Breath of the Dead

Chapter 414: Players who retreated early (please subscribe)

Chapter 414 Players who retreated early (please subscribe)

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“The situation is very wrong. Even if it is the last day of the Bailian Festival, the level of attack cannot be so terrifying.”

 Early on the seventh day, Zuo Ya found Gu Xi.

He said with a serious face: "I'm afraid that I won't be able to survive the last night. I want to ask, can we spend this last day hiding in your city of death?

 If it doesn’t work, then I will withdraw. I can’t take my brothers and wait for death here. "

Facing Zuo Ya's question, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally said with some uncertainty: "I'm not sure whether my city will be discovered by them."

 “What does not sure mean?”

Zuo Ya glared at Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi didn’t answer. He couldn’t say that there was no way for the other party to come in now, but he couldn’t guarantee that his Alidovi could still withstand it after he did something big.

If he was really discovered, his choice would definitely be to give up on his own initiative and withdraw from this Bailian Festival.

Looking at Gu Xi's helpless look, Zuo Ya also understood that Gu Xi couldn't guarantee anything.

 He made the decision decisively.

Give up this Bailian Festival and just take people back. As for other players who want to wait here for the final outcome, that is their own choice. If they come out alive, Zuo Ya and they will not be jealous, and Zuo Ya will not be jealous if they die. Feel sorry for them.

But when leaving, Zuo Ya still glanced at Gu Xi.

"If you are not sure that you can save everyone, just tell them directly and don't give them any hope."

“I’ll make it clear, but a lot of people get lucky and think they can find a hiding place, only to find out they can’t escape.”

Gu Xi understood that Zuo Ya was trying to wake him up, so he also said something.

Zuo Ya understood the meaning of Gu Xi's words as soon as he heard it, and he nodded to Gu Xi.

At this moment, Gu Xi added another sentence.

"If you go out now, I'm afraid you won't be able to exit this big festival. If you are willing to believe me, just leave my city."

Zuo Ya was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Gu Xi to make such a suggestion.

He was about to refuse, but Gu Xi said: "Yesterday during the day, a friend of mine realized that something was wrong, so I asked him to hide in my city overnight.

He promised me that he would go out and take care of things during the day and would be back before dark.


There is no need to worry about what happened next. Zuo Ya understood as soon as he heard this that the situation outside had changed.

 It is not safe even during the day.

As for whether Gu Xi’s words can be trusted, Zuo Ya doesn’t think Gu Xi needs to lie to him.

So he walked among the players and called not only the players from the Skeleton Ichthyosaurus Guild, but also several players he was familiar with.

They discussed it in front of Gu Xi.

 After a while, they made a decision. They were going to leave anyway, so which way to go was not to go.

 What if I can’t go out now?

As for whether Gu Xi deceived them, who cares? Anyway, they didn't have points ranking this time, and they had already gotten the good things they should get.

 As long as they can save their lives, they will naturally be rewarded when they return to the guild.

 Those who die here are really gone.

So after more than a dozen of them discussed it, they chose to evacuate in front of everyone.

  【Bai Liancheng Zuo Ya, exit this world! 】

  【Little friend Bailiancheng, exit this world! 】   【Bai Liancheng...】

As players passed out one after another, nearby players who were trading also noticed the situation here.

The players who have survived to this day are all regarded as elites, and they all know the situation outside. The current situation outside is quite unfavorable to them.

Zuo Ya and the others left like this, which further proves that Zuo Ya and the others have no confidence that they can survive in such a situation.

 As a result, some timid players, or players who had already earned enough, made the same choice and began to withdraw from the world.

However, there are those who are willing to quit early, and there are also those who are stubborn.

 They thought that they had survived until the last day, so what if they found a place to hide? Could the world be destroyed?

As long as they can survive tonight, they will be considered as players who have completed the grand ceremony.

Even other guilds have to admit that they are stronger than the people sent by their guilds in some aspects.

 So even for such a reputation, they have to stay.

 Besides, they don’t think they can pass this level.

 I didn’t see Gu Xi even staying, which shows that Gu Xi is sure to survive in such an environment.

 Besides, if that doesn't work, just hide in Gu Xi's city. Gu Xi can still care about himself.

They really thought it was wrong, Gu Xi really didn’t care this time.

  He was previously open to the public in order to ask players to help him complete some tasks that were inconvenient for him to do.

 In the past two days, Gu Xi had opened up the authority to enter and exit the strange mirror space. It was true, but it did not mean that Gu Xi would guarantee that these people would survive.

 At that time, Gu Xi ran away by himself, and he couldn't even enter the weird mirror space again.

So when more than 40 players left scatteredly, Gu Xi walked up to these dozen players.

 He took a look at these players first.

 Most of the stubborn players who remain are from small guilds.

 As long as the players in the big guild have a leader, they can just leave immediately.

 When they saw Gu Xi coming, they were quite polite. One of them even said: "Mr. Gu, you are here."

"Guys, it's like this. I will definitely leave during the day today. When I leave, my death city will definitely not be able to keep you. I don't know that when I leave, without the protection of the death city, I will throw you away. Where to go.

 So I will only open this place to the public for two hours today. After two hours, the Death City will automatically close. Please forgive me. "

Hearing Gu Xi's words, the expressions of these people changed.

The reason why they stayed was entirely because they thought Gu Xi was quite safe, and they could hide there until the end of the festival.

 If Gu Xi ignores them, then they have no confidence.

At this time, one of the players stood up and said: "Mr. Gu, can't you keep this city?"

Gu Xi glanced at him and almost laughed out of anger.

“What do you think, where are the cities of death and the three magical skills of the undead? If I told you to put them here, I would put them here. Do I owe you anything?”

 After being scolded by Gu Xi, these players finally realized that Gu Xi really didn't owe them anything.

So several players looked at each other, and four or five people also chose to leave early.

However, there are about ten more hard-headed people among them. They think that it is the last day and they can find a place to survive.

So they glanced at Gu Xi and left without looking back.

I don’t know what they were thinking. I really thought Gu Xihui was afraid of them.

 (End of this chapter)

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