Breath of the Dead

Chapter 413: The last farewell (please subscribe)

 Chapter 413 The final farewell (please subscribe)

  【A new day begins, now settle yesterday's information:

  Bai Liancheng: 319 players, 183 died or quit, and 0 ranked players.

 Hanye City: 320 players, 320 died or quit, and 0 players on the ranking list (all players in Hanye City were wiped out).

Autumn Wind City: 320 players, 320 died or quit, and 0 players on the ranking list (all Autumn Wind City players were wiped out). 】

Looking at the message that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi sat up from the table in the tavern. Next to him was the corpse succubus holding a book. Last night, Gu Xi did not leave Alidovi City even a step.

He spent the first half of the night reading and studying in the library. After all, new derivative skills were being researched, and Gu Xi happened to be there to replenish his spell bar.

In the second half of the night, Gu Xi drank and read in the tavern to relax. After all, he was studying in the magic tower, and he almost became obsessed again.

This time, Gu Xi finally didn't have to read those fairy tale books that he had read countless times.

And the corpse succubus, who has always been looking for a companion, also learned a lot of useful new knowledge from the book.

But there was one disadvantage in the tavern. There was no accommodation service here, so Gu Xi could only sleep on the tabletop for the night. The hard tabletop gave him some back pain from sleeping on it.

 After asking the White Bone Wine Lady to bring some water to wash her face, Gu Xi turned to look at the Blood Oiran beside him.

 “What’s the news today?”

Now Gu Xi is familiar with the situation of the Bone Wine Lady and the Blood Courtesan.

The Bone Wine Lady needs to arrange the direction of the information. For example, if you want to know the information about so and so, you can check it out.

The Bone Wine Lady will then be able to obtain the corresponding information. Of course, there will always be some incompleteness in this information.

The Blood Courtesan is different. She will have a small piece of news every day. As for where the news comes from and what the news is, it is not clear.

You can get some news by asking the Blood Oiran every day. This is just a matter of one sentence, and Gu Xi will naturally not fail to do it.

"I heard that some demons have united in the past two nights. It has become impossible to deal with the demons as easily as before."

Hearing what the Blood Oiran said, Gu Xi just said "Oh."

 He has no intention of leaving the city to fight anymore. Even if there is chaos outside, it has nothing to do with Gu Xi.

 At this moment, the Blood Oiran said something again.

"Your friend seems to be targeted by a demon. He will be attacked by a demon tonight and may die."

 “I have so many friends…”

 Gu Xi said something and then reacted.

 “Are you talking about Wang Baogen?”

 The Blood Oiran shrugged and did not answer Gu Xi's question.

 But just from the actions of the Blood Oiran, Gu Xi could tell what was going on here.

At the same time, he also understood that the reason why Wang Baogen was targeted was because he failed to persuade him to leave the city.

"It seems they are getting more and more anxious. Time is in our hands now. I can act whenever I want. As for Wang Baogen, I will tell him this."

When Gu Xi understood certain situations, he stood up decisively. He also wanted to go to the weird mirror space to see how the tasks he needed were progressing.

In the strange mirror space, players who had experienced a night of fighting also gathered together early, where they communicated about the monsters they encountered, and traded newly acquired supplies and useless equipment.

At this time, Gu Xi's old 'friend' Wang Baogen was sitting in the corner, with a sullen face and a few inconspicuous things placed casually in front of him.

"What's going on? You look upset." Hearing the voice, Wang Baogen looked up and found Gu Xizheng looking at him with a smile on his face.

 “Brother, they said Brother Xia’s death…”

Gu Xi interrupted Wang Baogen directly, "I said, I will handle this matter. You just stay in my city tonight and don't go out. I heard the news that someone wants to ambush you. ”

 “Who? Ambush me? I don’t believe it.”

Wang Baogen looked unbelieving.

Gu Xi did not persuade him. He had already said everything and provided Wang Baogen with a safe place to hide. If he persisted and killed himself, Gu Xi would not be able to do anything for him. .

The most you can do is record his death on the head of the killing stone. When you take action, smash it a few more times to avenge Wang Baogen.

As for whether Wang Baogen survived in the end, Gu Xizhen couldn't care that much.

 He is just a friend he has met a few times, not his father.

But this Wang Baogen looks a little silly, but he is actually a smart man. If he were not smart, he would not rush to level 4 in a short time. If he was not smart, he would not work hard to specialize his troops.

Seeing Gu Xi's attitude, Wang Baogen reacted immediately.

“Brother, what you said is true. Who wants to harm me?”

“Think about it, who told you about Xia Yi’s death?”

 “I heard it from the system message.”

Wang Baogen said without knowing why.

"Then why do you think Xia Yi was killed?"

As soon as this question was asked, Wang Baogen's face became quite ugly.

 There are some things that have not been awakened, and you may not find anything, but after being awakened, the situation will be different.

Wang Baogen clearly felt as if he was being plotted against.

“Brother, I seem to be hypnotized, right? Brother, what should I do? Is there a hypnotist who can help me unhypnotize me?”

“It’s okay, just avoid tonight. Your situation is not serious, but it’s me who is serious. I don’t dare to go out now unless you see me.”

 Gu Xi was still in the mood to joke around with Wang Baogen.

When Wang Baogen heard this, he said decisively: "Brother, I will go out to prepare now and take care of everything. When it gets dark, I will hide in. Even if you beat me to death, I will not go out again. Tonight Come on, brother, my life depends on you."

 “Go, be careful yourself, I can keep you safe as long as you are in my city of death.”

 Gu Xi glanced at Wang Baogen and made such a guarantee.

Wang Baogen was very happy after receiving the guarantee. He grinned widely, and his big white teeth seemed to have been waxed.

It's just that Gu Xi never expected that Wang Baogen would never come back this time.

It wasn’t until night when Gu Xi heard the news that Wang Baogen had died in battle that Gu Xi realized that when the person being targeted left Alidovi City, everything was no longer under his control.

 That night, the demon seemed to be going crazy.

The number of players who died at the hands of demons reached nearly seventy. In the end, there were only sixty-six necromancers who survived that night, including Gu Xi, who had been staying in Alidovi City.

 (End of this chapter)

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