Breath of the Dead

Chapter 420: Return to the guild (165187)

Chapter 420 Return to the Guild (165187)

In the guild carriage, Gu Xi lowered his head in silence. Opposite him, Li Xinghui was talking to Gu Xi.

However, Gu Xi's mind was not on it, and he didn't pay too much attention. He just nodded casually, but actually didn't listen to anything.

It wasn't until Li Xinghui shook Gu Xi that Gu Xi raised his head in confusion.

“You kid, you didn’t even hear a word of what I just said.”

“Ah, I was thinking about something just now, and I didn’t react.”

Gu Xi raised his head and said with some embarrassment.

"What are you thinking about? I think you are calculating the losses this time. I heard that in a world like the Great Festival, there is no reward for coming out early.

But don’t be afraid, the president has said that the share given to you will definitely not be less. "

 Gu Xi shook his head, "No, we knew from the beginning that there wouldn't be any good rewards. After all, we fell off the points ranking list on the first day. Without the points ranking list, naturally there would be nothing.

Quiting early is not a big deal at all. "

 Listening to Gu Xi's words, Li Xinghui didn't believe it at all.

There are quite a lot of benefits that can be obtained in the White Training Festival, but the real value is the reward for ranking first in the points rankings.

 Now everyone has withdrawn early, which means that no one has received the reward.

No matter how great things Gu Xi did in the festival, the rewards for quitting in the end were all gone.

 That's why Li Xinghui thought that Gu Xi's harvest this time was not good, which was why he was in such a bad mood.

 But he never expected that Gu Xi would really earn enough this time.

Not to mention other things, Gu Xi's troops now exceed 10,000, and they are all regular troops with levels above level 4.

At the same time, his city has expanded a lot because of this world, and various architectural plans have been scheduled to be completed in thirty days.

Not to mention Luna who was rushing back, Gu Xi didn't know what Luna had gotten, but one thing was certain, Luna definitely got the fragments of the killing stone.

  If you get an orange piece of equipment, then the ranking list is nothing.

This time, no one in Bailian City has made such a fat profit as Gu Xi.

 But Li Xinghui didn't know all this. He thought Gu Xi had lost money this time.

 Now he is still giving advice to Gu Xi.

"I have heard about what happened to you this time. Even if there is no point ranking, it is enough for you to defeat the elite players of the three major guilds such as the Corpse Fish Dragon, Ghost Walking Spear, and Steel Ghost Claw by yourself. .

 This is quite a shameful thing. After you go back, you don’t have to say anything. Everything will come back later.

 Whatever the president gives you, just take it. The things the president gives you are definitely good things. "

At this point, Li Xinghui patted Gu Xi on the shoulder and said, "You might be able to get two pieces of purple equipment."

 If it was before coming out, Gu Xi might be a little excited.

But this time in the Bailian Festival, Gu Xi has already obtained two pieces of purple equipment, and he may even get an orange piece. Whether it is one piece of purple equipment or two pieces, there is really no way to attract Gu Xi's attention.

 Gu Xi’s attitude also attracted Li Xinghui’s attention.

"What's the matter? Your strength has improved, but you don't like the purple suit?"

"No, but what I want more now is the fusion land deed. Do you think if I tell the guild, they will give me a complete set starting from the Evil Temple and ending at the Dark Temple?"

 “You kid wants to eat shit.”

When Li Xinghui heard this, he smiled and said, "If you really want to change, you can use one piece of purple equipment to exchange for the full set of the mausoleum, but I don't recommend you do this. Purple equipment will significantly improve your combat effectiveness, but in fact, in the mausoleum, The impact is not big. The mausoleum will definitely not give you the best. It will only give you the most common kind. There will be 4 corpse witches every week, starting at level 6, and you will not be able to build a basic army in a year or two. .

 At that time, if you take the purple equipment and level up, you will be able to summon the corpse witch yourself in a few months. "

 Gu Xi also understood that what Li Xinghui said was the mainstream thinking of all necromancers now.

 The undead army mainly focuses on summoning spirits. Unless it is a more traditional and established family, it is rare to choose to build its own training camp.

 But Gu Xi’s thinking here is completely different.

 Gu Xi came with a city at the beginning, and the city was slowly developing.

 The biggest problem in today's slow-moving cities is that many front-end buildings have not yet been built.

For example, the [Red Temple Design Plan] in his hand needs to be placed in the mausoleum.

Judging from Gu Xi's current situation, he doesn't know how long he will have to wait if he wants to build a mausoleum to train corpse witches.

With this possibility now, the opportunity for Gu Xixi to build a temple to train the Scarlet Knights will come.

So Gu Xi secretly kept this possibility in mind.

Of course, Gu Xi was also energetic now. He talked to Li Xinghui about some things that happened in the Bailian Festival.

Li Xinghui also said something when he heard that Gu Xi had made many friends, but too many people died in the Bailian Festival.

“This is normal. You are just starting out. The worlds you encounter are relatively simple worlds. If you go to a pioneering world, you may really die if you die.

You will find that every day, there are familiar people around you, and batches of unfamiliar new people will join the team.

 Sometimes you will feel that life is really good. "

 Gu Xi also somewhat shared Li Xinghui's sentiments.

 This is the case in Xiayi and Wang Baogen.

He obviously felt that these two people were very suitable to be friends, but as soon as he turned around, they were gone.

He could also feel the pain in Li Xinghui's words. How many comrades had to die in order to gain such a feeling.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. By the way, do you have any different gains in the Bailian Festival? What is the route of this festival? If you have different gains and you don't want it, you can take it. Come out for sale.

 You may not know where the market is for players to organize themselves in guilds.

I'll take you there later. If there's anything you don't want this time, you can sell it directly. "


ˆ Gu Xi is still very willing to sell some unimportant weird items.

Gu Xi himself has not participated in the battle these days, but his men have not been idle.

 All five heroes went out to attack. They went to the Xueluo Cave from the garrison city gate and then went to the outer street to fight.

 Collected a lot of various materials and strange items.

Because Gu Xi had been thinking about the matter of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heavenly Dao, he didn’t put his mind on it. He didn’t even sort it out and left it all to Kane for processing.

At present, Gu Xi is worried about the large number of white and gray strange items that he has no room to deal with.

When Li Xinghui said this, Gu Xi also became excited.

 (End of this chapter)

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