky. The top of the church is facing a not-so-high apple tree. Under the apple tree, half lying and half sitting, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man sits. .

 When you look at him from a distance, you will feel that this middle-aged man is no different from a normal person.

 But if he appears in this kind of place, as long as he has a normal mind, he will not be regarded as a normal person.

After seeing the middle-aged man from a distance, Princess Anna held Luna back, and no one allowed her to go forward.

"We can only go so far. We can't go any further. If we go further, we will be discovered."

 “Who is the level 20 legend?”

 Luna immediately understood the situation in front of her.

"Well, it's okay. He is a legend in Britain. As long as we don't go to support the monarch, he will not care about us."

Princess Anna explained the situation here.

When a major incident occurred in Westminster Abbey, the three level 20 legends located in Westminster Abbey immediately took action to prevent the other party from controlling Westminster Abbey.

But this time the followers of the Maharaja were fully prepared and had already planned how to deal with the three level 20 legends in Westminster Abbey.

They arranged five beings of the same level 20, preparing to kill the three legendary beings who suppressed Westminster Abbey with more and less.

Their battlefield is the void above Victoria City, and the huge treacherous apple tree at Westminster Abbey below is the support of their power.

In their plan, as long as they capture Westminster Abbey, they can use Westminster Abbey's influence on the British royal family to tear open the door to the mirror world and let the Lord of the Void walk out. .

But they still underestimated the three level 20s sleeping in Westminster Abbey. They are the real kings of Britain.

 They are not like the subordinates of the great king. They are all strengthened and promoted by the great king.

 Their strength was gained through real combat.

Let alone three versus five, even if it is one versus five, as long as you give them enough time, they will have a good chance of winning.

So the final result of the battle was that all five level 20 cultists were wiped out. At the last moment, they planned to use their own bodies as bait to cause the mirror image of Westminster Abbey to fall from the sky and hit Victoria City.

As a result, he was pushed back by the man under the apple tree.

Now the remaining bodies of the five level 20 people are merging into a huge monster in the upside-down Westminster Abbey, preparing to rush away from the person below who is holding up Westminster Abbey, and rush into Victoria City again. .

“That’s not right. When I saw you being rescued, the situation was not like this. I said you were resurrected three times and died three times in battle.”

“Do you think battles above level 20 are simple battles?

This battle lasted for fifteen days. During these fifteen days, I fought beside my great-aunt. My great-aunt's troops killed at least one hundred thousand people.

 In the end, she was resurrected while commanding the troops in battle.

 It's good that I only died three times. At least my great-aunt didn't use corpse explosions on my corpse for my sake.

But I also let myself be dragged away by those weird guys in the end. I remember that I ended up hanging in that corner.

 If it weren’t for them, I might still be hanging around making sausages. "

 Princess Anna pointed to a certain location in the sky.

Luna looked over there and saw batches of corpses hanging on the roofs and trees.

When these corpses are blown by the wind, they really look like sausages hanging from the roof.

“Then we are coming here to lure the enemy here?”

Luna asked worriedly.   Had she known what was happening before her, she would not have come with Princess Anna.

At this time, Princess Anna pointed to the side, "We have to go up from there. You must be careful. The one just now was the Guardian of Britain. He was preventing the mirror image of Westminster Abbey from leaving, so we As long as he doesn't get past, he won't take the initiative to attack.

 But the territory above is the Maharaja’s territory. At that time, every step we take, we will encounter a full-scale attack from the Maharaja. "

 “Don’t worry, I’m invincible in the mirror.”

 Luna said confidently.

  After this battle in the strange mirror space, Luna has an absurd number of mirror-related skills. As she said, in the mirror, she is invincible.

“Well, I’ll show you the way later, and then you’ll have to deal with it.”

 Princess Anna looked at Luna, and finally chose to believe her.

“Okay, tell me where you are, and then stand in front of me.”

Princess Anna pointed to a certain location in Westminster Abbey and said: "You saw the small building behind the main building of the church. That is the mourning room. All the five dead level 20s were sent there.

Just go to the door over there, and be sure not to open the door. You only have one chance to open the door. "

“Is there a corpse inside?”

Luna looked like you were joking.

 But Princess Anna doesn’t see it that way.

She said to Luna seriously: "Except for the battle this time, I fought inside Westminster Abbey at the beginning, and then I entered the sky to participate in the battle.

 But I can say clearly that among the five level 20 people in the cult, three of them were affected by the spirit of the Maharaja, or were injected with the Maharaja's flesh and blood, and their strength increased to level 20 in a strange way.

 The remaining two are simply transformed into the flesh and blood of the Maharaja, and are part of the Maharaja's body.

 We are here now, because we are too weak, so the king will not notice us.

 But look at that. "

 Princess Anna pointed towards the sky.

At the top of Westminster Abbey, there seems to be an eye that is slightly open.

 “That’s...the Maharaja?”

“No, at least I haven’t seen the Great Lord, but the power of those eyes has exceeded our imagination, and that’s enough.”

 “Yeah, that’s enough.”

 Luna understood what Princess Anna was thinking.

As long as it can attract masters beyond level 20 and block the pursuit of the Dao Guanyin in white clothes, this is enough.

 “I’ll take care of it.”

"Okay, then you wait here, I will go back first. On the way back, I will leave my ghouls behind. When you go back, be sure not to use your mirror ability, and don't use the mirror directly. Go back to the city directly.”

Princess Anna said seriously.

 Luna also understood the meaning of Princess Anna's words, and she said with certainty: "I will!"

 (End of this chapter)

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