Breath of the Dead

Chapter 415: Plan starts (163187)

  Chapter 415 plan begins (163187)

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 After driving all the players away, Gu Xi came to the Hanged Man.

At this time, the hanging man who was sitting on a mirror showed a smile on his face when he saw Gu Xi.

 “Are we going to start?”

“Not yet, but I need to close the weird mirror space in front of me.”

 “You want me to leave early.”

The Hanged Man said nonchalantly, "No problem, I can still exist in the outside world."

"No, I have a mirror left by Luna here. All you need to do is enter this mirror and I will send you to where you want to go."

The Hanged Man glanced at Gu Xi. In fact, Gu Xi didn't want to do this, but he couldn't tell the Hanged Man all the plans and time.

 At the same time, he couldn't let the Hanged Man out at this time.

Who knows if the Hanged Man will run away if he goes out at this time.

 He could only put away the Hanged Man in this way.

The Hanged Man didn't care about this. He was about to die anyway. No, it was weird that he was about to die. He was just waiting there.

So Gu Xi took the Hanged Man with him, closed the strange mirror space, and returned to Alidovi City.

From now on, unless Luna returns, no one can open the strange mirror space in front of them.

 According to Gu Xi's plan, Luna is staying near the king, waiting to shirk the blame.

 When she comes back, either Gu Xi's matter will be finished, or Gu Xi will be completely finished. There will be no third possibility.

 After closing the strange mirror space, the reaction from the side of Alidovi City was the most obvious. Gu Xi could feel that the mirror barrier that originally enveloped Alidovi City also disappeared at the same time.

  It can be said that there is no connection between Aridovi City and the strange mirror space.

 After completing all this, Gu Xi came to the vicinity of the magic plant area.

Anderson left the blacksmith shop for the first time and led his men to transport something like a truck to the vicinity of the magic plant area.

“Sir, this is what you want, how do you plan to transport it away?”

This truck just looks like a truck, not a real truck. Instead, it is a disguised catapult, and everything on the truck has been adjusted.

“You don’t need to transport it away, just leave it at the city gate and I will take care of the rest.”

At this moment, Princess Anna’s voice sounded from the other end of the magic plant area.

Princess Anna, who kept rushing on the road, finally came back within the stipulated time.

When she saw Gu Xi, Princess Anna just nodded. There was no communication between the two parties. Just the exchange of eyes made Gu Xi understand that the matter was done.

 “Find a safe place and take care of yourself.”

After seeing Princess Anna, Gu Xi immediately ordered his men to bring up two mirrors that were much larger than a full-length mirror.

This full mirror was also made before Luna left. It is a double-sided mirror cut out separately.

These two mirrors are all transformed by Luna's ability, can only last for a period of time, and have nothing to do with Alidovi City.

Princess Anna reached forward and shook her hand, then raised a mirror, raised her head and prepared to walk out.

 At this moment, Gu Xi stopped Princess Anna.

"If something goes wrong with the mirror, forget it. It doesn't matter if you don't want the things here. Come back alive."

 Princess Anna had a smile in her eyes.

"Don't worry, sir. I'm not a stubborn person." Gu Xi nodded and said nothing more. Grand Duke Anna said and walked out of the garrison city gate carrying a huge full-length mirror.

 After two days and two nights of fighting, Gu Xi's heroes have figured out the situation in the Xueluo Cave outside the gate of the garrison city.

  Except for the huge corpse that was not close, they had searched in all other places.

 At the same time, they also found a way to get to the real world through the Xueluo Ku subway station.

After knowing this method, Gu Xi asked Robbie to guard there in order to open up this passage.

 And now the preparations made by Gu Xi will be put to use.

 Princess Anna walked out like a woman, holding up her full-length mirror.

 When Princess Anna stepped out of the gate of the garrison city, Gu Xi quickly issued an order to withdraw all troops outside.

Time is really running out now. Gu Xi needs to close the garrison gate and cut off Alidovi's last connection with the outside world.

Although the enemy cannot find Aridovi City for the time being, who knows the final situation.

This time Gu Xi has received enough. If the obsession in his heart hadn't been suppressing him, Gu Xi might have left two days ago.

Now is the final blow. Anyway, Gu Xi's arrangements have been laid out. Whether it succeeds or not depends on luck.

As all the heroes, bosses and undead troops returned to their ranks, Gu Xi also terminated the external communication of the garrison gate.

 After that, Gu Xi sat in front of the full-length mirror, waiting for news from Princess Anna.

While he was waiting for a while, a voice suddenly came to his ears.

 【The Comprehensive Weird Realm Well Dragon King has been dead for three days, and you get the kill reward (weird treasure chest and achievement)】

  【You get a strange treasure chest (green). 】

  【You get achievement: slaying the dragon/killing the god】

  【Achievements: Dragon Slaying/God Killing, green quality title, can be equipped. 】

  【Would you like to open the strange treasure chest? 】

Gu Xi also didn’t expect that such a thing would happen at the last moment.

It seems that luck is on his side. Gu Xi thought about it and chose the title of Killing God from the two titles to hang before his head.

Of course, this kind of achievement title does not have attribute blessings before purple. At most, you can report the title when you sign up.

 For example, when Gu Xi is facing the outside world, he can call himself the God-Slaying Breath of the Dead.

  Looking at the strange treasure box in front of him, Gu Xi stretched out his hand and gently touched the lines on the treasure box. He had no intention of opening the treasure box immediately.

 Getting this treasure chest at this moment represents an increase in his luck.

 If you open a treasure chest now, you have to use your luck to exchange for the good things inside.

On the contrary, it will affect Gu Xi's luck. In that case, it is better to save the treasure chest first and then come back and open it after the battle is over.

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi sat in front of the full-length mirror, stretched out his hand to touch the strange treasure box, and kept thinking.

At this time, Gu Xi, who was idle, had already begun to review the battle.

 Some details that he had not noticed slowly appeared in his mind.

At this time, Gu Xi recalled the situation when he first entered this world and got off the tram.

Gu Xi still remembers the shock in his heart when he saw the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven from a distance.

But looking back now, Gu Xi thought that the weather was pretty good at that time. When he saw the Tiandao Guanyin in white at noon, he had been attracted by the eyes of Tiandao Guanyin in white. He didn't seem to notice, and kept holding on to Tiandao. The killing stone in the hand of the white-robed Guanyin seemed to flicker.

 (End of this chapter)

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